I'll get everyone updated here in a bit. And start to go back through PM's of which I've fallen way behind on again.
Managed to get bronchitis and have both my grandparents pass over the holiday break here, so it's been a rough little bit at the rewrite household.
JLCPCB *still* hasn't sent the daughterboards. Can't trust their estimates, I guess :/
Big long dumper board was working great for a while, but now just shows 4 errors no matter what I do. I'm not sure if the sockets are breaking due to the board flexing during chip removal, or what. This is definitely the largest hurdle and I'd love for there to be just about any solution at all for it, because this is awful. I am going to try removing and putting new sockets on this afternoon. I'll also have more 2.54mm sockets in today so I can build a few more of these.
The final 5 AES carts are in, CPLDs programmed, and will have their SMD chips stripped and programmed before the day is done. If nothing else at all I will accomplish this today.
Which will put us at:
All boards stripped, all CPLDs programmed, all SMD chips programmed.
Still need SMD chips soldered back on, and daughterboards programmed/installed.
All boards stripped, all CPLDs programmed, all SMD chips programmed, half of the SMD chips are installed.
Other half of the SMD chips need to be soldered back on, and daughterboards programmed/installed.
30ish C1 are programmed/verified/dumped/CRC Compared and installed on dual daughterboards.
18 C3 are programmed/verified/dumped/CRC Compared.