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Multi Boyz
Jul 14, 2021
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i have finally acquirred my grail cab, an egret 29. it has been a difficult but rewarding journey to get to this point. in this thread i will tell the story of how i got the cab and i will outline all the steps i am taking/ will take to get this bird looking like it hasnt spent all year at the beach.

my Goal of this thread is to catalogue my journey thru the process of restoring this cab, as well as provide a comprehensive guide to the inner and outer workings of the Taito Egret 29.

Story of How I Discovered The Cab

first off lets tart off with the story behind the cab and how i found it:

i originally put out a WTB for an egret 29 about a month ago and had found a cab for sale from a friend of mine. last week on sunday night, i got a text from him saying there was an issue and the cab was no longer available. i would like to further explain this, but out of respect for the other parties involved, i cannot so thats all i can say about that experience. needless to say, after hearing that information i was completely gutted. i was very close to throwing in the towel and just leaving, but i realized the only way i could cope with having my dream cab taken from me was to play more games on my other cabs so checking out would have only made things worse. this is the stuff that brings me happiness and lets me escape from the horsefuckery of the outside world. so i updated my WTB thread in most of the places i had posted before and started the hunt all over again. one of the places i posted in was a rhythm game cab discord. i like the ppl in there and its a fun place to hang out. tuesday morning i check my discord threads before work like i always do. in the rhythm discord there was a guy talking about my post asking if it was real or a joke. no ping, no @ or anyhting. if i hadnt happened to see it, it would have just been lost in the sea of posts in that channel. i told him its me who is looking and i am very serious. he took my info and sent it to his friend who hit me up an hour later.

the first picture he sent me was the most recent pic he had of the cab, it had been in storage since 2017, and it was only 1 hour 10 minutes away from me! too good to be true? maybe, but i had to at least look at it. this is the pic.

i talked with him for about an hour and i learned a lot about the history of the cab and how it ended up in storage. he bought the cab in 2003 to play shmups on, then for whatever reason, had to sell his games and ended up putting the cab in storage in 2017. the movers who moved it ended up cracking the yellow marquee and banging up the bottom a bit. they also lost the key to the cab. at this point i hadnt seen the marquee yet but i wasnt gonna let a cracked marquee stop me from looking at the cab. he made it clear that he was very selective of who he would sell this cab to because he did not want it to get mame'd or something silly like paint it black or put an LCD in there. i assured him i will take good care of it, and that i plan on keeping it original and will fix the yellowing on the bezel and make the cp actually blue again. i told him i stream and plan on open up a private arcade for others to enjoy these cabs with me free of charge and i want to make it a place where ppl can enjoy these cabs with like-minded individuals (hopefully this year). he was very happy to hear that so we agreed to meet up on that weekend. in the meantime i decided to buy tubular lock picks so i can at least try and get this cab open . it was the next day after looking at the pics he sent of the cab that i realized that monitor inside is not mounted to the brackets like its supposed to be.... then the extreme anxiety set in... it was very difficult to concentrate on thngs cuz all i could think of was getting the front of the cab open, flipping up the bezel, and the monitor falling out. literal nightmare fuel. nothing i could do but wait and find out when i get there.

Meeting Up And Making The Deal

over the week i set out to prepare for this meet up, making sure i had all my bases covered. i overnighted some tubular lock pics and spent the next few days learning to use them. by friday, i was able to pick both my e2's and both my neo cabs. those were all the ones with tubular picks i had. i am pretty decent at lock picking tubular locks now, so if you ever need advice, just hit me up. i know the egret 29 uses the same wing bolts as the egret 2, so i made sure to pack 2 of them with me for the trip because i was not going to drive this cab home with the monitor free floating on its rotation mech (turns out the mech is VERY sturdy and probly wouldnt have been an issue, but hell no i will not take that risk). i also took my screw driver, stubby screw driver, channel locks, thin angled pliers, pot adjustment tool, a stepdown transformer, allen set, multimeter, jamma passthru voltmeter, and a set of cobalt drill bits, cuz i was not gonna take "NO" for an answer. he was not sure the cab would work, and neither was i, but i needed to find out. i asked him if the storage unit had an outlet accessible and he said yes, but i have an inverter in my truck just in case. ya boy dont mess around.

