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For Sale
Right now, there is a futari for sale on here and wants F&F. I would be buying it right now except I am too scared to EVER use F&F except for people I know and have done business with previously. Scary crap out there man.
Maybe ask through a pm? No harm with that.
Maybe ask through a pm? No harm with that.
Oh, and I am not disparaging the user at all, just chiming in that F&F is just a very scary deal these days. I got ripped off for $700 one time and learned an important lesson from that experience.
I understand why a seller would prefer a F&F payment vs a G&S payment for a big ticket item. A lot of seller protection, charge backs, shit can go wrong very fast. Some people like to use good an service because by doing so, they can get free interest for months. This actually can give a buyer a chance to make the purchase for an item they covet, give the item a new loving home and pay monthly to whatever Credit they used. This is one example. But I guess one person can ruin it for others. Recently, I made a purchase and used F&F for what I would consider to be a big purchase. The seller and I video chatted. I did my research on this forum and others for feedback and absolutely made sure it was the person before I sent the payment. After paying I was still shitting bricks. The transaction went superb but I was anxious throughout the entire process. I feel bad for those who had this scam recently happen to them. They dont deserve it. We need to keep all payment options open but I ask that we all work with each other as best as possible and try and consider all buyers. At least with some activity on here. Just my thoughts. I hope I was able to contribuye somewhat to the conversation.
That's the root problem of the recent scam. the people who's accounts were compromised were long standing members with a solid history/track record. Had it been brand new accounts with no post history they would not have been nearly as successful.
This is precisely what I have been saying.

Hell, the LEAST you could do is make a pinned thread that shows up in all the forums that explains the situation and provides instructions on how users can enable MFA on their accounts, because I wouldn't be surprised if this happens again.
Which is why at least educating folks that MFA is an option for AP would be helpful.

I highly recommend everyone check out what's been happening over at Reverb for YEARS regarding PayPal G&S and scams. You can still get scammed via G&S and be out all of your money. The whole system relies on trust and that is what scammers take advantage of, and what the attackers leveraged in this case.
Speaking for myself and maybe others, reason I stick around here is because of the trust I've built with many members on this board over the years. I enjoy the community here and know who I can trust (99% of the time).

Moving forward, I'm trying to come up with ideas to help the situation at hand. One idea I just thought of - is there a way to show a small icon or something under the member avatar if they have MFA enabled? Might be small, but a comforting visual to show that their account is probably who they say they are during a transaction. The con to that is users who don't have it enabled, could be targeted. Or maybe AP requires MFA for all user accounts moving forward? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I feel like MFA enforced gives the F&F vote a little more confidence, for established members anyways..
Maybe show a verified check mark? Not sure this is a cure all but a step in the right direction.
We have considered the badge for MFA enabled accounts. Not even sure ot is a possible thing but the down side to the badge is that while it might give you piece of mind it may also give you false sense of security. Thats dangerous.
We had a wave of weird spammers taking over old accounts at Ars Technica a few years back.

When we researched it we found the exact same spam on tons of other forums at the same time. Different backends, different topics, no connection between any of them. Tech forum, knitting forum, horse forum, it didn't matter. There was no breach of our systems, it was someone else's security flaw that was the source.

When a password database leaks there are whole systems in place to take advantage of it. They have your login names, your emails, your passwords, anything else that might have been in there. They have databases of sites to try automatically logging in with all the credentials they harvest, they have people on deck to do it by hand, there are servers where they bundle and pass these passwords around. They're running scams, pushing SEO garbage, and just doing straight up vanilla spam.

I know it's been said several times already, but you gotta stop using the same damn password on every site you log into. Every single one should be unique. Yes, that includes those random forums you sign up for, and end up using more often later.

99% of the issues come back to that. One site with poor security is breached, their passwords are hoovered up, and then it's like having unprotected sex, you're sleeping with everyone that person slept with before.

It might feel like you're suddenly seeing a wave of it, but this happens all the time.
The conversation has now gone in a complete circle. For the love of god try reading before posting...

Edit: (not you @Aurich ;) )
What if we implemented a super complex 5 factor authentication, add badges to everyone, post everyone's real email and PayPal and transfer testable blood before doing sales?

PayPal Goods and Services you say? Don't bite on things too good to be true? Nah...
What if we implemented a super complex 5 factor authentication, add badges to everyone, post everyone's real email and PayPal and transfer testable blood before doing sales?

PayPal Goods and Services you say? Don't bite on things too good to be true? Nah...
Why stop at blood, let's go directly for plasma.
how about we ditch the forum altogether and create some sort of arcade hobbyist dog park?
Honestly, I activated 2FA a few days ago here, until I read this thread didn't even know it was possible on this forum. I think the smart thing to do would be to enforce 2FA for all the users.
That and a password reset to something unique to the site. But that will only help if the member's registered email hasn't been compromised either. People just need to stop reusing passwords.