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id suggest looking up how to load pc games form rocketlauncher.
My cabinet is set with Hyper spin and Rocket launcher . Can I setup the arcademode to launch from Hyperspin main wheel & then launch the game via RL?
okay so i have all the games working and all the nesica attract mode working, what is the directory of where i copy the games to, so they can run off of attract mode? does it do it be default? or does rocket launcher need to be set up?
Just finished up placement for a vertical mod, Keep in mind this is 16:9 And I doubt ill fix everything once again for 640 This should scale down well anyway

If you currently have this setup, This should just drag and drop into theme folder press tab go to layout and pick this as the theme included in the mega folder is a new romlist of all the vertical games i could think of pre setup So add that to your romlist, then you should be good to go.

https://mega.nz/#F!lh4ACDYR!zg_8drg3cFlEfDTnDcWluw Mega link to theme only!

Here some Screen shots while it uploads::



  • 2017-01-27 14_40_52-Attract-Mode.jpg
    2017-01-27 14_40_52-Attract-Mode.jpg
    338.9 KB · Views: 383
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oh forgot to mention using vert mode with the current screen saver is okay but keep note that it looks very werid, ill have to adjust the screen saver aswell but thats for another day

oh and if anyone is wondering this is alot like what the real one looks like in vert mode!
I mean you can use the old one, all you have to do is is change the theme and romlist it loads.
Okay boys big update today! 2-1-2017

This is a full Artwork Asset Update, And A theme updated to add a few new features and polish

Artwork Database has been pruned and all games wheel images that where below my quality standered have been replaced every game now has a fully unique and different wheel images for all clones and masters of games, this includes nesica and ttx versions got alot of touchups

New features
Added a Rss animation Box to simulate the Real Nesica a bit Telling you to go to the manufacture website, I saw this in a mod of my UI linked the concept and fixed it thanks dek77 for typing out all the moonrocks ;)

Nesys Romlist Support
Games will now display if they uses nesys server or not, by showing online or offline network images, this is helpful to quickly see what games might have networked locked content. To enable this feature on games use the status-flag in the romlist iv included game ids in the romlist for a while so this should already be setup even for updaters but if it isnt.
Raiden III;Raiden III;Nesica;;2012;Taito;Shmup;1-2;1.02;2;401400;;;Nesica;雷電III;

These 2 small features have been added to the 3 main variants HD SD and Vertical.

Below is a Full MegaDownload Archive With the following

NXL Complete Theme install - This package includes everything and should be for those who are doing a clean install only. keep note if using this you do not need the rest

NXL Theme Only
SD.HD,Vertical -- This package contains the updated theme files, if you already have this setup pick the version you use download and extract to your Layout folder to complete the update

TTX NXL Artwork only no videos -- This contains all the new artwork assets made For the extra bit of polish extract these to the correct artwork folders

2017-02-01 14_24_56-Attract-Mode.png

2017-02-01 14_24_43-Attract-Mode.png
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Have you considered making an updated video tutorial on your youtube page?
I suck at video editing, Really, If your using this on a PC literately all the setup is done, all you have to do is open the Rocketlauncher/modules/pclaucher.ini
Add all the game paths inside and your done.

Also New Demo video is done and on 1st post.
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Awesome stuff buddy,

A super thank you to you and the other super talented people (you know who you all are) that work on and make such things possible for us all.

Would be great to have this new update running on the typex2 with niko multi, too.....
This is something we can take care from ourself?
setting this up on a ttx2 isnt hard really its a matter of setting the launch parameters correct and coery has done this so in order to "update" it copy the new layout overtop the old layout then copy the new romlist over the old one.and last but copy the newartwork over the old ones.