What's new
Do you mean the old style 16x2 LCD? Yes if so!
I love having the option to go 16x2 with a cabinet display and use the WiFi as well; worked great with the older images. The newest image is awesome…I haven’t tried the 16x2 yet with the new image, but will be soon. My only issue was the font color and unable to adjust the brightness to see the text. Any chance that was addressed with the new image or does that remain something required in command line changes? If so, what are the changes required again? Thanks for all the work on the new images and advancements provided. OpenJVS support is amazing!
UPDATE: Unless I'm missing something, OpenJVS communication for the I/O will be dropped on Initial D Arcade games if using anything under Raspberry Pi 4.

I tried using the same 5.1V 3.2A that powered the Pi 4 on the Pi 3, with a USB-C to Micro USB adapter, but the com. error showed up after 30 min.
I tested with a Pi3B+ and a USB RS485 adaptor and ran for over an hour in attract mode on ID3 - I'm not sure what to make of the issue you're having I'm afraid but I can only guess is being multibios/region setting related. I'm running the 2020 multibios in Export region, maybe try that?

Filterboard Dipswitch 2 - Off
Filterboard Dispswitch 3 - On
I tested with a Pi3B+ and a USB RS485 adaptor and ran for over an hour in attract mode on ID3 - I'm not sure what to make of the issue you're having I'm afraid but I can only guess is being multibios/region setting related. I'm running the 2020 multibios in Export region, maybe try that?

Filterboard Dipswitch 2 - Off
Filterboard Dispswitch 3 - On
Both @mathewbeall and I have tested this using the new multibios, but I've also tested this on the EXP bios as well with com. i/o failures.
Apologies, but what does Dipswitch 3 control and will I need that set for the Pi4 or is this Pi3 specific?
I tested with a Pi3B+ and a USB RS485 adaptor and ran for over an hour in attract mode on ID3 - I'm not sure what to make of the issue you're having I'm afraid but I can only guess is being multibios/region setting related. I'm running the 2020 multibios in Export region, maybe try that?

Filterboard Dipswitch 2 - Off
Filterboard Dispswitch 3 - On

Weirdest thing - but I am glad my Rpi4 solution is stable. No idea why it was doing it, and just with InitialD - but I need the Rpi4 anyways for OpenJVS and bluetooth support, so all good!
Both @mathewbeall and I have tested this using the new multibios, but I've also tested this on the EXP bios as well with com. i/o failures.
Apologies, but what does Dipswitch 3 control and will I need that set for the Pi4 or is this Pi3 specific?

Those DIP switches control what region the MultiBIOS is set for.
Hello I try to use one xbox wireless controller with wipi on chihiro system but not run:


My set up:



and the mittle pcb scheme:


but dont run how to please?
Are you using an RS485 adaptor that uses the FTDI chipset?
OK - open up your /etc/openjvs/config file and change:

'DEVICE_PATH /dev/COM1' to
'DEVICE_PATH /dev/ttyUSB0'


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That's /boot - you need to SSH to the pi to access /etc/openjvs - use WinSCP and open a connection to the IP address of your pi, connect using root/raspberry
THX I checked and it's already set :


Maybe connect the controller on other USB port? Maybe the USB0?
Does it work without using WiPi? From the command line? If not please raise the issue on the OpenJVS thread as it could be hardware/driver related. The first adaptor I tried wasn't FTDI based and didn't work.
Mini update if anyone would like to use it, you can set a default game per dimm and when you use single boot mode it will attempt to send the configured game to the dimm if it's online: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UKsWMNS5cuWZCTRvF1hk2a7ucki2c6mY/view?usp=sharing. This replaces the 'boot the last played game' functionality.

Only apply this if you are running v6 of the image

Howdy! So I got around to testing this tonight - because the single boot option never quite worked for me - I still had to select the game. I got all the files moved over -> here is my config on the netdimm screen:


But I still can't get the Pi to send the game over automatically. I have tried different boot orders/timing. If the Rpi comes on too late, you get a gateway error, etc.

Are you just turning on the Pi and the Naomi2 at the same time? I have to end up going into the menu and selecting the game to get it to load.

I have a Blast City cab and had an issue with power too, the Naomi with netdimm is very power hungry and I had to adjust the 5v and 3.3v on the Blast PSU so it would work. You need to use a digital multimeter and be very careful if you do, the chips are very sensitive to power so don't go above 5.1v.

In answer to your question about multiple Pi's you can do that, on the network settings you can change the SSID and password for the hotspot if you're using hotspot mode. Another option is to use one Pi and connect your netdimms to your home network, (or to the Pi via a switch) give each one a different IP address and you can control both from one place. If you need help with setting it up send me a PM and I can advise.

Update here,

Hope someone can see this can get help (or an alternate solution) I tried to hit the power to 5.1v, even 5.28 v at maximum, but the console still can not work properly. Maybe the pi still needs more power, but I was really afraid to damage the Naomi console or net DIMM or the arcade cabinet itself. So I stopped there. And reluctantly put the external power (for the console) into the cabinet. You can see my setup picture in the attachment. Yeah, it is a little noise using the external power, but I can accept it when the door is locked.

Now, as you can see, no mess, everything is settled and works fine.

So if anyone there, facing the same problem I had, at least you know there is a solution for that. Not perfect, but safe and works.

P.S No doubt, I still want to get rid of this external power brick and cords.


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What revision Sega IO do you have? Revision B?

I had the same exact issue with my Rev A. I went through the trouble of recapping my blast psu which didn't fix anything. I got a Rev B IO and I can now netboot. It worked perfectly fine on Rev A with an external PSU, but I couldn't get it to work on Rev A.

Do note mine was a Naomi 1 and not a Naomi 2.
What revision Sega IO do you have? Revision B?

I had the same exact issue with my Rev A. I went through the trouble of recapping my blast psu which didn't fix anything. I got a Rev B IO and I can now netboot. It worked perfectly fine on Rev A with an external PSU, but I couldn't get it to work on Rev A.

Do note mine was a Naomi 1 and not a Naomi 2.

Hey i had something very similar … i couldn’t get it to work with one i/o but now it works with another. Both naomi 1s.

I could check the versions
Yeah my bet is one is Rev A (the one not working) and one is Rev B (the one working)
one question setting is required for xbox 360 controller wireless? How to choose controller?

Does it work without using WiPi? From the command line? If not please raise the issue on the OpenJVS thread as it could be hardware/driver related. The first adaptor I tried wasn't FTDI based and didn't work.

what's adptor advise me?