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Jan 8, 2017
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Hey all, just trimming my collection down a bit. Prices include shipping in the US.

Super Turbo (Asia/Grey, battery) - $325 SOLD
Capcom Sports Club (Asia/Grey, battery) - $125 SOLD
A board (Asia/Grey) - $125 SOLD
Demon Front - $140 SOLD

Album of pictures: http://imgur.com/a/0U89u

Let me know if you have any questions about anything listed
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Which version do you Demon Front have ?!
Do you have a pic of the cartridge ?
Do you ship to EU ?!
I would like to get it :)
Demon Front isn't the cartridge version, it is a standalone pcb. I got the game in a package deal and I'm not familiar with the hardware of IGS games, so that's about all I can tell you about it. The title screen says version 1.1. PCB pic here: http://i.imgur.com/4Pq3fwh.jpg

I'd be willing to ship overseas if you cover the extra cost. Let me know if you're interested and we can work something out.
Thank you for the details.
I'm only looking for the cartridge version.