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Grand Master
Jul 26, 2017
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So i just recently picked up a CPS1 board that had the rainbow roms in place. It worked just fine, but I had no desire to keep rainbow edition on this board. So I decided to convert rom 21-23 into Hyper fighting. In order to change those roms I had to remove the C-board. This C-board was quite difficult to removed, almost like it hasn't been removed since 1993. After a little bit of force I got it off and replaced the roms. Assemble it all back together, but now the board does not boot, just a black screen with red squiggly vertical lines. I thought maybe I burned the roms incorrectly (27c4096), so I re-burned them using a different rom chip (27c4002). Still no difference. So then I tried putting back the rainbow roms, but I am getting the same thing now...black screen w/ red squiggly vertical lines. My initial thought is I flexed the C-board, causing some broken traces or solder joints, but I can't seem to find any. Kind of sucks, thought this was gonna be such a simple swap :(

Anyone got any ideas?
Check and make sure there's no bent pins on the C Board connectors. Also, if you swap the Rainbow Edition EPROMs back in, does it boot?
Yeah I tried putting the rainbow chips back in. Still got black screen with vertical lines :(

I forgot to mention that this board was dirty as fuck. There was litterally a dead spider underneath rom 23. Maybe that dead spider was the key piece for the board to boot.
It sounds like you damaged the C-board in some way when removing it yes.
Do you have another SF2:CE/HF (aka B-21) C-board to test with?

Replacing the Rainbow ROMs and swapping to a known good C-board should resurrect it (also prove the original C-board has been damaged).
I wish I had another c board to test with. Unfortunately this is the only cps1 board that I have.
So a quick update on this...

I reseated the rainbow roms and firmly pressed them in, and boom the game boots. Recheck my Hyper fighting roms and verify them with romident site, everything checks out. So i placed them back on the board, black screen no picture.

Wtf? Why do these shitty rainbow edition roms work but not mine? So I took the rainbow roms and placed them in my burner to verify the roms. After verifying the roms I noticed the stickers on the roms didn't match what was showing on http://romident.coinopflorida.com. The rom labeled 23 was actually rom 22 (sf2red.22), rom 22 label was actually rom 21 and rom 22 label was actually rom 23. Scratching my head i decide to put my hyper fighting roms in the same order as the rainbow roms and I get this....


Like wtf am I missing here? I mean I am happy that this works, but I feel like this is ass backwards. I've triple checked all my work to see if I messed up somewhere, but can't find anything.

Edit: Here's a photo of the rainbow rom order in which boots the cps1. I removed the labels and numbered them in sharpie what the actual rom file number is.

Capcom has two models of B boards with CPS1. The chips go in a different order between the two boards. Looks like from the picture that your B Board is a 91635B-2. My guess is that the ROM set you're getting the socket numbers from came from a 91634B-2 originally, hence the need to swap the order with your board.

Glad you got it figured out - enjoy the game!
Isn’t one labeled as Eprom and the other as mask rom?
Isn’t one labeled as Eprom and the other as mask rom?
Correct, a CE/HF should use the "4M Mask-ROM type" (below my conversion of CE->Daimakaimura/aka Ghouls 'n Ghosts).

You know one other 3rd "official" CPS1 B-board type exists, but it was made by Mitchel not Capcom...

Look at how strange (and bootleg like) it is, looks really off in a stack of "normal" CPS1 boards too...
But this is a real (restored with ROMs to use the B-21 C-board, not easy as you can see nothing is/was socketed) Pang.
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Capcom has two models of B boards with CPS1. The chips go in a different order between the two boards. Looks like from the picture that your B Board is a 91635B-2. My guess is that the ROM set you're getting the socket numbers from came from a 91634B-2 originally, hence the need to swap the order with your board.

Glad you got it figured out - enjoy the game!
I had no idea that different board revisions had different rom placements. Thank you for that info :)
Not entirely true @jassin000
I have multiple genuine SF2CE and HF boards, and some are Eprom and some are mask, so even Capcom used them both for the same game...
I have multiple genuine SF2CE and HF boards, and some are Eprom and some are mask
Oh wow, I just assumed they were all 4M type because that was all I had ever seen.
I wonder if Capcom internally reworked some old stock to save cash?
Hey guys. Sorry to revive an old thread, but im experiencing almost the identical concern as above.

Just to give some background:

I have a CPS1 boardset that Ive had for about 20+ years. It has the 'dash' A board (12mhz), the B board is "91635B-2", and it has the CPS-B-21 Street Fighter II C board.

All the socketed chips have capcom stickers, except roms 21, 22, 23, which are home-made labels

It is a 'Rainbow edition' variant, specifically plays identical to version YYC bootleg set 2, 920313 from MAME. Interestingly that rom set doesnt even mention 21 22 23 in the file names.. but anyhow, its the same game to play.

The game works perfect, and has done so for 20 years.

I recently purchased a set of 21,22,23 roms for Hyper Fighting. When I install them, I get a black screen.
I tried following the above photo - that is, 23 in socket 21, 21 in socket 22, 22 in socket 23 (due to possible B board different revision) - whilst it doesnt give the same black screen issue, it shows the initial 'ROM OK' checks, but instead of booting to the game, just cycles on them over and over again.
I tried switching 21,22,23 in every order possible just to see, but they all go to black screens, except the above mentioned combination.

For the time being, I have put my 'rainbow/YYC' 21,22,23 back into the board, and it is working perfectly once again, but unfortunately doesnt give me much in terms of changing it to Hyper Fighting

Do I have a bad set of 3x Roms. The gentlemen I bought it off bought them online (assuming ebay or equivalent), but said he never ended up using them, and since has sold on his PCB collection and spares. He is kind enough to offer a refund, but I just want to make sure I havent missed something. I would have thought it to be unlikely the chips were no good.

thank you.
yes, the roms are likely bad. However some rainbow variants also changed a pal chip on the boards and that could be an issue too. Post some pics!
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Yep, the 11D chip certainly looks changed . Doesnt say 'BPRG1' on it, but rather B9242 GAl16V8A-15LNC

Is an original hyper / champion one obtainable , or a blank chip that I can have programmed by someone ? or do i need to track down an original chip somehow

@pyJamma it’s programmable. I linked to the jammaarcade page where you can get the jed file. If you don’t have a programmer I’m sure another local can help. Gal16v8 family would work, I like the atmel atf16v8b.
I had a bootleg variant that used a different BPRG1 pal. Try replacing that for HF if the chip doesn’t look stock. It should say BPRG1 on it. Probably chip 11D

I hate to bring an old forum back but I have the same problem. I switched the roms around as I have the same board revision and I have the same issue with the rom screen resetting. I have a different pal on my board that you guys mentioned and that link for the files are gone now so I don’t know what to do.