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Dec 19, 2018
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I've just splashed out on something silly so looking to raise some money back.

Here's TGM2TAP, I bought it three years ago from Alienmame.

£1300 £1200 GBP with arts, or
SOLD: £1150 £1000 inc for board only.


1714813185767.jpeg 1714813221874.jpeg 1714813246136.jpeg

Had a few goes and then left it running in the background for about 8 hours. It's solid. Pay note to a quick repair in the bottom left corner of the PCB. Seems messier than it needs to be but it works so I've not messed around with it.

I have 100% feedback on Ebay

And Arcade Otaku
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Checksums on the roms, that's interesting. Are you able to dump the program roms?
I'm afraid not.

I assumed the boards upgraded from 2 to PLUS might be like this.

What do you think it could indicate?
Checksums are common on development boards. The repair at the bottom could be from factory.

It's likely stock, but you never know!
Thought the same as nem above, but havent anything to base that on, aliemame probably had it forever 😅
I'm pretty sure this came from Mo originally. It was found inside a cab IIRC.

EDIT: thinking about this some more, it could have been a development board at some point, but the original program roms have been replaced with Plus ones. The Plus eprom stickers look stock. So yeah, nevermind!
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I'm pretty sure this came from Mo originally. It was found inside a cab IIRC.

EDIT: thinking about this some more, it could have been a development board at some point, but the original program roms have been replaced with Plus ones. The Plus eprom stickers look stock. So yeah, nevermind!
These are "Checksum-16"s rather than the typical CRC32 running the set in MAME against the graphics and sound roms they appear to all match:

LOC Checksum-16
U1 3C89
U2 3A7F
U7 1C33
U8 9B3F
U14 74BF
U15 05C1
U16 3CE6
U19 B18A
U20 49E1
U29 B03E
U41 5A3C
U42 706F
U52 2888
U58 32DB
U59 DC73

The werid thing about this board to me is that it's NOT a Dragon Blaze conversion. I don't think I've ever seen a PS5V2 that didn't start life as Dragon Blaze.
Just to clarify, by conversion are you taking in-house? Is this a legit Psikyo TGM2TAP?
Thanks Nem. And thank you all for the info.

Regarding dumping. I can access my friend's programmer so I could dump the two socketed program roms, but I guess it's the soldered roms that are of interest. Would I have to remove these (don't fancy that at all) or is there a good way of piggybacking to a programmer somehow?
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twistedsymphony compared the CRC checksum written on the labels to the ones in Mame and they're the same.

The original TGM2 program roms could have been different, but they have been replaced with Plus roms. You can have the Plus program roms dumped, but more than likely they're the ones already in Mame.