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Grand Master
Dec 21, 2019
Reaction score
Andover, MA USA
I talk to @tonyt76 fairly often, and back in March of this year he tells me he is getting an Aero City from a cab restorer out in California named Omar Hernandez (CandyCabKing) for $1800. By about May Tony tells me he is not happy with the progress / updates he is getting from Omar and Tony asks Omar to just refund him. Omar tells Tony he has already dedicated funds to starting the restore project and that if he wants a refund Tony would have to find another buyer. Foolishly I stepped in and said I'd take an Aero City for the $1800. So I send Tony $1800 and Omar hangs onto Tony's $1800 and I start looking forward to a new cabinet. I have a quick text exchange with both of them and everyone agrees. I have purchased cabinets from Tony in the past and trusted him with funds on other projects in the past so one more transaction is no big deal.

This is when things get strange for me. 2 weeks after our quick text, Omar calls and texts me in a panic. Apparently after hearing Omar was unwilling to issue a refund, but before I stepped in to buy the available cab, Tony had opened a dispute and for whatever reason was unable to cancel it after I came in to mediate. After speaking with Tony, I tell Omar I am going to work with Tony to get the dispute cancelled, which we do.

It takes a very long time to get Tony's credit card company and PayPal on the same page. The PayPal policy is that the dispute cannot be closed until 75 days for a cancelled chargeback. So I wait. August comes around and the funds should have had enough time to make it back to Omar's account so we can finally put this all behind us. Tony tells me the case is closed with PayPal and gives me a screenshot.


So I try to contact Omar to see if that is what he is seeing on his end and to make sure his account is in good standing again. It is looking like I can finally get the cabinet or at worst my money back if Omar has already sold it to another buyer (which he told me repeatedly in our conversations that he was looking to do and I was fine with that, if that's how he wanted to handle it).

But at this point it becomes very hard to get ahold of Omar. I finally get ahold of him in a discord PM tonight and this is what he has to say to me.

Capture omar1.JPG

Capture omar2.JPG

I can only imagine that Omar now has the funds and is also keeping the cabinet. So I am out $1800 and I am exhausted by the mental energy I have fed into this.
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Omar tells Tony he has already dedicated funds to starting the restore project and that if he wants a refund Tony would have to find another buyer.
This is sketch as hell. As if you're just not going to find a buyer for an Aero these days.
Very strange to hear another side of this.

Omar was telling the opposite side of this on FB a couple of weeks back as though Tony walked away with the money, not him.

Maybe he can chime in.

@Arcade game


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Also case closed on PayPal doesn't mean the seller was refunded, it just means the case was closed.

Either party could have won the dispute. You'd need a picture that includes the rest of the information, not a weirdly cropped on that leaves out who won the dispute.

The image you show here doesn't prove a particular party has the money unfortunately.
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Sure, I do not have concrete proof. But if Omar were not made whole, he would have told me very clearly that he was still waiting on the funds and for his account to be cleared up. I gave him that opportunity to tell me as much. If he told me “I do not have the funds” that’s one thing. Instead he told me to leave him alone when all I have tried to do is make him whole again.
Sure, I do not have concrete proof. But if Omar were not made whole, he would have told me very clearly that he was still waiting on the funds and for his account to be cleared up. I gave him that opportunity to tell me as much. If he told me “I do not have the funds” that’s one thing. Instead he told me to leave him alone when all I have tried to do is make him whole again.
The good thing is that all it takes is one of the two of them posting the full screenshot for you to find out who actually has your money since the two of them seem to each claim the other has it.

Clearly it's been a hell of a mess though. Sorry you're going through it.
I hope you do get it sorted, and @tonyt76 as well as the other guy should do as @rewrite states and send you the full screenshots. Dang it, he should probably do it publicly too by this point just to clear his name. This Omar seems like a douche as well, if he knows you took over the buy and been in several discussions surrounding that already without complaining, and then states "he never did business with you". Class act.
Well it's no secret that I don't get along with most of the parties in this case, @ItsBobDudes is an old friend whom I've reconnected with through here and I will vouch for him. He tried to do the right thing here and he's getting porked over it. These two need to step up publicly, cut the bullshit and get him his money back. I have a hard time believing Omar would just steal someone's money and I also don't think that Tony would intentionally screw @ItsBobDudes if they talk as much as he says, so this truely seems like a misunderstanding by both parties. Cut the fucking bullshit, grow up and make it right.
@ItsBobDudes I want to deeply apologize to you for all of the BS that you have had to go through on this.

