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I am assuming they will come as stock. "1L7B with no IO". Group order for panels an harnesses an shit? Heck yeah. November is plenty of time to arrange that. That'd be give or take 24 P2 looms and 24 2L14B panels? Minus whoever is going to head-to-head a pair.
With this price, I might jump on it also...um, I think I have room for one more Vewlix Diamond. If November is the shipment time and you have one available, I'm in.
Awesome price, probably not to be seen again. So yeah, reserve 1 for me :D , now just need to find a blue diamond in like new condition and my collection of vewlixs is done.
OMG, this is super tempting to put my PS4 into....I know payment has to be made upfront based on the initial post, but when is that given that these will be shipping Winter?

ust need to find a blue diamond in like new condition and my collection of vewlixs is done.
until they release the new Onyx Ruby and Jade editions... :P
LMAO (onyx/ruby sounds cool but too similar to the C :D ).

I just dont see them making new variations of the vewlix. I also dont see them developing a new multipurpose cab; unless they plan one for a release of a updated/new NxL system, so new cab/hardware/better game content, etc...hell they might be thinking of doing a vr cab, etc...

I think the Black Diamond (being one of my least favorite color combos along with the L) definitely had very poor sales. Which is why the remaining stock is basically being liquidated.
I'm sad I don't have room for another one one of these would be perfect to play my console games also the brand new monitor.

I think taito might making room to start production the next generation of viewlixes maybe a 4k model =O will come out soon. It's about time the the next generation of consoles will most likely come out next year.
There are toooo many if and Taito would have just put in the 4k display already and call it a day..is there any current arcade game at 4k?

THIS DEAL IS NUTS....and you will not see something like this again.
(Did we confirm that it at least comes with the 1p panel?)
Yes the BD comes with a 1 player control panel, it is however unique to the BD cab (just like the Capcom/FC).

Taito never made a 2 player BD overlay, but the 2 player L is a great match (black/gray/white) just like the 2 player F is a great match for the Capcom/FC (red/white).
it's pretty simple art I bet someone with some vector skills and some good scans could design a 2p black diamond panel.
Looks like KC just dropped his Black Diamond price to $2,000.
Seriously, if the price drops further Im getting 2 of them, maybe 3 depending how much lower it goes :D
What hell makes me wonder what's the real price of these cabs. How can you go that low and still sell at a profit?
What hell makes me wonder what's the real price of these cabs. How can you go that low and still sell at a profit?
Like J said, these are basically being liquidated, so these prices are highly unlikely to be see again. I think these cabs just have very poor sale in Japan, hence why they are being liquidated. Japan arcade ops really had no incentive to purchase these new cabs, its not like they were marketed with the release of a new game, etc...
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