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Jun 12, 2015
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If you see this auction, you'll probably think that this guy is selling you a lindbergh *probably* working with it's DVD as a backup.....WRONG!

That Lindbergh is completely useless as it has no JVS port and I believe is from some horse game which requires touch screen and other dedicated hardware....

So if you are expecting to buy an InitialD4, you are'nt as game doesn't even come with the right keychip, right JVS...

A cheat?? IMHO yes by lack of information and deliberately trying to confuse the user with that ID4 DVD.
Is even worst than that.

If you look carefully to the lindbergh photos you will see that the video card has an S-VHS output port in the middle of the VGA and DVI output ports.

I can conclude that this video card is NOT any of the Sega original video cards, mounted on lindberghs, neither 6800GT, 7800GS or 7600GS, so the guy put probably got any broken video card he had on his scrap container and swaped it.

Also the ATX Power connectors are Broken and Soundblaster card is missing too.

"Materiale non testato proveniente da chiusura locale" HEHEHEHE, Indeed is tested for sure but DON'T WORKS!!!!!
Is even worst than that.

If you look carefully to the lindbergh photos you will see that the video card has an S-VHS output port in the middle of the VGA and DVI output ports.

I can conclude that this video card is NOT any of the Sega original video cards, mounted on lindberghs, neither 6800GT, 7800GS or 7600GS, so the guy put probably got any broken video card he had on his scrap container and swaped it.

Also the ATX Power connectors are Broken and Soundblaster card is missing too.

"Materiale non testato proveniente da chiusura locale" HEHEHEHE, Indeed is tested for sure but DON'T WORKS!!!!!
OMG. That about the graphic card left me frozen :(
some people contacted me and told me that that is Biagio Di Marcos new account...
God all mighty, some people would do anything to cheat anyone out of $$. I bet that guy would even pimp out his mother if it would make him a buck.

Reminds of Souji5 from www.soujistiks.com. Guy took my money for a custom stick case, just the case, the build out I would do myself. Said he would be done in 4-6 weeks at most, which was well beofre x-mas as i I told him I needed it as it was gift for my wife. I have not heard from the guy since, its been like 10 weeks now. Guy came recommended from a few forums as well. I am trying to track this asshole down, name is Aaron Wright.

Anyways, be careful out there people too many fakes.