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Oct 8, 2016
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Shutting down a thread like this, with no explanation, and no warning, is pure and total cowardice.

If this is what AP forums are going to slide to, there's no reason to continue them.

Accountability is for EVERYONE, not just for those of us without a Moderator or Staff Member title.


Uneven accountability is unacceptable.

Facing a small bit of criticism and discussion about a product you're trying to sell (and in this case all negative criticism was very polite despite constant jabs from @kolors on the other end) is not a reason to close a thread to further replies.
I wanted to stay optimistic for this project, but it doesn't look that way.

Also want to point out that Barry is gonna be making one but he's backlogged with tons of projects.

I wanted to stay optimistic for this project, but it doesn't look that way.

Also want to point out that Barry is gonna be making one but he's backlogged with tons of projects.


Been patient this long.... I respect the shit out of Barry, so it will be nice to see those done. Will have to reach out to him about E3 or AWSD possibilities.
There's always so much drama around Egrets.

In the end, my AWSD's would be just another Jamma candy to me, except they were my first candies, and mine have NOS PFX's in them....so I'd like to get them repainted and sparkly one day....even if that means I had to redo the art kit to E2 or E3......but its not gonna be from folks who behave like that thread just did...... so back to patientville for me it is.
I don't really think there are even horses in a race in this situation. It was really just:

This project seems to have failed. Money will be refunded.

People saying "I don't understand why it failed, I really wanted this".

Two folks going "Well, this is probably why, here's some constructive criticism. Can you answer a few questions.".

One guy getting angry.

I got a PM from Hursit a day or two ago saying I could pre-order one, but it sounds like this project is dead in the water now and payments are just being refunded? Oh well, that's disappointing
For the record, there has been no official communication on any AP thread that I have seen, that says the pre-order is dead, and it's still available to order on his website.

No monies have been refunded either, to my knowledge.

It was never my intent to harm the sale, and again, I kept everything private until the artist came into the thread, suggested changing production process, and asked for opinions.

In the end, it sucks for everyone, myself included, but with any luck Barry will produce these, and I fairly certain that will be done without crowdsourcing, and hopefully for a competitive price....and perhaps we will get E3 and AWSD options out of it.

I will leave this though....due to the fact that it seems as it was indeed the owner of the thread that locked it......

None of us may enjoy criticism, but there are three types of people who absolutely despise and run from it.....dreamers who never actually intend to put a dream through the creation process.......... people who already know they have no intention to change, grow, or improve............ and people with a vested financial or personal interest in keeping the status quo.

This is the last I have to say on the matter, aside from expressing my disappointment that no other mods have stepped in to address this matter.

Here's hoping this part can eventually get produced positively and properly in the future.
The thread was closed because the OP requested it. However, no posts were altered in the slightest as good points were made.

In my opinion it will be very hard to get this project done. It is very expensive and are there even enough machines out there that need it to justify the costs? I think if this gets done it's definitely at a financial loss.

There may be other ways of making a replacement besides injection molding but most collectors will only accept the original process. Regardless Hursit has said that if it's not injection molded then all money will be refunded.
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He wrote out his plan. If 150 orders don't come in by November 30, refunds will go out.

I'm happy with my spinners he made, BUT I have NO idea why spare parts were not made. I mean the molds for the gears were made or found right? Why not offer parts for extra sales? I know hand building the spinners is probably not a profitable endeavor, but it seems like selling plastic gears would have been a no-brainer.

As for his art, I only have one piece from him and it looks fine, although not 100% original, but good enough for me.

For the marquee, what I don't understand is, why 150 at $250 each? Why not a less expensive option with more pre-orders? I think a lot of people are hesitant to blow $250, but maybe $200 is more manageable? $150? I'd buy 2 at $150 for example.

Eh, no need to stress the man. I thought with 150 people showing interest, we could have made it, but at only 20 pre-ordered, it doesn't seem likely.
Eh, no need to stress the man. I thought with 150 people showing interest, we could have made it, but at only 20 pre-ordered, it doesn't seem likely.
I always expect at least 25-30% of "shown interest" to amount to nothing when doing these sorts of things. I feel like we see that sort of thing a lot, regardless of product or who's selling it.
The thread was closed because the OP requested it. However, no posts were altered in the slightest as good points were made.

In my opinion it will be very hard to get this project done. It is very expensive and are there even enough machines out there that need it to justify the costs? I think if this gets done it's definitely at a financial loss.

There may be other ways of making a replacement besides injection molding but most collectors will only accept the original process. Regardless Hursit has said that if it's not injection molded then all money will be refunded.

Thank you for this reply @Mitsurugi-w . I'm not addressing the lightbars, as that horse is dead by now.

I would however, like to suggest, in the future, that a mod post in the thread, notifying us of the closure of the thread, and the reasoning behind it, as has been typical up to now.

ESPECIALLY in this instance, where the thread is a sale thread, and the seller is also a moderator....as it screams of foul play.

I can fight my own battles, speak my own mind, etc.....but what actually angered me, is the instant shutdown of the thread, the lack of transparency, and that it took a full 24hrs for another mod to address the situation.

I'd like to voice my support for that process to be more transparent in the future, and I don't imagine there will be anyone who would disagree with me on that point.
I would however, like to suggest, in the future, that a mod post in the thread, notifying us of the closure of the thread, and the reasoning behind it, as has been typical up to now.

ESPECIALLY in this instance, where the thread is a sale thread, and the seller is also a moderator....as it screams of foul play.
+1. Everything I found wrong with the interaction in a nutshell as well.
Everyone that has their own products section does have some mod powers but they are not "mods". Those mod powers are basically just enhanced editing powers. They are NOT site mods. They just mod their own little section. Zero power anywhere else on site. They can't delete others posts etc.

I should have made a footnote in the thread but tbh I have thrown up more in the last three days than in the last 15 years combined and I barely had the energy to respond to the mod request. I don't remember the last time I've felt like this. I just never get sick.
Everyone that has their own products section does have some mod powers but they are not "mods". Those mod powers are basically just enhanced editing powers. They are NOT site mods. They just mod their own little section. Zero power anywhere else on site. They can't delete others posts etc.

I should have made a footnote in the thread but tbh I have thrown up more in the last three days than in the last 15 years combined and I barely had the energy to respond to the mod request. I don't remember the last time I've felt like this. I just never get sick.

Thank you for engaging, the transparency, and the acknowledgement, sir.

I'm sorry that you've been down....and I hope your recovery begins quickly, and goes smoothly. That shit is absolutely never fun.