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Aug 23, 2015
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London, UK
I need some help debugging this setup..

I have a Naomi 2 with Multibios, Capcom IO and PSU is a converted PC ATX.

I recently purchased a net dimm from China on ebay - Firmware 2.13 with 256mb along with a Zero Pic from Europe.

So last week I installed the pic, and using transfergame upgraded the firmware from 2.13 to 4.01 without any issue. After trying to load a number of games only Ikaruga worked and all the others would get to the game loading screen and then cut out with an Error 33. So all signs (I think) point to the zero pic. I even tried booting from an old XP machine as people elsewhere have said to have better success, which I thought odd but why not try! No difference.

Further whilst considering getting another pic or digging out my programmer at my parents house to attempt create one I read that triforcetools.py works well with no pic at all, so I thought I would give that a go in the interim -albeit using a renamed version called naomi_boot.py.

Apart from the issues getting all the python setup I managed to get things "working", it would error out at various stages but I started debugging the code and got closer.

I tried again tonight and it connected (screen blacked out) and started sending the files - I could see numbers cycling in the console. Then it errored out with:

D:\Naomi\ROMs\unzip>python naomi_boot.py VirtuaTennis.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 221, in <module>
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 132, in DIMM_UploadFile
    DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 68, in DIMM_Upload
    s.send(struct.pack("<IIIH", 0x04800000 | (len(data) + 0xA) | (mark << 16), 0, addr, 0) + data)
socket.timeout: timed out

So at this point I wasnt sure if it didnt like the name of the game or if it needed it as a string or something, in any case I tried another game and started logging the sys.argv[1] to just check what was getting through, in this case MarvelVsCapcom2.bin
D:\Naomi\ROMs\unzip>python naomi_boot.py MarvelVsCapcom2.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 222, in <module>
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 133, in DIMM_UploadFile
    DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
  File "naomi_boot.py", line 69, in DIMM_Upload
    s.send(struct.pack("<IIIH", 0x04800000 | (len(data) + 0xA) | (mark << 16), 0, addr, 0) + data)
socket.timeout: timed out
Now..I dont think I power cycled the Naomi at this stage and tried another game (something I would do with transfergame.exe) and this happened:
EDIT: just noticed I used triforcetools.py this time.
D:\Naomi\ROMs\unzip>python triforcetools.py VirtuaTennis.bin
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "triforcetools.py", line 214, in <module>
  File "triforcetools.py", line 126, in DIMM_UploadFile
    DIMM_Upload(addr, data, 0)
  File "triforcetools.py", line 62, in DIMM_Upload
    s.send(struct.pack("<IIIH", 0x04800000 | (len(data) + 0xA) | (mark << 16), 0, addr, 0) + data)
socket.error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
The connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

I couldn't ping the Naomi at this point, the screen was black. I power cycled the Naomi as it didnt boot - black screen. Usually it will take around 15-20 seconds to boot up with Checking Network screen.

What I have tried so far (all fail to fix boot issue):
  • Reseated the netdimm
  • removed netdimm from case and reseated, 2 green LEDs flash like network access but I cannot ping.
  • removed netdimm board and left base board only 2x red led on.
  • removed RAM
I tested without any cartridge and the Naomi Boots. I have tested a cartridge game and it boots.

Any ideas?
Swap in another PSU is the first thing I would try. The net dimm is hungry, just because there's enough juice to boot a standard cartridge doesn't mean you an netdimm.

In fact, I run my Naomi with 2x PSU's, one for the IO and then a separate one for the actual Naomi, I read somewhere that the capcom io can struggle to deliver the power (someone else can confirm).
I can confirm that. I have built probably 6-7 Naomi net-boot rigs for either myself or other people.

Everyone that has successfully worked and played everything (including all Atomiswave games) used two separate power supplies. Any power supply will run the Capcom JVS I/O but I highly suggest a power supply (Sega / Sun PSU) with an adjustment pot for the 3.3VDC as I have had to adjust it to ensure the 3.3VDC reaches the Net DIMM. If you do it this way do not run the power cable between the JVS and the Naomi unit.

Somewhere on the forums I did a pretty in depth write up on this.
I tried two different power supplies and finally got one from a friend that worked. It was stressful.

The PSU works flawlessly with carts and the NetDimm setup on a Naomi 1/Capcom I/O using a ATX adapter cable. However with the same PSU and cable I can only run carts on a Naomi 2 motherboard and not the NetDimm.

The Naomi is a tricky bitch, and getting the PSU right is super important or it just ain’t gunna boot. Carts seem to pose not as many problems.
It's generally accepted that Naomi 2 is hungrier than a regular Naomi because it has a second GPU that wants extra juice, but I believe that GPU turns itself off when N1 games are played. I suppose N2 boots up with both GPUs with a NetDIMM plugged in, requiring the extra power at the start even if you only want to play a N1 game?
Thanks guys, completely appreciate that powering these beasts can be problematic!!!

