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KC got them all, lol
KC gonna be in the same boat, the supply is drying up. People need to start adjusting to the reality of things.
We must go to China now.
I can't cherry pick for people or find you cabs with no dings/scratches, guaranteeing low burn, 2L CPs, etc.
seriously people. You're not buying display pieces, you're getting the beer encrusted, Nicotine tar soaked cast off that has been used in the arcades of one of the most population dense locales on the planet for the past 20 years.
If you're expecting anything outside of a burn-your-hands-off clean that has screen burn and needs parts scavenged off forums, friends, ebay AND Yahoo Auctions Japan, you need to have your expectations realigned.

Get your hands dirty, get off your ass, and get involved in the community.

and #getoffmylawn.
I have to say I was impressed with the condition of the blast city I got from cereth. Pretty clean for its age, the chassis is dust free and looks brand new except for the fact it has the goop of dead. Nanao ms2931 monitor that looks super in my eyes. The FC on the other hand is filthy... holy shit. I was expecting the FC to be in better shape but it was the opposite.
you cant expect something thats been used for 10-20 years by the public and coming from another country by freight to be in pristine condition
The real issue is you can't expect the supply of things that haven't been made in 10-20 years to be infinite. (I actually have no idea what year the last candies were actually made, over 10 I'm sure.)

In other hobbies, like say pinball, the growth is offset by new games being made. As new people enter the hobby and collections grow you can at least keep buying new games. And to an extent that's true still now, you can get a Vewlix instead.

But a new pinball is still basically the same game. However modern things get you're playing pinball, the basic flipper and ball mechanics are the same. Candies being replaced by Vewlixes is only sort of the same, since many of us want the true CRT experience.

Still, even in pinball the price on older games keeps going up. You used to be able to snatch used games up cheap. Now everything is in the hands of collectors and values keep spiking.

I personally suspect you're going to see candies slowly rise in value as they become harder to get. Maybe not right away, but the writing is kinda on the wall. Not like we haven't seen it in this hobby before. Compare collecting shmups even 5 years ago to now.
We must go to China now.

I have to say I was impressed with the condition of the blast city I got from cereth. Pretty clean for its age, the chassis is dust free and looks brand new except for the fact it has the goop of dead. Nanao ms2931 monitor that looks super in my eyes. The FC on the other hand is filthy... holy shit. I was expecting the FC to be in better shape but it was the opposite.
Lol, you want hacked up, pieced together with duct tape and bailing wire cabinets that have been (poorly) modified to tun on 220v? because China is where you get them.

But if you really want to fix it up, go for it :D

BTW, the "goop of death" is non conductive. it's not the cause of the failures.. I believe that was due to incorrect valued components being used on the chassis.

you cant expect something thats been used for 10-20 years by the public and coming from another country by freight to be in pristine condition
The real issue is you can't expect the supply of things that haven't been made in 10-20 years to be infinite. (I actually have no idea what year the last candies were actually made, over 10 I'm sure.)
The last candies were the New Net Cities, I believe, and they were made 19 years ago. The naomi Universal Uprights got a bit more life in them as they were used for dedicated cabinets well into 2009 and beyond.
I'm only saying this really solidly now because I've been watching stock dry for the last year and get constant requests from new people, and am starting to be at a loss for words to tell them that I just don't get a lot anymore. The last container had 8 NACs and 2 NNCs, and I'm afraid of even selling any because I need to make sure my personal inventory stays good. I've been warning people for the last year but I think I gotta do something about it now
The stock drying up is pretty unfortunate news. I just recently got two blasts and they've been... I wouldn't say HARD to work on, and weren't anything a bit of elbow grease couldn't fix, but man finding tubes and Chassis for them have been really hard. Everyone wants them and there just aren't any around. It's to the point where I wonder if I should start taking time to investigate consumer TV options as a backup for the future in case I need to do replacements on the tubes. People are snapping up stuff like that at an unbelievable rate now too though. It won't be long before someone's grandma's old Sylvania starts commanding a high price because it doesn't have burn on it. It's sad but it seems unlikely that there will continue to be good quality working cabs or even consumer CRTs for reasonable prices for too very much longer.
the supply is drying up. People need to start adjusting to the reality of things
That ^

For years I've been trying to tell CRT fans they need to prepare for a future without these cabs (or at least one where they have become so limited the price is just crazy).
Looks like that is finally happening now, the days of the CRT based candy cab are going away.... Prepare for the future (aka go buy a Vewlix and play Mars Matrix).
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seriously people. You're not buying display pieces, you're getting the beer encrusted, Nicotine tar soaked cast off that has been used in the arcades of one of the most population dense locales on the planet for the past 20 years.
Yeah to say some people have unrealistic expectations is an understatement, see it all the time on facebook groups, is it mint, does it have zero screen burn etc and then only want to pay chump change for it anyway.

The supply drying up shouldn't really be of any surprise, you can't import/export at the rate KC and the like was doing and expect that to not end.

FYI for those talking about Chinese cabs I was offered the pick of 48 Blast City's from China all converted to LCD.....
"48 Blast City's from China all converted to LCD."......48 Blasphemy..no thanks
Figured this was bound to happen. So the best option now is to buy from kcarcadegame until he runs out of supply?
Figured this was bound to happen. So the best option now is to buy from kcarcadegame until he runs out of supply?
You don't have to buy from an importer. There are a ton of cabs already in other collectors' hands that go up for sale every day!
Dont forget, the cab better be clean with zero burn-in for 500$! Haha yeah right. ;)
Don't tell me how to dream, jassin.

Seriously, though, if there was one reasonably priced within the state, I'd probably pick it up and buy it at this point. Burn-in included.
Seriously, though, if there was one reasonably priced within the state, I'd probably pick it up and buy it at this point. Burn-in included.
I could've sworn there was a guy in TX who imported some.
I would not worry about the cabs..worry about the CRT tubes replacements, specially the 15khz variant. A candy cab with a problematic tube in the east coast, cost you a pretty penny to fix, a dead tube, good luck with that.
There's some guys in Florida, in the Spring Hill area that are refurbing chassis and putting them on TV tubes. I have to say they look amazing. I got a few 25" monitors done this way. The downside is they DO NOT like messing around with trysinc monitors at all. So it's pretty much 15KHZ or bust.
I love a good trisync with a 'high rez' signal, looks great.

But, that said, if 480p content had to move to LCD it wouldn't be that bad. It's the 15khz stuff I need my CRT fix for badly. I know some love crispy pixels, but gimme that softer blur and true scanlines for 240p, not that razor sharp stuff.

A world where you could keep the older games running, and the Naomi etc stuff all moved to looking like the Dreamcast HDMI mod? I'd be okay with that.
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