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All good stuff on the 360 mods, etc...

Should we have the mods @Darksoft @Mitsurugi-w move these posts to its own thread under console mods, etc...?

Would love to see more info on this topic of using the 360, UVC, the different cables, adapters.
Would good to move it as I derailed the cave-multi thread quite a bit :P
Good derail though, I just want to easily find this info later to refer back to it :)
"For starters I can always start with using a VGA cable, 480p and TATE my NEC XM29, or get 240p out of it and TATE a PVM 2730QM."

Not sure if the 2730qm can do 31khz also but if it does....remember what I said - used the NBC cable with the four NBC RGB +SYC, connect one end to the extron 203 then the other end to the input or output of the NEC's RGB in line. Then connect the Xbox/GroovyMame PC or any other device like (components to VGA - to connect GameCube, original Xbox Wii etc) to the extron 203.. you will get a better picture than using the RGB input 2 that looks like a PC VGA input. You can also Tate the PVM 2730QM and chain it to the NEC by using another set of NBC cable so you will go NBC input on the PVM to RGB NBC input on the NEC.. on the NEC the NBC RGB line acts as input or out put, the same apply to the PVM L5 so I would assumed the same on the 2730QM.

How I have nine --
NEC XMPlus - NBC RGB input --> to scart switch using cable one end scart male other end NBC cable. NBC RGB out put --> goes into the Tate NEC monitor NBC RGB input. Tate NEC monitor NBC RGB output --> to extron 203. Wii/org Xbox/GameCube to components to vga box.. components to VGA box --> to extron 203.. this way all my consoles are connected to both monitors and both monitors will display the same picture all plug and play, both monitors can do 15khz and 31khz on my setup. Use the NEC as horizontal if you like that monitor's picture the best and use the PVM as vertical.. I would also recommend a heavy table with wheels like the one on the setup picture that I share.. that will save your back.

Edit - second setup, same consept plus HDFURY2 (Xbox one/Wii U/ Switch/PS3) for digital console going into the extron 203


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"For starters I can always start with using a VGA cable, 480p and TATE my NEC XM29, or get 240p out of it and TATE a PVM 2730QM."

Not sure if the 2730qm can do 31khz also but if it does....remember what I said - used the NBC cable with the four NBC RGB +SYC, connect one end to the extron 203 then the other end to the input or output of the NEC's RGB in line. Then connect the Xbox/GroovyMame PC or any other device like (components to VGA - to connect GameCube, original Xbox Wii etc) to the extron 203.. you will get a better picture than using the RGB input 2 that looks like a PC VGA input. You can also Tate the PVM 2730QM and chain it to the NEC by using another set of NBC cable so you will go NBC input on the PVM to RGB NBC input on the NEC.. on the NEC the NBC RGB line acts as input or out put, the same apply to the PVM L5 so I would assumed the same on the 2730QM.

How I have nine --
NEC XMPlus - NBC RGB input --> to scart switch using cable one end scart male other end NBC cable. NBC RGB out put --> goes into the Tate NEC monitor NBC RGB input. Tate NEC monitor NBC RGB output --> to extron 203. Wii/org Xbox/GameCube to components to vga box.. components to VGA box --> to extron 203.. this way all my consoles are connected to both monitors and both monitors will display the same picture all plug and play, both monitors can do 15khz and 31khz on my setup. Use the NEC as horizontal if you like that monitor's picture the best and use the PVM as vertical.. I would also recommend a heavy table with wheels like the one on the setup picture that I share.. that will save your back.
The PVM 2730QM is 15k only, so I will either have to downscale first, or use the XM29 which can do 480p.
All good stuff on the 360 mods, etc...

Should we have the mods @Darksoft @Mitsurugi-w move these posts to its own thread under console mods, etc...?

Would love to see more info on this topic of using the 360, UVC, the different cables, adapters.

I've been dying to ask about JTAG vs RGH vs just something like XK3y, but I feel like I'm just contributing to the derailment... Xbox 360 is my next console project and I'm just dipping my toe in, so there's a lot I want to learn!
Yes, 360 is magnificent once modded, especially if you love Cave Shmups. You want a Slim (the regular Slim, not Slim E!) -- all other models will eventually RROD. JTAG is way out of date, so you want RGH for sure. Have a modder RGH mod it for you and give them a HDD to install, and ask them to set it up to boot into Aurora. Do not settle for anything other than Aurora, since they're all way of date and ugly.

Normally I'd advise learning to mod it yourself, but 360 is pretty complicated and for once it's really worth the time savings to pay someone install an Xecuter CR4 XL chip and RGH mod it for you. Once you have Aurora installed, you can connect to http://xboxunity.net/ and download covers (I've made 342 covers there through the years), title updates, and even play online against other modded 360 owners.
Yes, 360 is magnificent once modded, especially if you love Cave Shmups. You want a Slim (the regular Slim, not Slim E!) -- all other models will eventually RROD. JTAG is way out of date, so you want RGH for sure.
Not quite true, if you can manage to get a Jasper motherboard they are quite reliable.

