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Why is SF Zero 3 upper has bad reputation?

For sure. That's part of why I could never care about Marvel 3. Dial-a-combos that are practically automatic and take forever.

Everyone wants to have an opinion so people def just read something someone said in fighting games and assume it's true. I've had randoms tell me the most wack shit over the years about games they don't even play. Usually when a new port comes out lol
This ^

I'm trash at fighting games, to be honest. I enjoy them, but I'd get my ass handed to me in a heartbeat in any tournament. I simply don't have the time to practice like that. I say enjoy what you want and don't care about what the parrots say.
Definitely enjoy them however you like. Conversations always get mixed up between personal enjoyment and understanding what the greater scene will do with a game. High level play and casual play can feel so different. There's nothing wrong with just mashing out with friends, or even against the CPU. Or playing online, whatever lets you have fun. For every godlike players there are thousands that just want to have a good time.

I'm not trash at fighting games, but I'm not someone who grinds hard either. If you can't play I will mop you, because I can play and do so regularly with good people, but I'm rarely the best person in the room. That's a space I'm happy to occupy.
The only problem with the "live and let live" mentality is that people who play solely for personal enjoyment often have a lot to say about games that are incredibly ignorant BECAUSE they don't take the games seriously. Dating back to people who complained about throws to people who complain about "spamming", people who complain about trapping characters and people who claim that games suck because it's not their personal preference or, worse yet, because of a misconception caused by things other people have said.

And while I'm generally happy with leaving people be and feel no obsessive need to correct anyone, that kind of ignorance does lead to misconceptions about the genre that alienates people who might otherwise enjoy games AND leads to larger scale changes to games and the genre as a whole because developers and publishers feel as though they have to cater to these people who probably aren't going to play their games anyway or, at best, only engage with them in surface-level ways.
I should probably rephrase that. I'm "trash" in the sense that I will not be playing in any tournaments any time soon, but I can hold my own at Mikado or Hey! without completely embarrassing myself. Even the run of the mill ojisan at either place are no joke.
Not aimed at you, homie.

People here are largely respectful and couch their criticisms in their own personal taste.
Yeah I've def left discords when ppl tell others they're enjoying a game the "wrong" way. It's one thing to talk strategies, but when it comes to just enjoying something, I mean no one really has the right to tell someone they're enjoying a videogame the wrong way lol. Glad ppl here seem to agree
I'm pretty much in the same boat of I'll get wiped in serious tournament play, but when I find a game I like I learn to play it at least competently because I think the fun of arcade games in general comes from continuously trying to improve, be it against your personal best, your friends, your local scene, or all the way up to the super high levels of play. To me it's just another arcade genre and not the genre though, so a lot of what I end up being into isn't aligned with what the people who live and breathe it prefer. I try to make it clear that any comments I make are from that perspective and absolutely not some kind of authoritative fact. It's more interesting and valuable to see how the high level perspective is different from mine than trying to impart my own.
Yeah I've def left discords when ppl tell others they're enjoying a game the "wrong" way. It's one thing to talk strategies, but when it comes to just enjoying something, I mean no one really has the right to tell someone they're enjoying a videogame the wrong way lol. Glad ppl here seem to agree
It’s the right attitude dude. I’m really really sick of reading essays from these Fighting Game wannabe’s. Enjoy the game your way using whatever the hell hardware, aspect ratio, emulator or controller you like. Play SF Zero 1 on a gold plated Egret 2 with a LCD and Pandoras Box if it keeps you happy…

I love shmups and fighting games but am tragically average at them. Doesn’t stop me from having a ball and enjoying them on original hardware and keeping it as authentic as I can… that’s the route I have chosen. Don’t expect to cop a essay about it, nor am I going to lecture anyone about what they “should” like.

Do “you” everyone and avoid the assholes, I mean opinions….
To me part of the fun of fighting games is you can enjoy them at your own pace, as casually or as serious as you like. Some people don't even really like to play, they just lab combos all day and enjoy learning about the game systems and challenging themselves to get strict timing and execution down. Totally valid way to play, I respect it.

You can not play at all, and tune into the streams every weekend, follow a player or a tournament series and just enjoy the esports side of it. That makes you FGC still to me, just being a big fan.

Or you can try and compete seriously. Anyone can enter, anyone can win, you're in pools next to Daigo or whoever, there's no special league or gate keeping beyond skill. That's awesome. A lot of games don't provide that kind of opportunity. It's not like you can just play Lebron in pickup basketball or something. The best and worst players all start out even at Evo.

At the end of the day though I think the real answer is don't worry about what other people think and enjoy what you want to. That's how old games survive. You know what game has pretty shitty balance, some overpowered top tier characters, way too much stupid discourse, and busted mechanics? Third Strike.

But instead of spending all day complaining about it or wondering why people don't like it or whatever else 3S players just play it. Because it's fun as fuck, and none of those issues really change that.

This was us last night, not worrying about what some dork on reddit or Twitter or Facebook thinks about the game:

A little word for me :) , i changed the region of my naomi SFZ3U bin to usa and here it is


  • A3U-USA.png
    95.5 KB · Views: 104
  • A3U-USA2.png
    199.6 KB · Views: 107
  • A3U-USA1.png
    15.7 KB · Views: 105
A little word for me :) , i changed the region of my naomi SFZ3U bin to usa and here it is

Top stuff, I've been wanting to do the same! I haven't found a complete guide on how to do it yet though...

Also wondering if anyone knows what the difference is with the "develop version" of this game compared to the Japan or now this USA version?
Top stuff, I've been wanting to do the same! I haven't found a complete guide on how to do it yet though...

Also wondering if anyone knows what the difference is with the "develop version" of this game compared to the Japan or now this USA version?
I think it's same, because my conversion is from a develop version. For the tutorial, you can find it easily with a google search. Just consider your original rom must be a .bin file.