i made it to the storage unit on saturday afternoon, introduced myself and got to work cracking this cab. first issue i encountered was that these locks are not like typical tubular locks. they are 8 pin, which is a standard number of pins, but the 8th pin is centered where the guide notch is. they have the same spacing as a 7 pin lock, but there is an extra pin at the top of the lock. i dont know if a lock pick is designed for this style of lock. i had talked to TwistedSymphony and he told me they are alpha ly-0069 locks and they are 8 pin with the center pin, but i didnt see any picks like that so i bought what i could and hoped it would work. well it didnt. when i attempted to pick the lock i could see all the pins around the guide pin were obviously picked but the top pin was pushed in all the way, preventing the lock from turning. picking the locks myself was a no go. i am still determined and worst case scenario, i am willing to call a locksmith and pay to get it picked, and drill if one isnt available. i still have some options though. the coin door had no lock on it so i looked in there. pretty cramped so i moved on to the back

the back has a cover to access the chassis and neck rings, etc but also can be used to access the back of many of the other locks in the cab. i will go over that in more depth later in the restore thread. it is held in place with T20 star screws. i did not have any star bits, so i carefully used my channel locks to unscrew them enough to get them out with a screw driver. i have been a plumber for almost 20 years now and i am very good with a pair of channel locks on chrome. i did a good job unscrewing without fucking up the finish of the screws or the paint on the cab. once i had the back open, i could see the jamma harness was intact, and everything was there as it should be. the nanao ms8 29 looked like it never left the cab. was very clean tho. at this point i knew i could at least get a pcb in there and power it on. unfortunately due to the rotation mech, i could not get access to the front hood locks from there. so it was back to the front i go to try to get access to the back of the locks through the hole in the front from the coin door.


sadly i did not take any pictures while i was going thru this process, we were in the front lobby of the storage facility dissecting an egret 29, i was living in the moment.

i managed to get my arm up in there and got my hand on the back of the lock for the left side of the hood. i could probly get a small pliers in there if i had to, so there was some hope. i repositioned myself to get to the right side and it was basically undoable with anything in my hand, because of the coin chute getting in the way. "fuck. ill probly have to call a locksmith" is what im thinking right now. so i move back to the left side and try to feel how it connects to the cab to lock in place. i push up on it and i can see the hood raise about a half inch, which really makes me think this thing isnt locked at all.. the lock's guide part was pointed in what would typically be in the unlocked position, but this is a lock with 2 notches in it, so i dont know for sure its unlocked or not until now. i do the same thing on the other side of the hood. this hood is definitely not locked! awesome! i lift the hood and am SOOOO relieved to find the rotation mech is still intact! my suspicions were correct tho, that there were absolutlely no wing bolts holding this monitor in place and this tube had just been suspended by the rotation mech for around 5 and a half years. props to Taito for designing something so tough. there was no sag or nothing. i took the 2 wing bolts i borrowed from my egret 2s and fastened them together. i also took my jamma voltmeter and hooked it up to the jamma edge. i plugged in the cab to the stepdown transformer and plugged that into the wall outlet. i had the Seller power on the cab for me in the front (i wasnt aware of the power switch in the back yet cuz the bottom lip of the cab was so dirty the old worn sticker for the switch kinda just blended in with the grime. volt meter read 4.8 volts , should be safe to plug a board in, so i had him power it down. i plugged in the soul edge board i bought with me that i use for testing and had him power it on again... 5.18, i told him to power it off and before he did we heard audio and he said he saw a jumbled screen. i go back around to the front to look for the voltage adjustment pot on the power supply. i couldnt see it at first so i unscrewed the 1 screw that was holding it in place and pulled it out of the cab. once i located the pot behind the large connector on the psu, i reinstalled the power supply and adjusted the voltage down to 5.0 with the help of him rattling off the numbers as i adjusted on the fly. once i got it to 5v i looked up at the screen and it was just garbled shit. it looked like h hold issue, so i took my long pot adjustment tool and fiddled with the h hold adjustment on the remote board. a little change, not as bad, but still messed up. i increased the h size, and boom, came right in focus and everything, just a little small. i let it sit just playing for about 10 minutes as we talked and celebrated.


