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Arcade Admini-Moderator
Staff member
Jun 12, 2015
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New Bern, NC USA
I'm going to install my Rhea this weekend and I saw where a tray was designed using a plastic notebook cover. This tray prevents the SD card from falling into the Saturn and also makes the installation look cleaner. Surely someone has or can design the tray to be 3d printed. I don't have any 3D modeling experience and was wondering if anyone here could help out.

You can see what I'm talking about here:

I saw that guide and thought the same thing. Can someone pull it off?

There was one in the works for gdemu, but the project was never published.
so this is what I've come up with for a Rhea Tray...

the idea is that it will fit over the PCB and be held in place by the posts, with the bottom flush with the PCB. it should pocket out the whole opening...

I still need to do some test prints and tweak the fitment.


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Wow, that is really slick. Great work twistedsymphony! Will that fit all models? It looks like it should.
Looks great! Will you be printing these for people? Or releasing the file for us to print ourselves?
Really appreciate the work you're putting into this!
Awesome T, if you are selling these put me down for 1. Also, do we need the same type of thing for the GDEMU? I placed an order for one of those as well.
Will that fit all models? It looks like it should.
I have both a VA0 and a VA1 model Saturn so I'll test fit it on both, I haven't cracked open the VA1 yet so I honestly don't know if they're dimensionally similar. I do have a Model 2 Saturn as well, though I don't have a Phoebe so I can't say for certain if the PCB dimensions and mounting are the same.
Will you be printing these for people? Or releasing the file for us to print ourselves?
Once I'm satisfied with the design and tolerances I'll release the model up on Thinkiverse for anyone to use, just like all of my other stuff. I'd rather not get into printing and shipping for people, but if someone else wants to offer to print these for people they're more than welcome to.
do we need the same type of thing for the GDEMU?
I don't own a GDEmu so if one is needed I wont be able to help since this kind of thing really requires physical access to the hardware to test fit and make adjustments until it's dialed in.
I have a Phoebe that I can take pictures/measurements of. I would like a try as well if you're gauging interest.
First test print.

Mounting is perfect, I need to reduce the wall height a hair since it puts a little pressure on the case right now when bolted down. then I'll change the front and back walls a bit to fill in the few remaining gaps.


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That looks like a reason to fix my printer!

Please include picture with top cover and please have a lock at gdemu. :)
Marvellous! And kudos to releasing all your stuff. The 3d printer revolution is so hampered by people that force buying their work from single worldwide locations. You got a donations link perhaps?
Marvellous! And kudos to releasing all your stuff. The 3d printer revolution is so hampered by people that force buying their work from single worldwide locations. You got a donations link perhaps?
Thanks. I don't have a donations link I never feel right asking for hand outs, though you're not the first person to offer. Maybe I'll consider adding a "Tip Jar" button on my website in the future but for now all I'd ask for is feedback.. good bad or indifferent :)

Thinking about this project today I'm wondering how difficult it would be to integrate some SD card holders into the tray that way if you had multiple cards you could store them in there and they wouldn't be flopping around. I'll need to do some experimenting as I'm not sure if they'd clear the lid, or how many I'd be able to fit and still be able to easily slide the cards in and out of the Rhea.

Is this something people would want added? And if so how many extra cards should it be able to hold (2 holders should be doable, I might be able to squeeze in 4, but more than that might be tricky).
Yeah that would be cool. If you don't want them just print the version without. :)
Like Mitsu says, the SD holder idea sounds cool T, please do it when you get a chance.
Awesome, that would be great. Really appreciate you taking on this design!