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do you sell some of it please?
I will sell some, for sure.

I'll post a longer video here soon of it in action.

It's working perfectly. Even recalls and loads the last selected game upon power cycle.

Oh and there's a nice bonus feature I implemented..!
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@Frank_fjs count me in for one upon release.. makes game selecting convenient

@djsheep still making fun of my phrases of excitement? What a shrub..
Who wants to see the special feature?

Don't like getting up off the couch to change games? Me neither. That's why there's a... Remote!

That was quick, looks like you are having fun with that programming kit. Put me down for a couple of your special selectors :thumbsup:
I've got a programming background so picked it up quickly. Just spending an hour or two where I can. Arduino is bloody awesome! So much fun, so much you can do. I needed a new hobby to keep me sane and happy and Arduino is satisfying this need.
To be honest I hate that enclosure :P it's a pretty early design, expensive and difficult to print.

I don't even use the STV selector myself as I find it too bulky. I'd recommend trying to make any new Arduino based selectors more compact, I'll gladly design a new enclosure for them.
To be honest I hate that enclosure :P it's a pretty early design, expensive and difficult to print.

I don't even use the STV selector myself as I find it too bulky. I'd recommend trying to make any new Arduino based selectors more compact, I'll gladly design a new enclosure for them.
You can probably get away with using an arduino nano, with a 1 or 2" inch oled screen, should compact very well, and might make it easier to make a 3d printed case for it.

Oled screen similar to the cps1 multi


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also if anyone DOES make a new selector PLEASE condense all of the wires to a single connector, this whole 3 sets of wires between the selector and the main board is not just ugly and cumbersome, it's really completely unnecessary.
also if anyone DOES make a new selector PLEASE condense all of the wires to a single connector, this whole 3 sets of wires between the selector and the main board is not just ugly and cumbersome, it's really completely unnecessary.
This isn't possible. Reset has to be connected outside of the multi board to one of the pins on the reset line and the LCD selector needs to be powered. The connections for the DIP switches can be a single connector though.

I believe you'll find @Frank_fjs is using CN5 for selector power, GND and reset so they're all in one area at least.
I think you misunderstand: it's possible to have a single cable from the selector to the main board and then separating at it at the main board instead of separating them at the selector.

There's no reason all of the connections can't be integrated into a single connector on the selector side.
The idea is to create a new PCB which is compact and only contains the bare minimum components. I'm simply using the Uno and LCD screen / button shield as a means of quick development.

I had the same idea re the screen, being smaller and OLED based. I have these on order to experiment with and evaluate:

I also have one of the square screens Derick pictures too.

Wiring wise I'll do my best but it won't be a single harness on account of the connections needed. You need to run wires to the multi PCB as well as another set to the S16 main board for +5V, GND and reset. Mounting is tricky too as there's no provision for it on the multi PCB. CN5 from the S16 main board is a good candidate perhaps. I'll work something out.
I can certainly make a single harness though.

I've thought of mounting the selector directly to the multi dip header, seeing as it will be a small PCB and this PCB will have a 3 way connector that connects to CN5. For CN5, I can make a small PCB that docks directly into it, breaks out the CN5 connector again in case it's ever needed for analogue controls, and contains the corresponding 3 way connector that runs to the selector PCB docked on top of the multi header.

Use a remote and you won't need a case. I don't think the multi dip header will provide a secure enough mount if tactile buttons were on the selector PCB and pressed down. So you sacrifice physical buttons but gain a neatly integrated solution with a single 3 wire harness, and use a remote to cycle and select games.