Also I would think JTAG would be better than RGH because you know it will work every time without delays/retries.
Just wondering, having 480p signal from 360 through to UVC to get 15khz, does it introduce any lag?
for a complete Cave noob like myself, what would be a good one to start with (in MAME that is, or hopefully someday on a PGM multi :P )
I'm not the 1CC and perfect score type of guy, just play games to enjoy them, quite like Shmups like Progear, Rtype, Parodios, Blazing Star etc.

Ketsui? Espagaluda? or other recommendations with an 'easy entry'?
Mushihimesama, Deathsmiles, and DDP are nice entries into CAVE's games. I played Deathsmiles on iOS when I was in high school like seven~ years ago, then I wanted to try out Mushihimesama and DDP so I played it on MAME and it was fun.

With Mushi, I didn't know much about the slowdowns or whatever, until someone made mentioned that the MAME version didn't have that. So I eventually got the Steam release and that was pretty good; felt about the same to the PCB version give or take.

If we're talking about the PGM releases, I recommend Ketsui. It's just such great game to play; it's tough as nails but grand time nonetheless. I think there's a rom hack (or two) that changes up the game so it's all survival oppose to throwing all of the scoring mechanics at you at once or some arranged mode of sorts. It's kind of a different experience really, pretty cool stuff.

Another game worth trying out is Guwange. Overall it's nice to play and look at; the art and music is great. I think it's about $8 or $5 on the Xbox Arcade; however if you mod an Xbox, I'm pretty sure you can just download the game and go from there. I don't know much about that tbh.
All good stuff on the 360 mods, etc...

Should we have the mods @Darksoft @Mitsurugi-w move these posts to its own thread under console mods, etc...?

Would love to see more info on this topic of using the 360, UVC, the different cables, adapters.
I've been dying to ask about JTAG vs RGH vs just something like XK3y, but I feel like I'm just contributing to the derailment... Xbox 360 is my next console project and I'm just dipping my toe in, so there's a lot I want to learn!
YES, we need more info, I have bunch of 360 consoles unmodded except for one that that has the XK3y installed.

I have a a Star Wars, GOW3 and Halo Reach that need modding :)

Is it worth having a JP 360? or is there no need with the mods.
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@Swirl thanks for the recommendations, looks like I have plenty to check out!

@SmokeMonster awesome advice regarding the console and modding, like I said I never owned (or even played) a xbox360 so I'm totally unaware of the different modding methods.
I know my buddy @Sp33dFr34k talks all kind of stuff about Jasper's and JTAG but I never really cared about it :P
Looks like we got some conversation topics in the car tomorrow on our little roadtrip @Sp33dFr34k ;)
Yes, Jaspers are reliable but they're hard to find. Much easier to just jump on craigslist and buy a cheap Slim, and then you're guaranteed the best of the best for reliability and modding purposes. As for JTAG vs RGH, they both accomplish the same thing, but RGH is more reliable and is the modern method.. My CR4 XL RGH 360 boots (glitches) in about 0-5 seconds.
Yes, Jaspers are reliable but they're hard to find. Much easier to just jump on craigslist and buy a cheap Slim, and then you're guaranteed the best of the best for reliability and modding purposes. As for JTAG vs RGH, they both accomplish the same thing, but RGH is more reliable and is the modern method.. My CR4 XL RGH 360 boots (glitches) in about 0-5 seconds.
And what about different models of slim, do modding methods differ per model?
As I posted a WTB topic and their was a recommendation to get a 1439 model?
[WTB] Xbox360 slim, preferably RGH and/or R2D2 edition
I think all the Slims are excellent IIRC (minus the Slim Es). Yes, the mod will vary based on the motherboard's revision and HDD type, but modders know how to handle them. I wouldn't be picky, since it's hard to get the revision info and it really won't make a difference from your persepctive. I have Corona and Trinity Slims myself by chance.

Please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this. It's been 3 years since I really studied up on 360s. That said, mine are both badass :D
Interesting, I have been into this a long time ago and JTAG'ed quite a few Jaspers back then. My outdated knowledge says that a JTAG is more reliable as it doesn't rely on the reset glitch. How is a RGH more reliable, can you elaborate @SmokeMonster?
Regarding using a 360 in a cab. I did some extensive research and aside from Tim Worthington's RGB SCART to Jamma board that's been unavailable for a longtime. I found that
Mwah overrated, I still have one of Tim's RGB->Jamma and played quite a lot of XB360 games on my cab, but the interlacing is killing me; really horrible.
Don't get me wrong, Tim's product is great, but playing interlaced on 15khz is really horrible.
Sorry for derailing this even further, but it the 360 got my attention. Can ANY 360 be modded? And any region pal/ntsc issues to get 640x480p? Never got around to getting a 360 myself, but they can be had for cheaps used now - so may give it a go..

All for science of course - anyone know how much the UVC's are going for these days? :)