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So I've been playing around with a few analog games to record the channels and I need some clarification on your chart as to the definition of "min" and "max" is that min and max voltage or min and max resistance? or is it min and max HEX value (which I've discovered is sometimes the inverse of the incoming voltage and other-times not)

voltage makes the most sense to me, but I want to be clear.


Also, I tested out Sega Marine fishing since it's a real odd-ball and only seems to work with a type 2 I/O board.
I'm not going to add this one to the chart since I don't have the right connectors for the digital controls and it'd be near impossible to actually determine which "Direction" each of these analog controls work but if anyone is interested here is what I confirmed in test mode:
A0 pull position
A1 swing position
A2 stick X
A3 stick Y
A4 reel speed
A5 tension


ooh new fun discovery.
club kart's steering is backwards
also the analog steering data is 16 bits instead of 8
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So I've been playing around with a few analog games to record the channels and I need some clarification on your chart as to the definition of "min" and "max" is that min and max voltage or min and max resistance? or is it min and max HEX value (which I've discovered is sometimes the inverse of the incoming voltage and other-times not)

voltage makes the most sense to me, but I want to be clear.


Also, I tested out Sega Marine fishing since it's a real odd-ball and only seems to work with a type 2 I/O board.
I'm not going to add this one to the chart since I don't have the right connectors for the digital controls and it'd be near impossible to actually determine which "Direction" each of these analog controls work but if anyone is interested here is what I confirmed in test mode:
A0 pull position
A1 swing position
A2 stick X
A3 stick Y
A4 reel speed
A5 tension


ooh new fun discovery.
club kart's steering is backwards
also the analog steering data is 16 bits instead of 8
Thanks for updates in the sheet! Initial D throws a bit of a wrench in the current scheme as controller 1 needs to have probably buttons on p1 input device mapped to levers on jvs player 2..

It's from min to max value, as the IO board sees it (what the game displays in game-specific test is not really important) - which should correspond to both voltage and resistance too.

All JVS analog is actually 16 bit, but they have a neat scheme so if the IO board reads 8 bit only, it shifts those bits up and pads the lesser bits with 0.
All JVS analog is actually 16 bit, but they have a neat scheme so if the IO board reads 8 bit only, it shifts those bits up and pads the lesser bits with 0.
interesting, I wonder why more games don't take advantage of the full 16 bits... or what makes club kart so special that it needed more than 8.

in any case NAOMI 2 is done, I confirmed that neither Beach Spikers nor Virtua Striker 3 use analog. I thought for sure VS3 did but it appears I was wrong.
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We aware that some games like Zombie revenge can also use a digital controller instead an analogic one, you just need to change the settings inside game test menu.

Best regards.
Yeah, it's a bit of a mess..
I will most likely end up with a config file with pr.game settings that can do stuff like reverse the axis etc.

Trying to make a table for this stuff, pm me your email and I'll enable write access to it:

I just wanted to follow up on this and say I'm not ignoring your comment. I'm more than happy to contribute, but I'm not at the point yet in my project where control mappings are a priority, so I don't have anything to contribute at the moment. I'll get in touch when I'm to that point.

I hope you don't see my project as competition for yours. I think our goals are different enough that we can collaborate and still come up with our own unique solutions. Your project seems like it would be geared towards a consolization type setup or perhaps a setup where you've got maybe a driving game and would like to play other games in the cabinet with a controller. What I'm trying to accomplish is a driving game I/O replacement that remaps controls automatically so that all driving games work as best as possible with a specific cabinet's existing controls.

It would be cool if we could utilize the same configuration protocol, if you're willing to share.

A consideration for my project is also going to be outputs for lighted buttons. Would you mind including columns for outputs even if you don't use them?
Just a quick update, this project is not dead :)

What is working good so far:
  • Linux boots in 4 seconds on orignal PI
  • Analog and digital input from controllers work great
  • usb analog <-> jvs analog can be remapped
  • usb digital buttons <-> jvs buttons can be remapped
  • jvs analog axis can be inverted
All this stuff is needed for pr-game-mappings, as the games differ so much that 2/3 switchable profiles won't cut it. Big thanks for help with this list:
If anyone got any extra info, PM me for write access.

Remaning is a bit of polish to put remapping into easy to use config files + make sure the custom built linux setup can be used on both original and rpi3. It works when using stock linux, but a little more involved when building your own. The 'distro' will most likely be <100mb.

