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coin works 100% of the time with NAOMI system 2x6, TTX2 and RE2

it works SOME of the time on mister with JVSPAC2... I found that if I do an actual coin drop through the mech it's got a ~50% chance of registering, if I manually push the lever I have to hold id down for a time for it to register
Very odd, the way JVS coin/credit works is that a counter is increased on the IO board, then the game reads this value. So how long the lever is pressed is not something the game sees, it only sees a count.

You can try with a laptop with notepad open - you should see it type "5". You can place an empty named "jvsdebug.txt" on the sd-card, and it will log all events - that way we can check if the jVS-PAC registers coin increase.

Is this consistent among several mister cores?
I honestly haven't had much time to test it. Given the limitations of menu I might have to abandon the whole mister thing for this build and go back to MAME.
Don't give up all hope yet :) There is a core picker menu you can activate with ALT+F12, I don't have it in the jvs-pac2 yet (as it's a key sequence, not a single input). I will likely add this soon.
Playing with this, and it actually works pretty good and will be implemented in one form or the other. @twistedsymphony - would holding down 1pstart for a few seconds to bring up the core picker menu work?
ideally I'd have a dedicated button but The method of bringing up the menu is less important than the menu not having any way to change settings
Ideally the menu should be able to be brought up without having to hold something for 5 seconds in my opinion.
Current thinking is to have two mister modes:
1 - full, meaning you can coin, invovle core test (F2) and bring up mister menu to change settings etc
2 - Core only menu by holding 1PSTART for a couple of seconds

You can also remap whatever you'd like (e.g. button 7, tilt etc) to bring up the core only menu if you'd like a dedicated button for it.

A lot of code will be shared with the upcoming MiSTer JAMMA expander..

I'll post a note here once the updated firmware is up
A long standing entry on my to-do list is to play Marble Madness with the Dynamic Golf trackball IO I got for just that purpose, so mouse for sure. Not quite sure how to map it to a gamepad.
Is there anything I can do to assist here, by any chance? I have a Dynamic Golf panel (+ Dynamite Baseball with analog bats!) that I'd also love to get working with Marble Madness. I'm comfortable tooling around with a debug build and/or contributing to the codebase—I'm a developer on paternity leave, so have some time on my hands!
I'm out-of-stock of the JVS-PAC 2 as of yesterday, is there any point in doing another run of them - anybody still use MAME?

MiSTer is all the rage if you look at social media, so perhaps efforts should go into some kind device tailored for playing MiSTer in a jvs cab instead?
I'm out-of-stock of the JVS-PAC 2 as of yesterday, is there any point in doing another run of them - anybody still use MAME?

MiSTer is all the rage if you look at social media, so perhaps efforts should go into some kind device tailored for playing MiSTer in a jvs cab instead?
I'm out-of-stock of the JVS-PAC 2 as of yesterday, is there any point in doing another run of them - anybody still use MAME?

MiSTer is all the rage if you look at social media, so perhaps efforts should go into some kind device tailored for playing MiSTer in a jvs cab instead?
I still use my original JVS PAC regularly and I'm not yet looking toward MiSTer. GroovyMAME is my preference. I can't say I have a huge demand for one but I'd consider one if a run was done.

That said I wouldn't be sad if you redirected your bandwidth.
I'm interested in maybe getting a Mister at some future point, but even IF I did get one I would want to use it with the JVSPAC2.

All the devices I've seen to connect a Mister to a cab include other solutions like video and audio...
Naturally, as most people using it would need 15khz video with mono audio via JAMMA edge.

However this isn't me at all! I have a cab with HDMI 1440p video and 3.5mm stereo audio.
The ONLY thing I need is JVS controls PERIOD, the JVSPAC2 is perfect for this.

My only complaint about the hardware is no native support for joysticks/joypads.
Yes you can use software that will turn keyboard keys into button presses, but why not make a special version of the firmware that is seen by Windows as two joypads.
Would open up more options to play Steam games (like the fantastic new Ninja Turtles: Shredders Revenge or Streets of Rage 4).

Thats something you'll never see on Mister BTW (and why a real PC is still the king) Steam/PC games and Taito Type X games (hacked/with PC loader).
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@invzim, I recently picked up a Jammafier + Scaler from you and foolishly forgot to add on a JVS-PAC 2. Figured I'd grab one with a Jammafier 2.0 when that is released. :unsure:

No big deal, I'll be interested in a MiSTer solution as well if that's what you decide to focus on :D
I'm out-of-stock of the JVS-PAC 2 as of yesterday, is there any point in doing another run of them - anybody still use MAME?

MiSTer is all the rage if you look at social media, so perhaps efforts should go into some kind device tailored for playing MiSTer in a jvs cab instead?
I use both .. mister will never have the catalog of mame and even if i want to use mister i still need a jvs pac to connect it.

As a jvs pac v1 user I would love to have the option to upgrade to v2 😁
Still using both mame and mister with jvspac2 as mister doesn't cover all my needs yet I think something like 90% of the mame library isn't yet available to the mister... all the stuff I will never dream buying is mame side
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Could I ask is these a way to get to the Scripts menu from the Expander by a button combination? I would like to update all by just connecting to the internet, and without connecting a keyboard or is that not possible.


Could I ask is these a way to get to the Scripts menu from the Expander by a button combination? I would like to update all by just connecting to the internet, and without connecting a keyboard or is that not possible.

For the Expander, it's p1start + right - https://irkenlabs.com/jamma-expander/operation
For the JVS-PAC, you need to set it to shift-mode mister first, then p1start + right - https://irkenlabs.com/jvs-pac2/keyboard-operation