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can someone design this pcb for me?


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I whipped this up just now, check it over and see if I made any mistakes. I noticed in my KiCad footprints, that none of the included SD card footprints have a pin 13. Also, in the referenced link, there is a schematic where I believe the pin numbering might be wrong on the SD card. It seems to skip over pin 13 and has a pin 14.

So I was good up to pin 12, then I hit discrepancies in Kicad and the referenced schematic with pins 13 and 14.

If you need any changes let me know and I will see what I can do
how did you do the voltage issue the "sd cards" in this are 3.3v
jp1 would need to be a pin header so a 2 pin straping option be used
1. The voltage issue is really not resolved at all - It just taps the power from the Teensy which is probably 5v. I can put a little voltage reg IC that will go 5-> 3.3 to fix this issue. Wasn't sure if there was a way to run the Teensy on 3.3v and solve it that way.
2. That was the first time using that full sized SD card footprint, but I believe I got the SD opening on the edge of the PCB.
3. I can swap out JP1 for a pin header rather than solder pad.
all of that sounds good. yeah there needs to be some kind of regulator to 3.3. also i can show you how there is only 7 of the typical sd pins on these,
I have a few options for SD card footprints in the default KiCad library, I am using part: TE-2041021


Some others I could choose:
Kyocera: 145638009211859+, 145638009511859+, 145638109211859+, 145638109511859+

I choose the TE part since it had pins 1-12 at least clearly shown, those kyocera parts seemed to be missing pins.

I added a 3.3V regulator and changed the J1 jumper to a pin header style. Also, moved the gerbers to a proper folder.


PS - I am choosing not to pour a ground plane on this board as that connects to the 4 corner pads (pin 12) to the ground pins on the SD card (pins 3, 6). I figure if you need to isolate the 4 corner pads (pin 12) from ground, you could easily break a trace or two - if there is a ground pour, you'd have a much harder time isolating the corner pads if needed.
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TE-2041021 is good but it needs 180 degree flipped to edge so sd can be slide in. this is sweet looking besides that. can you make some mounting holes/screw holes please
This product is no longer available or recommended for use. damn

Mouser shows lots in stock of all the different dash versions, so I think the SD card slot is good, no? It is the larger standard SD slot, so I wonder if most the larger SD slots are NRD (not recommended for new designs) since its the older size/style.
You're right on the orientation, I will flip it 180 degree. Mounting holes should be no prob.
Changes committed to the repo, lmk what you think and if any more tweaks are needed.
ordered some. from JLCPCB we will see in 2 weeks due to luna new year ill have 4 extra boards
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