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The only thing that should be stopping you is the JVS IO, which like I said could potentially be spoofed with the MegaJVS.

The filter-board is just a dumb junction block and the SIF PCB doesn't have much going on either, at most it might need some analog lines terminated or some digital pins shorted.
I've been trying to get the part numbers off of the SIF for a couple years now, it'd be easy enough to breadboard, but no one seems able to get the chip numbers or values of the other parts. So it's just waiting until someone either finds the time, or another SIF board pops up.

Fingers crossed on the MegaJVS.
But these guys seem to make SD to IDE adapters for different products.
I wonder if any of them implement full ATAPI support
Haha, it would be crazy looking... but you might be able to adapt SD into IDE, then IDE into CF, then CF into ATAPI. :D
I've been trying to get the part numbers off of the SIF for a couple years now, it'd be easy enough to breadboard, but no one seems able to get the chip numbers or values of the other parts.
looks like it's just an OP amp... I can make out that it's a Texas Instruments.. maybe TL072CP?
For fun i hit the contact us link on that page for the CF to ATAPI adapter.. this is the response i got:

Thank you for contacting us.

The requested model went EOL but we may still have some in stock.
Unit price is $198.

If you would like to proceed, please let me know.
I will check our inventory again.

As you know, legacy systems are highly customized.
If the unit does not work, we will refund full unit price.

I have attached data sheet.

Best regards,



  • ATAPI_Spec_E_Rev0_97-2.pdf
    628.2 KB · Views: 494
I don't necessarily have $200 to spare for the test at the moment, but someone else here might?
from the spec sheet is that right that the max capacity is 512MB?

if that's the case it's not going to work for the majority of 2x6 games
from the spec sheet is that right that the max capacity is 512MB?
How could that be?

I mean it is supposed to be emulating the calls from a real CD ROM.
CD ROM media started at 650mb, and was later expanded to 700mb.

Right out of the gate this thing is sounding inaccurate/wrong/made by people who don't understand the format.
CD ROM media started at 650mb, and was later expanded to 700mb.
that's maximum capacity.

If you only put 1 23MB file on a disc and then finalize it then the CD is only 23MB in size.

The example usage for these devices are for things like ATMs and manufacturing equipment, they're not pushing the limits of CD capacity.
CD ROM media started at 650mb, and was later expanded to 700mb.
that's maximum capacity.
If you only put 1 23MB file on a disc and then finalize it then the CD is only 23MB in size.

The example usage for these devices are for things like ATMs and manufacturing equipment, they're not pushing the limits of CD capacity.
Yup, plus I think 512MB was the largest CF card at the time or the size limit fit the intended use like TS says.
they're not pushing the limits of CD capacity.
Pushing no of course not, but by definition you can't say it's "complete emulation" unless it can address all 333,000 blocks or sectors.
That would be 650mb capacity, ie the starting point of the format.

I guess you could argue they wouldn't necessarily have to support a 700mb structure, because that expansion did come later.

But just to drive the point home, no 333,000 sector support, its NOT CD ROM emulation, NO EXCUSES!
Yup, plus I think 512MB was the largest CF card at the time
Hmmm sound like... Not my f'n problem! Do it right losers, or don't bother. :thumbdown:

I'm so sick of people and their excuses as to why failure is somehow acceptable.
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Claims to be a true CF to ATAPI adapter
CF?! Meh, even if it "works" whos gives a shit. ;)
I know, just wondering if they work and if they have some data/spec sheet on them.
But these guys seem to make SD to IDE adapters for different products.
I wonder if any of them implement full ATAPI support

I reached out to this guy on Twitter to see what he says on a ATAPI adapter.
There is no device on the market that simulates ATAPI CD/DVD drives, and there are more than a few reasons why.

It is not because the technology doesn't exist; it is because of the very broad requirements by many different pieces of hardware. ATAPI is a protocol, but each device that uses ATAPI has it's own set of commands.

For example the ODE @twistedsymphony is showing to us, has been built for a specific application, but fails when applied to a different system. This demonstrates part of the problem why there isn't a broad spectrum ODE for dvd/cdrom for any target system. Heck, the SYS2X6 even demonstrates it requires a specific dvd drive that behaves in an expected way -- this has nothing to do with ATAPI, but with the behavior of the software running on the drive itself.

My advice would be to be patient and see what Colin comes up with, sounds like he will need to add support for some additional commands but that should be a straight forward task for him given the design and debug abilities he has implemented.
My advice would be to be patient and see what Colin comes up with, sounds like he will need to add support for some additional commands but that should be a straight forward task for him given the design and debug abilities he has implemented.
Agree fully and I hope its easy task for him to accomplish. I have already signed up to his waitlist.

Im just interested into why it is so difficult to implement an ODE that covers a broad range and reading into the protocol and how it came to be, shows what a mess it is in the sense of how it can be implemented/used.
I'd be interested if it had analog CD audio out so it could be used in a DOS machine for games with redbook audio, but seeing the arcade focus of this one, seems very unlikely it would be implemented.
I'd be interested if it had analog CD audio out so it could be used in a DOS machine for games with redbook audio, but seeing the arcade focus of this one, seems very unlikely it would be implemented.
I thin you missed the part where it already has analog CD audio out.
in-fact Colin has already been testing it for use with old DOS PCs and it has good support for that platform already.
In order to solve this Colin must stick a PATA analyzer on a sys2x6 drive and see what is really going on.
I'd be interested if it had analog CD audio out so it could be used in a DOS machine for games with redbook audio, but seeing the arcade focus of this one, seems very unlikely it would be implemented.
I thin you missed the part where it already has analog CD audio out.in-fact Colin has already been testing it for use with old DOS PCs and it has good support for that platform already.
Oh, I didn't see any connectors for it. Where are they located? Also is there a page to find more info about the product? I don't have facebook. Thanks!
Oh, I didn't see any connectors for it. Where are they located?
it's in the top left of the picture in the first post,

Also is there a page to find more info about the product? I don't have facebook. Thanks!
the only pages with info available are those linked in the first post.