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a WII is nothing more than GC with uprated hardware..

More or less what the PS4pro is to the PS4 (don't we want to play old PS4 games on the Pro now?) :D

Nintendo just tried to fool us with different media format, and different hardware ports.. But well... :)
Damn it, they've been selling us the same stuff from the GC all the way to the switch.
that's exactly what they did :D

But Nintendo alwyss said that software and user experience is much more important than hardware
Broadband adapter + mario kart is on my bucket list, not possible on Wii ;)
Not sure if people are still interested in GC/Wii modchips but I think I've got few of them new in a drawer here.
You guys can also be on the lookout for the 'WASP Fusion', it's a direct clone of the Wiikey Fusion and uses the same firmware.