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It's hard to tell from the photos, but if the plastic topper is in two pieces (IE: if the center section separates from the two side sections), it might be possible to vacuum-form it. That would be a super inexpensive way to get it produced in a small quantity (though you'd compromise a bit on the strength of the repros compared to a milled, printed, or molded solution). It depends on the draft angle of the parts - if the corners are < 90 degrees it should be theoretically possible.
You should definitely post the artwork here or wiki ao
The person who is doing the artwork said he would make it available, but he is still working on the side art. Not sure if he will out right send to me the files, but he expressed that he would make available. He has been awesome on this project.

Not sure how the topper can be copied. I do have access to a 3-D scanner. It’s actually two pieces. Next time its off, I‘ll get more pictures.
So I am guessing just the front facing part is plastic?
@jermz1 How can you do the topper? What material would you use?

@Samelak Get this man some dimensions pronto :thumbsup:
It’s a thin plastic molding. Luckily its still pliable, not brittle. It cleaned up easily with a Magic Eraser.
I'm a bit ignorant of 3D printing, but isn't that piece rather large for a 3D printer? Would you print it in parts and and then glue together? Or is this something to be sent off to a large 3D printing house?
It is a large piece, they do make 3d printers that large. If the area isnt big enough it can be sliced, to be printed in smaller sections. Then glued together, filler, sanded, primed, paint.
You can send it off to a 3d printing company as well. Also you can take the file to be cnc routed out of wood to make a mold as well or he could possible take the topper and use silicone mold to cast pieces off of it.
I have heard of all these things vaguely. I thought they were extremely expensive. Even looking online for something small to print is pricey unless you know someone. If you do manage to get the piece successfully repro'ed at all, I'll throw you a $$$ reward. I hope to take up woodworking projects in the future and this would be a dream to work on.
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Got the side art in and installed. Turned out really nice, but the angle of the blue stripe was a little off. This was a test run anyway and the person helping said he would print another set off now that he can see his work on the cab. I sent him the angles of the lower, front in relation to the bottom. As you can see the blue stripe needs to blend into that edge. Once I lined up the artwork with that, it threw off the triangle in the back. The bottom of the triangle should be parallel to the bottom. It was really close for his first attempt and working off of pictures. I decided to install the other side so I can get the cab back together since I will be moving this summer. I’ll install the second revision of the artwork at a later point. The only other thing I need to do is adjust the horizontal width. I think the width coil is seized, so it might need replacing. Otherwise, very nice picture. I think the blue t-molding looks much better than black. I also recovered the bottom kick plate in grip tape. It’s supposed to be bare silver, but it was really corroded. I might get a new piece of stainless steel bent up, but I sort of like the black.

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That looks great! Well done! It's a very distinct design. I like the downward facing speakers, I bet those work very well. On candy cabs that have the speakers at the top facing outward the audio sounds better when you're standing up 6 feet away of the cab, not actually sitting down and playing the damn thing.
Dear lord that looks amazing! Please more pictures if you get a chance. Still would love to reproduce this.
I was watching this clip of a Japanese arcade in 1992 and came across the Urban.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZQLQWcVgzw&t=1s

Never heard of it before seeing this clip and then doing a search here and finding this thread. Such a sick cab and seems rare as hens teeth as far as I can tell. Very cool to see your progress on the restore. @Samelak I'd love to see more pics if you have the time.
With limited photos and dimensions, I managed to design a bartop.
So that plastic part is definitely doable, probably the hardest part of the cab.
Tecmo Urban Bartop
I can help out, just give me a little of time. I just moved from Okinawa to Oklahoma and still getting settled. I can post pictures, just let me know exactly what you are looking for.
I found him lurking on klov :)

Pinging @jermz1 , let's get some accurate dimensions!

That topper is likely the most ornate part. Particularly the indents and graphics need to be documented and scanned. Then come the control panel dimensions and overlay.

You said a klover helped you make some new artwork. Let us know if we can do anything to help him along. There are some talented people here that might help.

Plenty of pictures and a video would go a long way to spark interest.

I'm interested how the monitor is held in place. How the bottom compartments look. Looking at this with an inspiring woodworkers eye. It's getting cool outside here in Florida and I'm itching to do some woodworking. I wanna see how this puppy is put together!