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Weird, I'll leave it on over night. Hoping it's just the game data being at fault.
e: The games boot now, but I'm still getting JVS errors, and I think TGM3 has some memory error (0x000000000). I can control the game selector with my JVS i/o so I'm not sure why.
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Looks like my Capcom i/o works, not my newer Taito JVS I/O (K9101262B). TGM still errors out for me. But seems like everything that had JVS errors beforehand, works fine now. I don't really mind the taito i/o not working since I just got this for TGM3 which I want to play on my blast.
Here is the error, looks like some memory issue?

e: Chaos Breaker stays at a black screen as well. Ironically the only two games I really wanted a dedicated X1 for haha. CB works if I manually launch it from explorer
Oh just looked back a page and saw someone had the same issue as me, maybe I'll have to dump my 9600E bios
e2: Here's my 9600SE dump, I had to desolder the bios ic and dump it with my programmer, but now I may have bricked my card after programming the "jamma" bios. Even burning my dump seems to have have not fixed it. Oops.
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@pzlate did you mange to get the game files ?

This looks like a GPU issue. Is your unit an original TTX ? Can you post a picture of the sticker showing the revision ?

The BIOS you posted is not correct for the original TTX. I have attached a copy of mine just to be sure.

What type of serial EEPROM do you have ?


    27.2 KB · Views: 190
It DID end up being the bios on my 9600SE. I got it booting after burning the uploaded 9600SE bios posted earlier in the thread, now TGM3 boots right up. I didn't brick my GPU, I think maybe some alcohol was causing a short or something and it flashed off overnight. All good now. Thanks for the help!
e: My TTX is an original, Model: 003C.
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It DID end up being the bios on my 9600SE. I got it booting after burning the uploaded 9600SE bios posted earlier in the thread, now TGM3 boots right up. I didn't brick my GPU, I think maybe some alcohol was causing a short or something and it flashed off overnight. All good now. Thanks for the help!
Going to try the same on my card
I added TAITOTypeX_games.rar on my privae server ; 10gbit/s hosted in Amsterdam
I also have TaitoX2 on there.

feel free to grab the TAITOTypeX_games.rar via torrent
or ask me for a private link
same with TaitoX2 multi

thanks rtw just trying to help with the seeding. I will seed it forever. If you update the pack PM me and ill host it for you
I'm trying to build a hard drive from my Type X but it looks like the download links are gone.
(Slaps forehead) Ok I get it. That's what I get for not reading thoroughly.
Dose USF4 happen to work with this?
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Ah yes I see I clicked the wrong Type x. Thank you!

Also sorry for the silly question
Ah yes I see I clicked the wrong Type x. Thank you!

Also sorry for the silly question

May also want to reconsider asking for pirated software when it looks like you might be using this on location (judging from your signature)... of course that's none of my business, but I'd personally be more discreet about it.
May also want to reconsider asking for pirated software when it looks like you might be using this on location (judging from your signature)... of course that's none of my business, but I'd personally be more discreet about it.
Every game in my arcade is 100% legit. I also have games at my home. Lastly, if I could buy USF4 in a arcade cabinet that was released in the US I would do it.

Thanks for the advice.
So trying to set this up, but not getting any video out... system works fine when running the game it came with, but I get no video signal when I hook up the multi-drive I built. Anything I can try before I start over?

Edit: Left it running for a bit and after a few minutes it seems to restart. Still no video signal.
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