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There are quite a few differences in the versions - text, audio (intro and ending?) and even moves, so it looks like a fair amount of changes are required.

I very much prefer the Japanese version... @lydz if you release some more info on the full conversion that would be very much appreciated :love:
Thanks for all your hard work @mikejmoffitt!
I have the same question as @Raph_friend, I'm not an expert and don't know how to make work your sf2hf using the b board (I don't have the multi, unfortunately) I know how to split the files but I don't see in the package a 256K rom.
All the details are here, for free, for anyone.
Cost him maybe 30 bucks of Eproms and a sticker, that's one hell of a margin/service cost.
Add the cost of a dead CPS2 game in a country where they are common. maybe another 30 bucks?

That guy is an asshole just making money from someone else's hard work.
Also this will draw unwanted attention from Capcom.
Bad news all around. And we can't do shit about it.
This forum is too "open", too much of it is being picked up by scrapers and google. It needs to be locked down.

Open a private tab and: google: cps1.5 conversions to see what I mean ...
Disgusting stuff. Any way to report, shut his listings down??

And this is part of the reason why the guys that put in the work, have the knowledge , and make these conversions/fixes happen get discouraged and don’t want to share their work.
scramble1982 and hiyoko_studio have been fleecing unsuspecting buyers on YAJ for a while. Not that I'm happy about it, but "known bootlegger caught selling bootlegs" isn't at all surprising.
This forum is too "open", too much of it is being picked up by scrapers and google. It needs to be locked down.

Open a private tab and: google: cps1.5 conversions to see what I mean ...
Well we can't really win either way. We had the forums super locked down where you had to join to see and contribute to most sections (except multi support sections) and people complained that their friends couldn't see certain things because they were too lazy to join. So we relented and opened the forums up more. And now we see what happens I guess....

Most likely we will just lock it down again and if people don't want to join....oh well, too bad for them.
This forum is too "open", too much of it is being picked up by scrapers and google. It needs to be locked down.

Open a private tab and: google: cps1.5 conversions to see what I mean ...
Agree, but how do we lock down/make private certain info over another? And who gets access? I agree that the forum is extremely open, but that is part of the reason why so many talented people are here and so much great information has been shared and so much accomplished.
Agree, if people want to get access, let them join, what’s the big deal, takes all of 2-3 minutes to do it.
It would be good if the convertors clearly mention in the game maybe as bootup screen that the rom is for personal use only and made just as a proof of concept and should never be commercially used. Things will get leaked but it would be a good defense for the creators.
I've locked down the section this thread is in (can't lock down individual threads) as well as the CPS1 conversions section in the support section until we decide what to do. I personally want to lock down every section but the product support sections but we will see. Joining the forums is super easy so there should be no excuses. We noticed a huge uptick in traffic recently but the number of active members has stayed close to the same.

I personally will be sending a donation to @mikejmoffitt as soon as I have paypal funds to sort of counter against this atrocity. True this was going to happen eventually anyways but we need his talent in our hobby and he should be rewarded rather than a bootlegger.

If you like @mikejmoffitt's work, including his SF2 Hyper conversion, then send him some cash here:

This is why we can't have nice things :(

I haven't yet loaded the conversions onto my multi, I need to do that and donate some money