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Feb 22, 2021
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I just used Rastan conversion from @GeorgeSpinner and I’m wondering if it is possible to convert Arkanoid to Tournament Arkanoid.
If someone did it, please let us know.
Thank you.
The Tournament version needs a specific security IC (MCU) 68705. I'm not sure BuyICnow has the 68705, mcu code is dumped, not sure if they can burn it either.. The rest is eproms.
Ok, thank you. I don’t have the necessary device to burn it on myself nor the knowledge.
What are the other eproms to replace if you can write the names, please ?
the mcu is in mame,
does your original have a window to erase it?
ROM_START( arkatour ) // Tournament version
ROM_REGION( 0x10000, "maincpu", 0 )
ROM_LOAD( "a75-27.ic17", 0x0000, 0x8000, CRC(e3b8faf5) SHA1(4c09478fa41881fa89ee6afb676aeb780f17ac2e) )
ROM_LOAD( "a75-28.ic16", 0x8000, 0x8000, CRC(326aca4d) SHA1(5a194b7a0361236d471b24905dc6434372f81252) ) // region byte is 0x92

ROM_REGION( 0x0800, "mcu:mcu", 0 ) /* 2k for the microcontroller */
ROM_LOAD( "a75__32.ic14", 0x0000, 0x0800, CRC(8c20d15c) SHA1(912996bf08de318e19dc420261f554a09dacd443) ) // verified authentic, dumped from actual MCU

ROM_REGION( 0x18000, "gfx1", 0 )
ROM_LOAD( "a75-29.ic64", 0x00000, 0x8000, CRC(5ddea3cf) SHA1(58f16515898b7cc2697bf7663a60d9ca0db6da95) )
ROM_LOAD( "a75-30.ic63", 0x08000, 0x8000, CRC(5fcf2e85) SHA1(f721f0afb0550cc64bff26681856a7576398d9b5) )
ROM_LOAD( "a75-31.ic62", 0x10000, 0x8000, CRC(7b76b192) SHA1(a68aa08717646a6c322cf3455df07f50df9e9f33) )

ROM_REGION( 0x0600, "proms", 0 ) /* BPROMs are silkscreened as 7621, actual BPROMs used are MMI 6306-1N */
ROM_LOAD( "a75-33.ic24", 0x0000, 0x0200, CRC(b4bf3c81) SHA1(519188937ac9728c653fabac877e37dc43c3f71a) ) /* red component */
ROM_LOAD( "a75-34.ic23", 0x0200, 0x0200, CRC(de85a803) SHA1(325214995996de36a0470fbfc00e4e393c0b17ad) ) /* green component */
ROM_LOAD( "a75-35.ic22", 0x0400, 0x0200, CRC(38acfd3b) SHA1(2841e9db047aa039eff8567a518b6250b355507b) ) /* blue component */
Great ! This will be useful. Thank you.

If I refer to my PCB :
a75-27.ic17 27C256
a75-28.ic16 27C256

a75__32.ic14 MC68705P5S

a75-29.ic64 27C256
a75-30.ic63 27C256
a75-31.ic62 27C256

a75-33.ic24 MB7116E
a75-34.ic23 MB7116E
a75-35.ic22 MB7116E

27C256 are pretty common as far as I know.
MC68705P5S it’s also OK from buyICnow
MB7116E aren’t so easy to find. I can see 6306-1N on other boards. Which one ? And how can they be burned ?
I can consider buying programmer to play with that can be helpful later.
68705 may be hard to find a programmer for.
i can do it for you if i have to.

6306 / 7116 etc are probably the same between games and can be left - i'll check later
I can see A75-03 for IC64 and A75-07 for IC24
(Arkanoiduo if I’m not mistaken= >wrong)
Romset is Arkanoid !
Is this for the MCU images compatibility as I can read in the arkanoid driver sheet ?
Last edited:
i wanted to see if the colour proms needed to be changed.
and they do.
That’s precious informations !
How can I burn ic22, ic23 and ic24 color proms ?
with a very old programmer.
i can do a lot of them, a number of other people here can too.

*but* the blanks are hard to get and you cant erase them - so buying of ebay is risky incase they are already programmed.
there is a polish supplier on ebay that may have them - i'll have to check the company name and get back with it.
I realize that 27C256 is common but which one ? Could you help me identify compatible model ?

Found in MAME Arkanoid driver :
MMI 63S241 bipolar PROMs. Compatible with MB7116, 7621, DM74S571N etc
BPROMs are silkscreened as 7621, actual BPROMs used are MMI 6306-1N
for a75-07.ic24, a75-07.ic23 and a75-07.ic22
I can find blanks MB7116E.
There's a BPROM cross reference here: https://www.mikesarcade.com/cgi-bin/spies.cgi?action=url&type=info&page=PromRef.txt

I don't know about these particular ROMs but it it sometimes possible to replace them with GALs or EEPROMs using an adapter.

I did look at similar conversions on this hardware before an IIRC the MCU was the sticking point for me.

Out of curiosity does anyone know if there's a variant of the 68705 that uses an external bootstrap ROM?
The reference for IC17 and IC64 o my board is NEC D27C256AD-20 PGM@12.5V.
Is Toshiba TMM27256AD-20 the same ?
Can be a ST M27256-xxxx compatible ? Or some others form buyicnow ?
all 27256's run the same when being read, it's only programming that varies.
you want the 27c type because they run cooler and use less power

just search ali-express for 27c256-150
the -150 is the speed, lower numbers = faster chips
That’s clear.
From buyicnow can I order one of these ?
ST M27C256B-15F1
ST M27C256B-15XF1

What is the difference XF1 vs F1 ?
I have to identify 27C256 for IC62, IC63 and IC64.
I can't burn MB7116E. Could someone provide the programming service preferably in France or Europe ? I bear all costs shipping, burning... of course.
I received roms from buyicnow (I whish to thank him for his help !).
I replaced to test :

a75-27.ic17 27C256
a75-28.ic16 27C256

a75__32.ic14 MC68705P5S

a75-29.ic64 27C256
a75-30.ic63 27C256
a75-31.ic62 27C256

And no xxx.ic24 xxx.ic23 Xxx.ic22 MB7116E (they are original Arkanoid proms).

Everything seems to work fine, at least the first two levels…
I will try later deeper.