The issue I have is that this was all working just fine and I was able to netboot Ikaruga without issue using transfergame.exe, zero pic issues aside the Net Dimm module is just not booting at all after trying some of the python tools - this seems odd!!

Just to add more detail on the setup - I am currently using 2 PSUs, one for a supergun which powers the Capcom IO over Jamma, and a separate PSU for the Naomi directly using both power connectors.

As I say I have upgraded the net dimm firmware, netbooted ikaruga and configured the net dimm using this setup up until I ran some of the python scripts which seem to have knocked out the netdimm. I can't even boot to run tests or configure networks etc...

Attached are some pics of the setup and ikaruga running prior to using triforcetools.py.


I will try another PSU (as many as it takes!) just to be sure, but wanted to understand if I could have damaged the Net Dimm in any way simply by using the python tools and doing something wrong - I dont think this would be the case, but I am no expert.


  • dimm_test.png
    568.7 KB · Views: 35
  • psu.jpg
    201.2 KB · Views: 38
Can you take a reading with a Multimeter to see the voltages your Naomi is getting under load? It’s a bit tricky, but stick one probe into the ground pin and the other into the other lines in the connector. They should be as spot on as possible, especially the 3.3v.
I have never heard of a python script damaging the dimm/naomi .. not to say that it could have possibly happened. I tend tend to leave the programming to the programmers and I don't muck with that stuff. However I would think that correcting that would be as easy as burning/installing a new or re-done bio?

I also was never really of fan of using the raw transfergame.exe and always tend to still with using a Raspberry or Orange Pi to do the dirty work for me.
Can you take a reading with a Multimeter to see the voltages your Naomi is getting under load? It’s a bit tricky, but stick one probe into the ground pin and the other into the other lines in the connector. They should be as spot on as possible, especially the 3.3v.
Yeh I'll try that next and see what's happening.

I have never heard of a python script damaging the dimm/naomi .. not to say that it could have possibly happened. I tend tend to leave the programming to the programmers and I don't muck with that stuff. However I would think that correcting that would be as easy as burning/installing a new or re-done bio?

I also was never really of fan of using the raw transfergame.exe and always tend to still with using a Raspberry or Orange Pi to do the dirty work for me.
I will get into using a Pi once everything is setup and stable, I dont mind using command line tools etc.. I used to be a software developer but no Python expert!
Can you take a reading with a Multimeter to see the voltages your Naomi is getting under load? It’s a bit tricky, but stick one probe into the ground pin and the other into the other lines in the connector. They should be as spot on as possible, especially the 3.3v.
Naomi 2 with Net dimm under load:

Net Dimm3v5v12v
6 pin connector3.29 - 3.34.98-
8 pin connector3.34.9711.99

Naomi 2 with cart under load:

Cartridge 3v5v12v
6 pin connector3.314.98-
8 pin connector3.314.97-4.9812

Annoyingly I don't have readings for when it was working! Nor I do I know what might have changed.

But this is starting to look like a power issue right?
Yeah they need to by slightly higher than those. The 5VDC for sure is too low.
4.98V is too low?
I suspect the 3.3 reading is the mostly at fault for me, although I have read some people need to pump 5.1-5.3 on the 5v line as well so 4.98v might be too low.

The odd thing is it was all running just fine, PSUs can degrade over time this was a (used) 80 plus gold PSU. Just an odd coincidence given what I was doing at the time.
If it's 4.98 under load everything would be fine, but if there's any problem with hardware, maybe you will never boot.
If it's 4.98 under load everything would be fine, but if there's any problem with hardware, maybe you will never boot.
well the hardware problem with the Net Dimm is what I initially suspected, and I'm still leaning towards that as it was "all working" with the current setup. But knowing how finicky this system is, I have no other option currently but to solve the power issue and hope that resolves it.

But I do think I have somehow damaged the Net Dimm... albeit it "probably very unlikely" by just using python tools.
I changed the PSU to a much higher rated Corsair platinum plus (pulled from my gaming pc to test) Solid 5v and 3.3v under load.

I reckon my Net Dimm is damaged in someway, if I had to guess I would say the firmware is corrupt.

I removed it from its case and cleaned all the connectors, and seated without the case. 2x red LEDs on the Dimm board light up solid, top board has 4 LEDS next to the ethernet port, one is solid green and another is blinking green showing network activity im guessing. When this was working there was a solid Red led as well, this is no longer the case. I cannot ping or anything as its not booted. So I can only guess its the dimm firmware.

I may attempt to remove and flash the chip, as a next step. That or just replace with a working one and see whats happening...
If you can't make it back to life and want to sell as is, just give me a PM. Some times God help me and i do some magic.