What is not working:
  • Force feedback
  • racing wheels (in theory should work but not tested).
This is simply because I don't have this hardware.
Just a quick update, this project is not dead :)

What is working good so far:
  • Linux boots in 4 seconds on orignal PI
  • Analog and digital input from controllers work great
  • usb analog <-> jvs analog can be remapped
  • usb digital buttons <-> jvs buttons can be remapped
  • jvs analog axis can be inverted
All this stuff is needed for pr-game-mappings, as the games differ so much that 2/3 switchable profiles won't cut it. Big thanks for help with this list:
If anyone got any extra info, PM me for write access.

Remaning is a bit of polish to put remapping into easy to use config files + make sure the custom built linux setup can be used on both original and rpi3. It works when using stock linux, but a little more involved when building your own. The 'distro' will most likely be <100mb.

What is not working:
  • Force feedback
  • racing wheels (in theory should work but not tested).
This is simply because I don't have this hardware.
As far as I know, FFB isn't handled on the JVS bus. The Sega FFB for steering uses the MIDI port. The Namco FFB uses an RS-232 port. In both of these cases you'd have to work out a separate serial port for interpreting these protocols. Or am I misunderstanding your goal with FFB?
No real goal, I thought ffb was handled through JVS - but if a second UART is needed, then it's probably not going to happen soon.
Agreed. The prospect of a board that will allow for USB peripherals to be used with any Sega hardware that uses JVS (Naomi, Chihiro, Triforce, Lindbergh, etc.) is huge and would be AMAZING! The idea of any USB steering wheel and/or gun being an option for JVS opens up so many options and as Darksoft states helps those of us that don't have the room (or wife's approval) for a full driving cabinet. I know the AIMtrak isn't viewed as a great device for accuracy, but it would certainly be an option for those that don't want to invest in the very expensive Type II gun hardware and more "plug and play" opportunities. This must be finished as it would be a great asset to the community. Mark me down for one! Good luck with the further development and hopefully you get some assistance to get this completed in the near future.
count me in if we can use usb guns on Lindbergh ! :love:
I don't have USB guns or racing wheels, if you really want this, I need details about them. Connect them to a PC/raspberry that runs Linux and fire up from command prompt/bash/shell

or feel free to donate one of these devices to me :)
I don't have USB guns or racing wheels, if you really want this, I need details about them. Connect them to a PC/raspberry that runs Linux and fire up from command prompt/bash/shell

or feel free to donate one of these devices to me :)
PM Sent.
As far I understand AimTrak to work is it can be a driverless HID mouse on a PC. It does have a configuration utility on Windows, though. Provided it can be done without drivers/utility, I suspect your main goal would be to translate cursor movements as analog channels over JVS.
As far I understand AimTrak to work is it can be a driverless HID mouse on a PC. It does have a configuration utility on Windows, though. Provided it can be done without drivers/utility, I suspect your main goal would be to translate cursor movements as analog channels over JVS.
Had a quick look at the doc, and seems it presents itself as TWO mice - and some special stuff in mame to get it to work.
Mice are rotary devices with counters relative to the last report, and not absolute like an analog joytick (or lightgun) - so no idea how it actually works.
Mice are rotary devices with counters relative to the last report, and not absolute like an analog joytick (or lightgun) - so no idea how it actually works.
that was my first thought too, but they're also compatible with PS2/PS3 so maybe you can utilize that mode with JVS... surely it's going to be better than trying to convert relative positional data to absolute positional data.
Can someone help with this process - "Connect them to a PC/raspberry that runs Linux and fire up from command prompt/bash/shell"
I don't run Linux - I do have a Raspberry Pi; how do I run Linux on the Pi to get the code needed by invzim to work with adding my Logitech MoMo Red steering wheel to the JVS code? I REALLY want to get this feature added to this project and to have both the USB gun (AimTrak) and steering wheel (MoMo) available for the the JVS Sega hardware. Willing to help with some direction.
If anyone has a USB wheel or USB gun from PC/PS3 and wants to help, you can read out the parameters of your device using the procedure below. Make sure you are running this from Linux and you provide the exact model of wheel/gun that you were using for the test.

You need evtest for that. If you don't have it installed, you can either:

a) install and download it if your computer/device has internet connection:
apt-get install evtest

b) download it from their site using another computer and install from a memory stick
Insert the memory stick from the graphic environment and double click on the deb file that you get.
You can also install it manually using:
sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE

once it's installed just type from a command line:
evtest | tee Thrustmaster_Output.txt

PM me the Thrustmaster_Output.txt (packed into a zip/rar/7z)

Here is an example of what I got.


  • USB Device answer.zip
    5.6 KB · Views: 129