after 10 minutes i decided to adjust the horizontal and vertical size to take up the full screen. once i adjusted the h size again it went back to the fucky mess that it was before. nothing i did to the remote board was able to make it work properly again. bummer. at least i know the tube is good though. i power the cab down and button it all back up. time to take a look at that marquee crack. i rip thru the clingwrap and take off the red jacket protecting the marquee and see its cracked on the yellow plexi a little less than half way thru to the other side. its not the prettiest, but the marquee is still all there and functional. at this point i tell him i will definitely take the cab, but the original price we agreed upon was for a complete cab that is in working condition; and, to be honest, it didnt really reflect the actual price of a cab like this... i just really wanted one and would stop at nothing to get it. he was impressed with how i was able to come in and in a matter of 20 minutes, resurrect his cab and ensure it would function eventually all things considered. he knew i was the right person to have this cab and offered me a large discount from the price we agreed on originally. now we just had to get it in the truck. ezpz, right?

Loading and Unloading

my truck has a lift gate and can fit a candy cab such as an astro city without the marquee thru the overhead door no problem (albiet very close). i can also easily fit 2 candys side by side with just short of another cab to spare till the back edge of the truck. i back it up so its close to the entrance door, lower the gate, and grab my trusty new red handcart cuz my employees didnt put my trusty blue one back on the truck when i delivered the last water heater to them, lol thanks guys. i COULD have just wheeled the cab on its 4 built in wheels, but i didnt mention that all of this is being done during a snow storm. a light snowstorm, but a snow storm nonetheless. im not gonna get these wheels wet so they squeak everytime i move the cab. i tip the cab and get it on the lift gate, hoist it up and realize its not gonna clear with the topper on. i bring it down and proceed to take off the screws with the pliers and screw driver again, very carefully. the entire time on the lift i have a death grip on the cab and will not let it fall. i have read stories, fortunately their ending is also a happy one. i remember there is a wire connecting the lights and speakers to the wiring harness of the cab that goes thru the chrome tube of the topper so i will need to unplug that before i pull this topper off. i lift the hood and unplug the connector, and shut the hood back down. i pull the topper of and place it in the passenger seat. i strap it in with a seatbelt cuz this is precious cargo along with the marquee. we get it back up and into the truck with relative ease. i drape a shipping blanket over the cab and strap a rachet strap around it, ensuring it wont move around. everything was ready to go. i thanked the guy once again and we both exchanged a heartfelt handshake and i began my journey home which didnt get far because i saw a deli down the street. i housed 2 philly cheese steaks then got back on the road.

once i got home, i solo'd the cab into place. im a total pro at this after 10 cabs and moving them around and things. after about 10 minutes, the outside door was back on the hinges and all the parts were safe and sound inside my room. time to get to fixing...

First Day With The Cab

i didnt put the cab together right away from the topper-separated state it was in. i started with addressing the locks in the cab so i could more comfortably connect games and test the monitor. the tangs on most of the compartment locks just hold up against the lip of the space so you can just remove the nut that holds the tang in place and pop out the panel with the lock on it and remove it comfortably outside. i would like to get keys for these locks but its not a full complete set, so i will just buy my own locks and save the originals "just incase". for now i just placed some regular locks i have keys to to keep things accessible but still together. i havent addressed the hood locks, but dont feel an immediate need to at the moment. once i had access to all the compartments of the cab i got to work on replacing the chassis. i found it easier to get at the anode cap if i rotated the monitor to tate.


i replaced the chassis and booted it on but i noticed it really smelled like burning after about 10 minutes and the heatsink on this chassis was very hot, like u could burn urself. the only spare i had was from my yaton cab and that chassis was not the hottest to begin with so its not suprising the fix didnt last that long. the width was not working right either. guess this spare chassis isnt cutting it right now. i did manage to adjust it pretty decently on sf2 turbo tho. this monitor has a teeny amount of burn, not worried about it, but the guns all work. al 3 colors , nice and bright.


