To me part of the fun of fighting games is you can enjoy them at your own pace, as casually or as serious as you like. Some people don't even really like to play, they just lab combos all day and enjoy learning about the game systems and challenging themselves to get strict timing and execution down. Totally valid way to play, I respect it.
You can not play at all, and tune into the streams every weekend, follow a player or a tournament series and just enjoy the esports side of it. That makes you FGC still to me, just being a big fan.
Or you can try and compete seriously. Anyone can enter, anyone can win, you're in pools next to Daigo or whoever, there's no special league or gate keeping beyond skill. That's awesome. A lot of games don't provide that kind of opportunity. It's not like you can just play Lebron in pickup basketball or something. The best and worst players all start out even at Evo.
At the end of the day though I think the real answer is don't worry about what other people think and enjoy what you want to. That's how old games survive. You know what game has pretty shitty balance, some overpowered top tier characters, way too much stupid discourse, and busted mechanics? Third Strike.
But instead of spending all day complaining about it or wondering why people don't like it or whatever else 3S players just play it. Because it's fun as fuck, and none of those issues really change that.
This was us last night, not worrying about what some dork on reddit or Twitter or Facebook thinks about the game: