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Just a tip to anyone using Jotego's beta cores.

Make sure to always use the newest beta.zip file.

If you accidentally use the an older version, the warning in the core will go away but the controls will not work.

That can be confusing.

This has affected me and, apparently, quite a few others.

It makes the delivery method through update_all seem not very well thought out. You still need to go to the patreon page and download a file that needs to be manually added to the MiSTer.

I am not advocating anything be changed. The content creators have every right to deliver their content however they wish. I thank them for all they do. Always.

I am just sharing the insight/thoughts because I stopped even checking the patreon after I found out update_all was implemented for Jotego's betas. I made the mistake in assuming the beta.zip I had from a previous release was good enough. The missing message in the core seemed to confirm my assumption.
I posted this over on the mister forum, but got no info. I figure the experts are here anyway...

I picked up one of the Atari branded USB button spinners to use with the arcade cores that support spinners: https://www.microcenter.com/product/624 ... sb-spinner

I believe this is the same as the GRS spinner which seems to work on the Mister. Initial testing on the Mister with analog I/O board has no response in Arkanoid, Tron, or the InputTest core. In WIndows 8, it shows up as a HID compliant mouse and controls the cursor fine. In the shell on the Mister, lsusb shows the same VID: PID as Windows.

VID: PID = 32be:1420

I've added these values as well as ffff:ffff to the mister.ini settings for using a mouse as a spinner. No difference.

What am I missing?
FYI, I have been having a long discussion about default MAME Keyboard mapping for the Neogeo core here with Sorgelig: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/NeoGeo_MiSTer/issues/135
I don't know if I am being super clear or if it's an issue just with me at that point. I thought what I was asking made sense, but now I am doubting, if anyone that has a MiSTer and aJVSpac2 wants to have a look or chime in, I would appreciate it ;P Ty!
FYI, I have been having a long discussion about default MAME Keyboard mapping for the Neogeo core here with Sorgelig: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/NeoGeo_MiSTer/issues/135
I don't know if I am being super clear or if it's an issue just with me at that point. I thought what I was asking made sense, but now I am doubting, if anyone that has a MiSTer and aJVSpac2 wants to have a look or chime in, I would appreciate it ;P Ty!
Thanks for making an issue, I posted a comment on git. It would be great if there are more people requesting MAME style keyboard input for MiSTer, as it is just so much easier than dealing with mapping and remapping gamepads.
FYI, I have been having a long discussion about default MAME Keyboard mapping for the Neogeo core here with Sorgelig: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/NeoGeo_MiSTer/issues/135
I don't know if I am being super clear or if it's an issue just with me at that point. I thought what I was asking made sense, but now I am doubting, if anyone that has a MiSTer and aJVSpac2 wants to have a look or chime in, I would appreciate it ;P Ty!

Thanks for making an issue, I posted a comment on git. It would be great if there are more people requesting MAME style keyboard input for MiSTer, as it is just so much easier than dealing with mapping and remapping gamepads.
Hasnt this been asked for the longest time? I dont think Mister Devs give a fuck about this or just about any suggestion that is not from within their circle. Sadly arcade/mame community is not important/large enough for requests like this to be considered. Maybe in the future with enough people ask for it. But I guess it would break the Mister if they were to implement this. Maybe you guys should start some type of support request/campaign over at their forum??
I have no idea what's behind the reluctance to implement this is (or for even removing previous MAME key support on some cores). All jotego cores support it 100% out of the box (and also the 'normal' mister gamepad input), so it can't be a very technical issue.
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Yeah that last point is really what is puzzling me as well. I think I will try to chat with Jotego and potentially ask him to chime in as well, if he could explain what and why he did with his cores. Sorgelig is pretty explicit that he does not really care about arcade and that Consoles is all that matter really so not sure what will be the result, but in the meantime I will entertain him and keep doing what he's asking :)

Thanks Invzim for chiming in!
Thanks for the info.

I ordered the Saturn version. If it works, it could be pretty great.

If not, I'll blame you 😉

I'm interested in this because I'm not thrilled with the component output from the IO board that I have. The component output is pretty dark. Not a huge deal if used on its own input. Very annoying when trying to share the same input with several other devices.

I have the Saturn adapter for the hd retrovision genesis 2 component cable. That cable has 2 brightness levels built it, so it's more flexible.

Composite and svideo might be cool to have as well.
The Saturn IO PCB arrived today.

My early impressions are - I'm impressed.

Video quality looks very good using Saturn -> MD2 -> HD retrovision component cable.

Video brightness difference is significant.

This PCB also eliminates the USB hub pcb.
The Saturn IO PCB arrived today.

My early impressions are - I'm impressed.

Video quality looks very good using Saturn -> MD2 -> HD retrovision component cable.

Video brightness difference is significant.

This PCB also eliminates the USB hub pcb.

Whats the quality of the case like? Have you run into any compatibility issues using the USB ports? Also have you tried using SNAC?

The slimline form factor is interesting to me, as well as the Saturn cable output.

You said the brightness differences are noticeable. We’re you having dimmer results using the stock IO board?
Whats the quality of the case like? Have you run into any compatibility issues using the USB ports? Also have you tried using SNAC?

The slimline form factor is interesting to me, as well as the Saturn cable output.

You said the brightness differences are noticeable. We’re you having dimmer results using the stock IO board?
The case is pretty good. However the paint job isn't the greatest. There's some over-spray if you look at it closely. I can provide images if you like.

I don't have snac, so I can't say. I have largely ignored snac since I find very little latency when using the USB.

I was starting to look into snac last night, just to try it out, but was unsure what I needed to get started. I didn't look too far into it.

Based on the description of the IO board on ali-express, I believe it's setup for use with snac.

I only have experience with my MiSTer setup, but I thought that it was known that the component video output of the IO board was a little dim. That's just the impression I got from the vendor that sold me the IO board.

It could also be that the HD Retrovision cables are a little bright, even at the default setting. Now that I think of it, I tend to think that's the case since they are brighter than my retrogamingcables component cables in the same environment.

Either way, on the setup I use, most devices are using HD Retrovision cables and the MiSTer definitely didn't match the brightness of the other devices. This was very annoying to me. This Saturn IO board gave me the opportunity to make everything equal. I'm really enjoying it.

Thanks for the info about this. I wouldn't have found it otherwise.
I use SNAC primarily for light guns. It’s very useful if you have console light guns. You just need the main SNAC adapter. Then you buy adapters for individual consoles and change the settings in the core.

I don’t use component, only SCART RGB and the colour levels seem fine (have done reference tests with original hardware). Is cool that this unit fixes problems though.

Would like to see photos of the case paint job. I’m possibly going to order one of these down the line.
I use SNAC primarily for light guns. It’s very useful if you have console light guns. You just need the main SNAC adapter. Then you buy adapters for individual consoles and change the settings in the core.

I don’t use component, only SCART RGB and the colour levels seem fine (have done reference tests with original hardware). Is cool that this unit fixes problems though.

Would like to see photos of the case paint job. I’m possibly going to order one of these down the line.
Thanks for the info. Any recommendations on the best place to buy SNAC adapters?

Here are some images.

There is a weird "tail" hanging off this because my Saturn -> MD2 adapter broke.

I had to wire directly to the PCB, bypassing the DIN, while I await a replacement adapter.





Yes - That says "Ethemet" with an "m".

This is a good shot of the over spray.


From a standing distance it's not that obvious.


And Just in case you are curious about the "tail"...

It looked like there would be no Saturn -> MD2 adapters available until, possibly, after August. I didn't want to wait that long.


I found an adapter in Canada, and it's on it's way.
Looks decent. The overspray is a bit annoying but not all that bad.

re: SNAC, I got my adapter from @misteraddons — comes with a right angle connector. The adapters, there’s a lot of places to get them. I hear eBay has some good ones in the states but best to read up on forums as to what’s good. I have used SNES, NES and MD/SMS for light guns. All work perfectly.
Looks decent. The overspray is a bit annoying but not all that bad.

re: SNAC, I got my adapter from @misteraddons — comes with a right angle connector. The adapters, there’s a lot of places to get them. I hear eBay has some good ones in the states but best to read up on forums as to what’s good. I have used SNES, NES and MD/SMS for light guns. All work perfectly.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
Yeah that last point is really what is puzzling me as well. I think I will try to chat with Jotego and potentially ask him to chime in as well, if he could explain what and why he did with his cores. Sorgelig is pretty explicit that he does not really care about arcade and that Consoles is all that matter really so not sure what will be the result, but in the meantime I will entertain him and keep doing what he's asking :)

Thanks Invzim for chiming in!

Well I'll be damned. Another user jumped in and gave a bit clearer information, and I can now use 2 players on all cores with the JVSPac 2. @invzim I think that's great news and that means it could be added to your MiSTer section for the JCSpac2 :)