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For Sale


Sep 9, 2015
Reaction score
Torrance, CA
Hey guys,

I have a Magic Sword CPS1 B+C board in good condition and fully working (US region). I'd be interested in trading it for a different CPS1 game that I don't have. Let me know if you have something available. I'd be interested in SF2 CE or HF, UN Squadron, Knights of the Round.
Thanks for the suggestion, PascalP. I live in the land of sunshine and high cost of living.
If PascalP falls through I'd be willing to trade as well, can provide a B+C that has CE and throw the official HF PRG in as well.
Oh, I meant a trade on living location, not the boards ;)
Don’t want to ship 2 boards back and forth...
I'd trade a Knights of the Round (SF2:CE conversion) B-board only, for your OG Magic Sword B+C combo.

You can use any "CE" B21 C-board with the conversion.
Got Magic Sword today, works great. Thanks for trading yours should be coming today as well!
Awesome! Enjoy the game and thanks again for the trade sammargh!

I received the SFII PCB today and everything looks great!
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