could be tuned finer, but i started smelling burning so i investigated. sources led me to the chassis. it was very hot. the heatsink was so hot it cold burn me. powered it down and took a few minute break. used the time to order a cap kit for the original chassis. we will see where that goes when i get that in. i spent the rest of the night scrubbing the outside of this cab and getting the multitude of side scrapes and stuff out of the outside surface of the cab. i also used pliers to pull out the dents in the bottom lip of the cab. again was very careful and u couldnt tell no matter how close u put your eye to it. after about 8 hours of work, this is what i ended up with:




i used clorox wipes to get the surface dirt and loose grime off, then i used a paper towel with a little goof off on the white base. u need to be quick with the goof off, rubbing fast then immediately wiping the goof off away with the clorox wipe or a wet paper towel to neutralize the goof off. this proved to be very effective in removing the scrapes and paint swaps form sliding in and out of places. u cannot use goof off on the plastic parts at all. be very careful to not touch any part of the polastic parts with anything that has touched goof off. goof off is caustic AF and will melt the plastic. to clean the plastic i just used old fashioned elbow grease and a clorox wipe. there is still a lot left to do. i will continue to update this thread as i go along the process of restoring this cab to the glorius state it deserves to be in.

i have made a dropbox link to the video of the cab running as well as a dump of extra pics and pics of better quality. feel free to take a look and listen to the speaker system on this cab . its pretty epic.

Pics and Vids Link:

PSU Cap List and Pics:
https://www.digikey.com/en/mylists/list/GPZICTHZ9Q - link to digikey parts list (thanks to @Hatsune Mike)

Link to 3d Scan of Alpha LY-0069 key (printable STL file) - (thanks to @twistedsymphony)

Link to 3d printed bezel screw savers (printable STL file) - (thanks to @FluxChiller , STL by Lymando)
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did some more work on sunday and monday. its a snow day today and i am going to enjoy some quality play time on it after building a snowman with my niece. here is a synopsis of what i did over the past 2 days:

Day 2
the idea of not having a working chassis in the cab really started getting to me, so i decided to investigate further. i decided to open the back of one of my NACs and see if the heatsink got as hot as the one in my egret 29... turns out yes it does after an hour. i have run this cab the week before for 6 hours straight with no issues so i can rule out overheating as a problem. so maybe that burning smell was just the old dust and stuff i jostled loose during cleaning getting burned off or something and im just paranoid. the chassis shows picture still, so it cant be that busted, right? well i set to find out. i powered the egret 29 on with the hood up and smelt the burning again and saw smoke start to come out thru the notch for accessing the adjustment pots. i immediately powered off the cab, spun it around, and got the back open. i scanned for damage and didnt see any. oh well, at least everything is safe now. i pop the anode cap and remove the chassis from the bird. i place it on my workbench and flip the light on to get a better look at it. well theres my problem! that transformer is burnt like a marshmallow that touched too close to the campfire. also one of the large grey resistors(?) had a cold solder joint that cracked.


well that was my only spare chassis i had so i decided to take the chassis from one of my NACs until the cap kit gets here for the original ms8 that was in my bird. i started by removing the MS8 29 chassis from my NAC which was a slow process cuz i did it while it was in tate configuration while the monitor was still in the cab. its doable, but a slow careful process. installation was pretty straightforward and more or less the same deal as the egret 2 except for the remote adjustment board is mounted to the chassis instead of the cab by the test, service, and degauss buttons like the egret 2.


after getting the new chassis installed, i booted it up, and let it sit for a few minutes while watching it. no smoke or burning smell, and everything is all good! i take the time to calibrate the color with SF2 turbo and the size calibration with the cross pattern of the game i intend to play, darius gaiden. (i noticed the smaller squares in the center of the darius gaiden test pattern. but on the sf2 turbo crosshatch they are all of equal size, so i assume this is just how the crosshatch is intended to look for this game. please let me know if this is wrong. i cannot see an issue with the game picture so i think its a non-issue). the calibration isnt perfect, but it is good enough for me. there is a slight pin cushion on the top. i tried to fix this before with the previous monitor but i never could get it better than this. it doesnt look bad at all during gameplay, which is the most important thing, cuz im not gonna be staring at the crosshatch pattern all day. i let it sit for a couple hours in attract mode while i write the first post of the restore log. power supply stays constant all the time, which is good news for me. i will remove it in the near future and take notes for a cap kit if one doesnt exist yet. after posting the log i started playing darius gaiden but got interupted by an emergency work call so i didnt get much gameplay. such is life sometimes in the service industry. but now at this point, by the end of the night i have a cab that displays a good looking picture and has working levers and buttons, i even got to play a couple credits!


there are still some things i need to tackle that the current weather will allow such as sourcing the lamp and ballast, new levers and buttons, and getting a full set of locks. this is how my bird stands at the end of day 2. A beautiful sight.


