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Upcoming G-Balance Owner: Have some questions to prepare


Aug 5, 2022
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Hello all, so I will be the proud owner of a new G-balance in the next few months but I wanted to start getting prepared to have it up and running as soon as possible. That said I am completely new to this style of arcade cab but it wont be here until Nov/Dec as I have some other cabs I am waiting for. I am familiar for rhythm game cabs ala SDVX/Wacca/IIDX but this is new territory for me. So here is the lowdown.

I happen to have a TaitoX4 so that will be going inside of it. The cab lined up for me is original IO, JVS. I am looking to get a 2p16b panel from alberto in it also. Already started chats with him on that.
So my question is what would I need to get the thing off the ground and running to use the TaitoX4, and run it as a multi with the best possible experience. The usual mix of retro + steam for the multi.

I did some searching here on the forum but unfortunately came up pretty empty in terms of what I will need to get a 2p control panel working, getting the cab IO to work with a TTX4, and making sure the controls feel the absolute best while also having external USB control support. After all that is said and done, it does not account for anything being broken or going wrong so I am sure I will be a frequent flier here.

Thanks to everyone for helping in advance!
Your ttx4 won't be compatible with the io.
Are you planning on running regular windows? If so then use USB converters for controls. Stuff you can get off Amazon
Ttx4 doesn’t have an input for jvs.
From the limited knowledge I have after asking around I figured JVS ---> Harness ---> Brooks since that would be ok for the TTX4 UsbIO. Would that work? Unsure if FastIO in that process is unnecessary or would result in a better experience. That's why I am asking you fine folks.
Your ttx4 won't be compatible with the io.
Are you planning on running regular windows? If so then use USB converters for controls. Stuff you can get off Amazon
X3 Multi image perhaps. I have not really settled on how I will run the Multi.
From the limited knowledge I have after asking around I figured JVS ---> Harness ---> Brooks since that would be ok for the TTX4 UsbIO. Would that work? Unsure if FastIO in that process is unnecessary or would result in a better experience. That's why I am asking you fine folks.

I don’t know what the wiring for gbalance looks like exactly, but you would just bypass the jvs io completely and go from stick/buttons to brooks to ttx4/pc or whatever you wish.

You don’t want fastio as ttx4 doesn’t have that either.
I don’t know what the wiring for gbalance looks like exactly, but you would just bypass the jvs io completely and go from stick/buttons to brooks to ttx4/pc or whatever you wish.

You don’t want fastio as ttx4 doesn’t have that either.

Ok thanks that makes sense for the TTX4 but say down the line I want to toss a Naomi in there. How would that chart of conversions look?
Ok thanks that makes sense for the TTX4 but say down the line I want to toss a Naomi in there. How would that chart of conversions look?
For a Naomi, there shouldn't be any conversions, as the cabinet should already be JVS. But it depends on what all is in the cabinet.
For a Naomi, there shouldn't be any conversions, as the cabinet should already be JVS. But it depends on what all is in the cabinet.
I guess I should elaborate why I mentioned it at all, a lot of people (from my googles and discord searches) say that FastIO has superiors control response.
It might, but you've gotta use what the board uses. For a Naomi, that's JVS. TTX3 uses FastIO, I think.
I guess I was misunderstanding when folks said they are utilizing FastIO. So what your telling me is say a Naomi CVS2 is only going to use JVS IO and you cant put a FastIO into the mix for better control responses? Sorry if its a silly question, still learning but I may be over complicating it with the whole JVS ----> FastIO. Just looking to have the players have the absolute best control responses.
I guess I was misunderstanding when folks said they are utilizing FastIO. So what your telling me is say a Naomi CVS2 is only going to use JVS IO and you cant put a FastIO into the mix for better control responses? Sorry if its a silly question, still learning but I may be over complicating it with the whole JVS ----> FastIO. Just looking to have the players have the absolute best control responses.

That is correct.
That is correct.
That clears up a lot of confusion then. So for the sake of "control response" there's nothing that can be done for JVS related games, it is what it always will be? No way to improve on it?
Not worried about the TTX4 since I will go Controls ----> Brooks ----> TTX4 and no lag to be had.
That clears up a lot of confusion then. So for the sake of "control response" there's nothing that can be done for JVS related games, it is what it always will be? No way to improve on it?
Not worried about the TTX4 since I will go Controls ----> Brooks ----> TTX4 and no lag to be had.

That’s pretty much it. Just a series of ttx2 games accepted both fastio and jvs I think.
This is why I say fuck it - and run a beefy PC with Windows/Bigbox and use Steam or Emulation on non-jamma setups. Sega's IO4 in the PRas3 is -fast at 4-7ms- and has a windows 10 plug & play driver.

15hz Jamma setups are all about PCBs, Multi's, or MisterCade for me.

Then again I've been an emulation nerd for almost 30 years and am comfortable and fast with the configuration/troubleshooting. I don't find that 31hz stuff needs a crt nearly as much as 15hz does.

Thinking about rewiring and swapping out IO boards just to play a different set of titles kills my will to play. :cursing:
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This is why I say fuck it - and run a beefy PC with Windows/Bigbox and use Steam or Emulation on non-jamma setups. Sega's IO4 in the PRas3 is -fast at 4-7ms- and has a windows 10 plug & play driver.

15hz Jamma setups are all about PCBs, Multi's, or MisterCade for me.

Then again I've been an emulation nerd for almost 30 years and am comfortable and fast with the configuration/troubleshooting. I don't find that 31hz stuff needs a crt nearly as much as 15hz does.

Thinking about rewiring and swapping out IO boards just to play a different set of titles kills my will to play. :cursing:
Pretty much my intention with the TTX4. Its beefy enough to handle modern fighting games and emulation. I just want the flexibility for the other stuff. But at the same time have no intention of running the really old stuff outside of emulation on an HD cab.
Alright so I think I am finally situated. Just going to run 2p control panel to 2xbrooks then 2xbrooks to the TTX4. Not going to use JVS at all for now.
That said can anyone recommend a mounting solution for the 2x brooks boards inside the G-Balance control panel?
Alright so I think I am finally situated. Just going to run 2p control panel to 2xbrooks then 2xbrooks to the TTX4. Not going to use JVS at all for now.
That said can anyone recommend a mounting solution for the 2x brooks boards inside the G-Balance control panel?

I've seen 3d printable mounts for the brooks board all over the place. You can likely find one on Buttercade etsy shop. Boards to the mount, mount under the CP (I'd use 2 sided foam tape), and then lead all the lines down to the TTX4.