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Oct 22, 2015
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Cebu, Philippines
Good evening ,

Can I ask anyone familiar with nanao ms 29 monitor (got this from a versus city)

this monitor sort of works (image in screen does not occupy the full width of the crt screen, another issue I need help with, cant seem to find ha "horizontal width" potentiometer of some sorts) .

when I opened it up to clean it. i found a "loose" black wire that is not connected to anything.
this black wire sort of travels around the bottom part of the picture tube (as shown in picture)

can somebody please help me identify where in the chassis it should me connected to?

i have a picture of the chassis with a simple grid. (attachment image.) IMG_20160917_201141.jpg

can you tell me where (more or less) in my simple grid of the chassis must it be installed?

by the way the monitor still displays an image even when this wire is not plugged to anything.

I feel like this is a ground wire or something.. I am really no expert on this.

thank you very much
That looks like the DAG wire. It sticks into a pin on the neckboard (the smaller PCB that hooks to the tube neck). Do not, do not, do not power on your monitor until all your wires are in, especially the DAG wire. You'll cook your chassis.
sir acblunden2

could the pin (i encircled black using mspaint) be the DAG wire?

thanks for the infoIMG_20160917_204247.jpg
thank you.. tried test fitting it while off.. the length of the wire and the snugness of the pin suggests that it is the right one..

also no other "pin" seems to fit snugly to the wire.

Thank you sir..

Gonna try to turn this on later.
Take pics of the chassis board number so you can Google the exact model of your board before everything is hooked back up. Keep us posted with your results after all your wires are hooked back up correctly.
That's a MS-9.

this monitor sort of works (image in screen does not occupy the full width of the crt screen, another issue I need help with, cant seem to find ha "horizontal width" potentiometer of some sorts) .
It's on the remote board. Do you have one?

If you still can't get it to occupy the full width, there's a pot on the chassis that's labeled H.S.LIM (short for horizontal size limit).
ill report back later . ill check the monitor tonight
found it! Thanks!


Namco Exceleena 2 (red and white/flesh color) cabinet.

the Versus City Nanao monitor fits just right in.

thanks for the tips

nem, acblunden2!


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