Day 3
monday was met with the arrival of the new levers and buttons i ordered for the egret 29 and my new neo 29 candy. i started work right away but was met with an immediate speed bump. the original harness is .187 connectors, not the 5 pin harness for the seimitsu sticks i ordered. oops. guess ill just have to make an adapter because i absolutely refuse to alter the harness in any way, but i also really wanna use these levers cuz they r seimitsu evo and 40th anniversary and thats gangsta. the seimitsu levers i ordered came with 5 pin female harnesses so all i needed to figure out was a suitable male leg for the .187 connector.... i found it in an old clapped out seimitsu clone lever from one of the 3 yaton cabs i bought a while back. (dont be like me, it was a bad idea to buy). i cut the leads off the switches and made my new adapter. i slipped on some heatshrink to tidy it up.


next thing i had to do was seperate the CP assembly from the base of the cab. this is where i really started to realise the true craftsmanship of this cab. upon opening the hood, you will find a latch behind the control panel. slide that latch to the right and the cp assembly will disconnect itself. you can the npull it upward as if it were attached at a hinge and it will rest itself, freely, on a bar at the front lip of the bottom CP metal base. then i proceed to disconnect the wire harness connectors, p1 and 2 start, and a ground wire in order to fully release the CP assembly from the cabinet. it really is an assembly too. it has many parts to it and really is a marvel in engineering from both a mechanical and aesthetic standpoint. after swapping buttons and a little bit of cable management i was left with one slick looking panel setup.



next thing i hadn't tried was the coin mechanism. would it work the first time? of course not. fortunately i know how to adjust them to take my tokens with relative ease. just like everything else on this cab, the coin mech is gorgeous and overbuilt. ill just let the picture speak for itself. the coin switch broke when i pulled one of the leads off so i had to replace that as well. upon testing the functionality, i was pleased to hear it has a very pleasant sounding trip down the chute and into the metal tray. and boy lemme tell you... this mech can inhale coins. i can send multiple coins down at a time like a slot machine and it recognizes every one. i bet it has something to do with that extra brass on the back of the mech and the one scalloped side of the coin entry.


while replacing the coin switch i use the coin drawer as a place to store the screws and nut for the mounting and ground wire respectively. i took that time to look at the coin counter and it had a little red sticker blocking the 100k and 10k digits. i pulled it off and saw a number that really wasnt worth hiding at all; 021503. id consider that low plays.


i decided to spend the rest of the night with some ghandi bot and some long awaited Darius Gaiden.

all thats left now is to locate a lamp and ballast... and the physical restore of the plastic components. that will have to wait for better weather tho. it felt really good to get some time in on this cab. it really is a treat to play on. the Seimitsu sticks feel tight but soft to move. very precise with a nice snap back to center. i can really feel the difference in the act of pushing the switch on a metal lever as opposed to the plunger hitting the exposed switch on a JLF. it adds a smooth depression and a good feeling "rebound" kind of feel to it. i forgot to mention my choice in buttons before so i feel now is an appropriate time to do so. i chose seimitsu ps-14 g's because i love how they look and feel.
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Week 2
i ordered a new ballast and lamp for the topper and installed it. torx t20 long bits are required for this job so make sure you have a long bit ready. i decided it was best to take off the marquee then take off the topper from the cab in order to open it and replace the bulb and ballast. you can find the specs of them in the parts manual.

i also took the time to remove much of the dust inside


once i got it all back together, it slowly came back to life. that was easy! dear Lord, its gorgeous!


so now i have a 100% working Egret 29. i have spent a decent chunk of time on this cab now and i am starting to get consistently to H on Darius Gaiden. i have purchased wing screws and once they come in, i can take out the allen screws in it now and easily rotate my monitor. that will let me get at the anode cup more easily so i can hopefully smoothly make a video of how to swap a chassis in a cab and perform the recap of the psu and chassis on stream next weekend. hopefully a recap will solve the scrambled issue the original chassis had. if not, off to sharp it goes!
here she is all lit up..


Week 4:
did a recap of the original chassis on stream and reinstalled it to see if i fixed the scrambled video issue, and it mostly did but there is still a little wavyness at times. going to send it to sharp cuz they are better at troubleshooting than i am.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78GY62XWQNA

i also took out the psu and recapped it today. that was a success. i also have enough caps ordered to make 3 or 4 more cap kits for the power supply. feel free to PM me if you would like one for your cab.

