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Mar 21, 2023
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https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/tekken-tag-tournament-consolized.11077/ I came across this yesterday. I have a giant Tag1 cab that I’d like to convert like this. Problem is that I don’t know what parts to get or where to get them. Does anyone know the video converter used? How he supplies power to it and what he uses to connect controllers/sticks? Thank you very much in advance for any help.
I don't want to be an ass, but everything used is listed right there in the thread.

  • 2 Undamned converters to accept standard controllers
  • Powered by a standard 12V AC Adapter + Buck converter to step down to 5V.
  • GBS-8220 VGA upscaler w/ an ESP8266 attached to it to host the gbs-control CFW. The CFW REALLY cleans up the image quality. I'll explain it a bit later.
Still not quite understanding how he powers this thing. I found the other things I think.
Alright I THINK I’ve found everything I’d need to make this a reality. Now to figure out how to wire it all together.
Hey I haven’t been here for a bit but let me know if you have further questions.

My skills got better since then but time hasn’t permitted me to improve that project.