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I need to start checking trademe more often...
The Trans-Tasman rivalry begins haha Next thing all the prices in NZ go through the roof because a bunch of Ozzies found out. Guess I'm going too have to work harder getting my PCB's before they get listed.
I do have too many cabs thats true, :D 21 and and GNR Pinball in my garage, but I'm still missing a lot of the game PCB's I want. I will slowly find them. I need to get a few more CPS2 boards so I can have a SF2 tournament set up. I have enough but a few of them I would rather not mess with. ;)
I don't have the room for the dedicated cabs I want, so I have the 2 candy cabs and I may end up with another 1-2 - unless I can find a dedicated Killer Instinct or MK2 at a not insane price

I like the candy cabs but an upright would be nice to have.
The search continues...
