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So small update, I'm wrapping up from CRX and will have time to proceed with parts orders and stuff soon. Also, the Vewlix Diamond Blacks will be coming in fully boxed, but the distributor wanted to know if they could unbox and wrap them to save space on the container. They would include the original cardboard so that we can re-box them after they arrive if we'd like. I kind of expect the answer, but would anyone mind if we do that?
I would not mind if they carefully managed to save the box with the cab. It’s probably better. That way they have to treat it a bit more carefully, if they see it boxed up they may treat them a beat more harsh. But, whatever you decide is the best way to go man :thumbup:
Not to be a PITA, but my gut tells me to leave it in the box.
Alight actually the space loss is pretty significant, 3 cabs to a row instead of 4. It's a loss of 8 or 9 spaces on the container, so they'll have to come off. Everything's bolted to the floor, they'll be fine. We'll re-box everything for people when they come in as desired!
The box is a simple car box like a Dell desktop PC box meterial and doesn't provide significant protection to the cab.. i would even say that if using STI it would be better without the box because STI would have to blanket rap the cab..
Yeah, I’m sure they will be fine. I’ve seen the way you make sure stuff gets packed.
im good with no boxing...

i probably have the least experience getting something like this from overseas...but if people that receive these type of items often are okay with the protocol then im okay with it too
I don't think anyone has anything to worry about. And for the price gamesaru is getting you it sounds fair to me. He could have easily made more profit off these and sold every single one still, so cutting him a break on some packaging seems like no big deal.
I uh, guess it protects the plastics on the side a tiny bit?
Looks like this...

I blacked 'em out in the shot, but the serial numbers on the package will match the cab inside (and is how you know for sure its 100% real/Taito).
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