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I recorded everyone on the thread into my list. I didn't nearly expect as much interest in the benches as I got, so I'll probably have to put a hard cap. If I order more than 8-10 total its going to seriously affect my space on the container, its already 120% full and I have to choose stuff to leave behind as it is. I can almost guarantee I won't be able to fulfill all bench requests on the next container.

Stool prices dropped about $5, so the asking price will now be $100 instead of $105.

There was a delay on one of the container transfers, so the arrival of the incoming June container will be later, not sure when yet though.

Will be tackling PMs within the next day or two, I have 30 or so DMs from the FB listing to deal with still .-.
I wish those adjustable bench were available last year. I end up getting total of 4 48 cm in 2 separate transaction. I would be all over that adjustable bench. Darn it.
There's a good chance you can pass the 48s to other locals. Either way I can't order any more this time around or I'll really have to start taking cabinets off
If you can get those nice benches on the following round you do I can wait, no rush on my part. Also, need to see what cabs you getting to see if I jump on something. Thanks bro.
any pics of those two Viewlix Ls?
So its actually kind of confusing because they listed 3 Ls; one junk, 2 ok, but it looks to be actually 1 junk F, 1 normal F, and an L. Sorry its not super straightforward, I need at some point to sort that all out. I'll work details specifically with anyone interested, make sure everything is in order with those in particular if anyone buys them. If they don't sell, I'm going to set them up to operate myself, so I'm not too worried about pushing to sell those if they don't meet anyone's needs. iirc, I didn't list the "junk" cab, but providing pictures of all 3 so that everything is out there.


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lol two player egret panels and they look like they were put together from scraps from other cabs
any pics of those two Viewlix Ls?
So its actually kind of confusing because they listed 3 Ls; one junk, 2 ok, but it looks to be actually 1 junk F, 1 normal F, and an L. Sorry its not super straightforward, I need at some point to sort that all out. I'll work details specifically with anyone interested, make sure everything is in order with those in particular if anyone buys them. If they don't sell, I'm going to set them up to operate myself, so I'm not too worried about pushing to sell those if they don't meet anyone's needs. iirc, I didn't list the "junk" cab, but providing pictures of all 3 so that everything is out there.
How much are these going for?

I wonder if they would be worth more parting out??

From the 2 Fs I would get both sets of stainless steel legs. Both JVS PSUs, and both sets of flat/square top speakers. maybe some other bits.

@twistedsymphony is looking for back door.
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