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Sep 16, 2016
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Hi everybody, I have an arcade project already posted in other forums and want to share with you. I will use he original posts.

I started establishing a private arcade this week close to my home. The idea is to have an arcade with a lounge to chill and play boardgames as well as a WH40K table. So I found a room close by Friday, which I directly took and have the first cab delivered already. It´s an Egret 2 still feeling lonely.

Some friends already joined the idea and we want to dedicate the arcade´s theme to the 80s/Cyberpunk atmosphere which is in perfect harmony with the flair of the room.

I will update the next steps accordingly. If anybody has ideas, wants to join a feels like a sponsor, every help is appreciated.

First step and still a long way to go. I await 4 NAC and 1 NCC from Ronnie in the next days and a good friend of mine supports me with a Killer Instinct 2 cab this year.



Would need more space to put in more cabs then I have already, but when I see an Outrun or Rave/Ridge Racer cab or a nice gun cab I will not hesitate. Great joy to read your post!

So, here the update.

We got the electricity working, put in the first decoration light and tried out the Egret2.





Great cab, great fun!

Just in time before the weekend the other cabs arrived safely.


Time to arrange.



Got in some chairs, beers and snacks and partied the whole weekend.


As for the room itself planning is going on nicely and we hope to finish some thing this week. I will leave for holiday on Friday so it will still take some time.
Sorry for the late update, but the last time was quite busy...

We decided to put a carpet in since I found a really cheap solution. We now also have sofas, table, CRT, stools and so on. Noise reduction is also done. Next step is decoration and more light. Still need to take some good pictures...

Three cabs are open for repair right now, since the chassis have to be replaced/repaired. Worked a lot on the cabs to get them clean, changed sticks, buttons, neon bulb, made kick harbesses and so on. It´s going on nicely and getting comfy.








It all looks really nice. Great job!
Thank you, bext step will be more lighting, posters and getting all cabs ready again.
Update your profile with your location please, so if ever during my travels I find myself in your neck of the woods, would very much like to visit. Heck of a space you have for such an endeavor. Nice work!

EDIT: Nevermind. Ocktoberfest 2017 here I come!
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Check the Thread title for the location.
You are very welcome.
Very cool!
And just a small trip from where I live ;)
it's one hour drive for me, why don't we organize a meet? :)
Wow, very nice. Seems like there's a few of these in Germany. Jan put one together as well.
wow awsesome!!
I have 2 Egret II and 1 NNC too. I should get 4 NAC too haha :)
Is this open all the time or select hours/days? I would like to pay a visit sometime soon.
Since it´s a private place it´s only open on selected times. Contact me in advance and we will work it out :)