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Man, @Lemony Vengeance , I asked for 20k more a year to deal with windows over Linux. It's so unstable, I have probably rebooted my windows workstation out of necessity more times in 3 months than I have all my iMacs in the last 2 years.

I use windows as a tool when necessary but lord I can't say I would ever use it by choice anymore, either for workstation or server at this point.

I would say you can't pay me enough to use Windows but I guess 20k extra covers it for the work week lol
The storage world is interesting.. you’d be surprised how valuable windows administration experience is.

As for apple products, I’ve had to restart my MacBook Pro twice a day since I got it last year. It never wakes up properly, and my window positioning isn’t preserved after waking up. It’s no slouch, hardware wise either. 🤷‍♂️
You have to have a defective MBP man, I had a pixel 6 do the same. Crash constantly, have to restart, etc. If they all did that, google HQ would have burned down by now.

And for the record, my iMac holds windows across 3 monitors (HDMI, built in, and VGA). My dell, with windows and an OEM dock, trashes my window positions lol.

My older brother was a DBA for a long time, like queries in the multiple GB each type DBA. I know windows is used a lot industrially, it doesn't mean it's not trash stability wise for workstations. Also there are plenty of reasons why the vast majority of webservers are Linux, not the least of which is uptime.

It's normal for me to see Linux servers online with years of uptime, while updating packages and live patching the kernel. When reboots aren't an option, Windows is the last thing I want in sight, unless the box is completely isolated and never updates literally anything.

I Leave my mac on behind my work computer so I can take video calls on Teams on the Mac when Teams freezes on my work issued windows box, so I can take the call without closing all my other apps to restart and fix teams. Programs breaking in inexplicable ways that magically fix themselves on reboot is quintessential Windows.

I know you're no slouch man. And I know that ain't either of us buying weak hardware. I'm just speaking as someone who has used and administered all 3 both personally and professionally, including in a data center. I still contend windows is the least stable and most trash of the OSes. I also contend however that using Linux for an every day workstation is in the same tier of hell for most people :P (And, I also concede that using a GUI tool in windows is easier. But it's gotta say something if the superior tool is a DD wrapper).
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Fist bumps to all the pros, no matter how sadistic and lazy (windows admins) or how tinkery (Linux admins) you are. There’s room for everyone in the IT world.

And no disrespect was intended to you with my mac comment. You’re no slouch either, and i love talking shop outside of the arcade world too :D

The Mac has been my daily driver for the last 6 years while doing support for a very specialized storage operating environment that runs on Ubuntu (of all distros) and it’s been eye opening for me. Freaking awesome experience, for sure.
I think we should create a thread where we discuss the advantages of the different operating systems :D
Tested FAST IO K91X1204B i/o board on USF4 and got "0203: I/O INITIALISATION ERROR".

Restarted and now no longer loads the menu and just black screen all day.

View: https://youtu.be/3EQPMCsOM0A
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I got a strange behavior today. I got a multi working with my X2 with normal taito io board with a Taito vewlix.

I switch from normal to Fast io board (with fast stuff inside the X2) and got a black screen after a reboot. If I try to get back with the normal io board, it still goes black.

black = X2 starts, logo a, TX2 dos window and black screen.

any idea ?
This is the same thing I got after rebooting. I didn't see any reply to this. Was there an answer somewhere?
Try to clear the D:\ drive, what RJ45 port did you have the Fast I/O plugged in? IIRC it needs to be plugged into the bottom port.
That doesnt look right at all, what happened to the other volume labels? You might need to reimage your drive.
Its f, g then h. Three partitions on that same hd. F is the main, g I’m assuming are settings and high score saves, and h is the games folders
That looks like my drive when it was failing when trying to write it in Windows. It would do the first partition then mount the drive and fail.

I personally recommend live booting Linux and using dd to write it, but it might be worth trying balena etcher first. https://www.balena.io/etcher/

How are you connecting your drive to your pc? Internal sata or with a usb adapter?
How are you connecting your drive to your pc? Internal sata or with a usb adapter?
Usb C sata adapter.
I bought the NOS TTX2 with Dariusburst and the seller included the multi. I suspected it was a Niko multi so I didn’t write this drive, unfortunately.

My other hd I used hdd raw copy but haven’t tried the fast io on it just in case it turns unbootable like this one did.

Going back to @Niko’s question, the D:\ drive had been empty and the fast io connected to the bottom plug and it still hangs on the black screen.
My bad, I didn't realize it was a previously working drive.

That said, reimaging is a decent place to start. You shouldn't have problems finding software to write using a USB adapter. Rufus should work too.

Also, this may be a useless suggestion especially since it used to work and now doesn't, but have you tried the other DVI port? I only get video out of the bottom one. (I was actually gonna ask if its possible to get a cloned output out of both.)
Let’s try again from the beginning.
Reformatted hard drive, DVI PORT AND TAITO FAST I/O on BOTTOM, EMPTY “d:\” drive, ran Street Fighter IV, JVS ERROR 0004: PACKET ERROR, reboot, black screen. Unable to get back to main menu unless I reformatted “c:\” drive.
View: https://youtu.be/B_kl1PGRVzI


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From a clean multi image press the options button and see what it is detecting for IO and emulation
There is something very weird going on here. The three partitions should all have labels like the TTX2Multi[C] partition.

You should have: TTX2Multi[C], TTX2Multi[D], and TTX2Multi[Games]

I'm guessing either your image is corrupted or its not being properly written to the drive. What are you using to write the drive image?
Also, which image is being written ?

The one at the start of this thread ?
So, I ran a fresh install on a new hd and the fast io works on the games I had. I will speak to the person I got my hd from as it looks to be a custom build based off from Niko’s 2.0. Thanks for all the help!