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Hola, acabo de probar la solución de @Trol. cambiando el oscilador de 26mhz por otro de 24mhz de mi Thunder Hoop 1 para conectarlo al Dallas de un World Rally 2. Logro acceder al comando de envío, pero cuando envío el archivo me sale esto:


La línea "E:VERIFY" continúa hasta el infinito. ¿A alguien le ha pasado antes?
Did you repair the board? I have the same issue, e:verify with World rally.
Since no one thanked Trols for his important suggestion, I'd like to do it for everyone:
I wasted a week trying to unlock WR2 to enter the bootloader but without success. TeraTerm displayed incomprehensible codes so it was impossible to proceed with entering the unlock code.
Thanks to Trol's advice, I finally completed the unlocking operation by changing the 26Mhz oscillator with a 24Mhz one.
Thank you Trol for sharing your precious experience with us, you are great!