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Dec 17, 2022
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Melbourne, Australia
Hi All

I've reached my limit with trying to fix this machine.

The run down is this, machine got moved from one location to the other, after moved and ressambled by someone else. One side does not link with the other. One works perfectly and the other comes up with the loop "I/O board 1: nothing. JV master 2.25" that loops forever. I've swapped the SYS256 pcs from one cabinet to the other to test and the other side of cabinet does not work. I've gone ahead and replaced the super 256 board with another and that i ordered but where i ordered it from sent out the wrong board, they sent out a standard system 256 board and not super system 256 board (time crisis 4 requires super 256) I then ordered another super system 256 and i beleive it has arrived dead as there is no display, overhead lights dont light up but there is sound. I've swapped IDE drives and all possible parts. I've re done the cables coming from the gun cabinets to the PCS as well. I've got to a point i think i have been super unlucky with receiving wrong/dead replacement parts so will be happy to hear i am wrong

If someone is able to successfully point me in what i'm doing wrong or help fix i will pay for your time and efforts. Attached is a photo of the machine.


  • 1983_time-crisis-4-arcade-dx.jpg
    145.2 KB · Views: 181
sounds like possible wiring issues, TC4 cabs are notorious for having terrible wiring. Usually with the JV MASTER problem occurs, it’s an issue with the JVS I/O not being detected by the system. Two probable causes for the game not detected the I/O could be bad wiring or a faulty I/O and/or gun sense pcb (the pcb that controls the gun sensor and the 10 IR pcbs).
sounds like possible wiring issues, TC4 cabs are notorious for having terrible wiring. Usually with the JV MASTER problem occurs, it’s an issue with the JVS I/O not being detected by the system. Two probable causes for the game not detected the I/O could be bad wiring or a faulty I/O and/or gun sense pcb (the pcb that controls the gun sensor and the 10 IR pcbs).

Hi Franco

Thanks for the reply, if i've swapped around pcs in the cabinet and the issue just moves to the other side. Could this still be a wiring issue?