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Grand Master
Mar 28, 2020
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As this sega system is the latest 2019-UP

and maybe the final Sega release who knows... so ,lets open her up to understand what’s inside :)

From the outside and inside it’s a complete new system it’s crazy beefy
Uses a usb stick for sec chip,
Has a Normal PC (gigabyte) mobo
Uses 16-32 GB of ram
And has a Nvidia 1070 8GB video card up to 1080i 11GB special made for Sega so there must be a custom firm on this baby
inside it has a normal ssd
I have to check the cpu yet but it must be a I7

I running on the newest V4 Sega I/o


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Yeah Figure as most have the rental key not included .some full machines have no rental as mine was pulled from a original SWDC,but you also need to have the Aimé connected as they system won’t boot without it :).


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Also, Ongeki, WACCA, Chrono Regalia, Soul Reverse, and PRas3, not sure what else. They've been availble for purchase for 6+ months, the first ones on YaJ were end of last year Great for now to convert as a normal PC, specs are robust
@Cereth the ones offer on yahoo almost never have the full running games on it. As most is server or rental or missing the sec. And you have to have a original router/Aimé setup to boot. There are nice as a PC but the end of the day you need to use these as Sega systems :thumbsup:
You guys know that we deleted the Ringedge section, right?

Main problem with the newest stuff, is that
A) companies are still making profit of selling and servicing it and we don't want to do anything that could hurt them and
B) second is what we call "the knights of the scene", which claim that software is free, should be shared and it must be shared in our site, not on their twitter for instance. So, to avoid drama, we leave this thread be, but only for discussing about technical specs or if you spot one on eBay or Yahoo. Absolutely nothing related to defeating protection, where to get games or anything like that as we will nuke the thread.


@brizzo @Mitsurugi-w
Yes this is for hardware talk only no strange software stuff :) just to show what the guys are. @Darksoft
You guys know that we deleted the Ringedge section, right?

Main problem with the newest stuff, is that
A) companies are still making profit of selling and servicing it and we don't want to do anything that could hurt them and
B) second is what we call "the knights of the scene", which claim that software is free, should be shared and it must be shared in our site, not on their twitter for instance. So, to avoid drama, we leave this thread be, but only for discussing about technical specs or if you spot one on eBay or Yahoo. Absolutely nothing related to defeating protection, where to get games or anything like that as we will nuke the thread.


@brizzo @Mitsurugi-w
Of course, no talk about defeating any protections. Hardware stuff, etc.. :) These systems do make great PCs, if you get them cheap enough, totally worth getting them. An the cases are built like tanks.
I have a few of the IOs on order, but none on-hand at the moment. I'll have two cabs next week as well. At some point I'll probably post a video looking at everything in the newer SEGA cabs built for this
it looks like they're using an off-the shelf mobo Gigabyte MDH11BM Rev 1.0: https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Embedded-Computing/MDH11BM-rev-10#ov

IIRC RingSystems were custom

the plastic cover and IO plate on the GPU look like the HP and PNY variants to of the GTX1070, but the consumer models I've seen are missing that metal heat spreader on the back-side. that seems to only be included in the nVidia founders editions.
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I'll have to see if I can get my hands on one of those I'd love to play around with it.

any idea what the new CN10, CN11, and CN12 connectors are for?
I'll have to see if I can get my hands on one of those I'd love to play around with it.

any idea what the new CN10, CN11, and CN12 connectors are for?
Don’t know yet but must some extra connections like on some other i/o s to support maybe ticket stuff or extra side inputs . I have to check the manual maybe there is some info in there

but there are also some dipswitches on it so maybe you can alter some inputs with a flip of a switch