Everything posted by @ItsBobDudes is 100% how it went down. Omar decided on his own to go on the Facebook Candy Cab groups and Discord groups and post that I was a scammer piece of shit (his words). Ryan aka @rewrite even went so far as to block me from messaging him on facebook and banned me from his facebook group without EVER asking me my side of the story.

I also tried to explain my side of the story on Discord, since I couldn't publicly defend myself on facebook groups from being banned, but Omar was just insulting me and acting insane the entire time.

Please remember, there are always two sides to every story.

With regards to @ItsBobDudes, I do talk to him on a daily basis and consider him a good friend. I have my entire conversation with Omar still on my phone and I am willing to post any evidence to show that Omar took the $1800 and ran. I am also willing to do anything that @ItsBobDudes requests of me, even if it is a full refund.

If Omar has any decency, he should send @ItsBobDudes a full refund and make things right.
Hi : sirs

Sounds like my typical day on here. I feel for all the parties involved.
I tend to find, people change and play games. Money and not being honest with each other. Hey but what do i know. I make a mess of all my correspondence on this forum.
We need to give each other a bit of a break.

Best wishes for all parties involved
Im sad and glad im not the one destroying this three horse race.
Hopefully i am not derailimg your thread. Very sad gents. 😞

Here is a thread maube for thought?


Kind regards
Ryan aka @rewrite even went so far as to block me from messaging him on facebook and banned me from his facebook group without EVER asking me my side of the story.
I'd had so many complaints about you prior to this all going on that it was going to happen regardless. There are 15 other ones, and I'm sure you'll be fine without 2 of them. And to be clear, the ones I removed you from are not the one that the complaint was made on (I don't moderate that one or even know the person who does), so I'm not the only person to have removed you from FB candy cab groups.

I don't have a dog in this fight, and like @BanishingFlatsAC not a huge fan of either party, but I figured maybe OP hadn't seen the FB stuff and I'd attach it so he could see the other side of things. The weirdly cropped PayPal screenshot was absolutely a red flag so I mentioned that too. That's all.
I'd had so many complaints about you prior to this all going on that it was going to happen regardless. There are 15 other ones, and I'm sure you'll be fine without 2 of them. And to be clear, the ones I removed you from are not the one that the complaint was made on (I don't moderate that one or even know the person who does), so I'm not the only person to have removed you from FB candy cab groups.

I don't have a dog in this fight, and like @BanishingFlatsAC not a huge fan of either party, but I figured maybe OP hadn't seen the FB stuff and I'd attach it so he could see the other side of things. The weirdly cropped PayPal screenshot was absolutely a red flag so I mentioned that too. That's all.
Pretty sure he’s seen the other side of things.

And again, from what I’ve read about you, several people don’t like you either pal.

@rewrite i've seen the screen shots on FB, people ALSO were like, "wow thats not the TonyT I know, i've had nothing but good experiences dealing with him"

AGAIN, there are two sides to every story.

ALSO, if you search my username in the feedback section it contains many positive experiences.

I don't claim to be perfect, nor can I please everyone. We all have our good days and bad days. BUT never have I taken $1800 from someone for a cab, and told them to pound sand afterwards.
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Pretty sure he’s seen the other side of things.

And again, from what I’ve read about you, several people don’t like you either pal.
If you read again I said "I figured maybe OP hadn't seen the FB stuff". So I was ensuring he did, just in case.

I'm honest, and I'm fair in my dealings with other people. I don't need to win any popularity contests, so it's fine if some people don't like me.
This sucks for @ItsBobDudes - I've heard nothing but nice things about him (bob). However, you really need to be careful about buying unless the seller has the item in hand.

Hopefully you get this sorted out; getting porked like this is real uncool.
A lot of users here are also on the TR discord. Has anyone close to Omar reached out to him to ask if he plans on refunding @ItsBobDudes his money?
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