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finally had a couple days where it was above 50f and less than 60% humidity. decided to paint the plastic pieces while i had the chance. i first started off with the yellow parts. they were pretty bad, but nothing some vinyl die couldnt handle. i followed in Twistedsymphony's footsteps and went with the duplicolor hvp105 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00098PO22 . this stuff is very easy to use. follow the can instructions and have at it. took a good 3 coats to cover 100%. i used 3 full cans and a little extra out of a 4th to cover all the while plastic.

first, i had to disassemble everything and get it ready for paint. i noticed the inside was pretty dirty but i ran out of paper towels after prepping the plastic components for paint. i did what i could with just cleaning wipes, which did all the area under the plastic so i can tackle cleaning the inside better at a later time.

next i had to tape off around where the side speakers mount. they have black paper on them which i was not trying to replace, as well as threads for the screws that hold the speaker grille in palce. i used green painters tape to cover the area and carefully used an exacto knife to cut 2mm from the perimeter of the inside flat edge of the speaker mount face. i learned this after i did my first and second coat. it came out flawless afterward and the speaker grille hides it 100% no matter how close you look at it. i did an extra 2 coats to all the parts then carefully brought it inside 30 minutes after the last coat to let it fully dry. i didnt want any bugs or debris getting in the paint.

pics were taken after the 1st or 2nd coat.




after a few hours of letting it dry, i fit everything back together and was very impressed at the results. the finish is super durable and looks damn close to the original paint. for those wondering about the speckles on the control panel thats bits of dried paint from my arm and hand because i sprayed paint all over it while holding the parts to get coverage in the harder to reach spaces. it brushed right off.



After seeing the cab so clean, i had to do the control panel as soon as i could. there was a short window i had where i could do the painting a few days after i got the white done. i used the same Rustoleum blue satin enamel as twistedsymphony did. it took longer to dry than i thought it would before reading the can but it is fully dry after the full 24 hours. im not 100% sold on the way it came out. the durability is not as strong as i had hoped, but it is by no means terrible. its good enough for now and i can easily sand it off and do it all over again a different way, with a different paint, or apply a clear coat of some sort. for now, i will run it thru a stream session and see how it holds up. yall might not like it, but i left the cigarette burn on it. i rather like it as it serves as a reminder of what this cab once was, and as a personal reminder of me quitting smoking cigarettes and eventually vaping. i consider it the little bit of ashes that the phoenix rises out of. its a beauty mark to me.



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here is the journey from A to Z. this cab cleaned up real nice, and i am thrilled how it came out. the longer i look at it, this picture looks like one of those "can you spot the difference" pictures lol. (i still have the bottom panel, i just leave it off for better ventilation. these cabs are basically a hotbox)

i had to decompress that image down but i really wanted to do a side by side. here is the full scale pic of the finished cab.


special thanks to AP forums for providing a place to learn and grow in this hobby.
special thanks to @twistedsymphony for providing great restoration reference
special thanks to @NEON_Arcade for providing tips and advice
special thanks to Rhythm Game Cabs discord for reading my WTB and setting me up with a link to my dream cab.
special thanks to Pandemicade discord for the support and brotherhood since day 1. wouldnt be here if it werent for the people there.

the end?
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congrats on getting a great and weird cabinet. since LY0069 locks and keys are very hard to find a close suggestion is to use LY1153 locks, taito's set that they deployed on the Egret II. They'll even sell you new ones.

Down the line I do recommend moving to an MS9 chassis if you can find an appropriate (actual) MS9-29 yoke and then with the remote board in the coin door you can avoid opening the hood every time you change boards.
damn that chassis has seen better days! that transformer is *toasted*
i didnt realize it till i had already put it in. this was the chassis for the NAC i got from Yaton. it was more bodge than chassis and was on the floor, ripped off of the neck when it arrived. i sent it to sharp and they fixed it up but honestly it was on its last legs and was supposed to be a temporary solution anyway. i got a cap kit coming for the original and ill get that back in the cab. for now, my NAC is out of commission and i got a good chassis for spare parts . in the state it is even before the transformer roasted i dont think its worth repairing.