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Is it useful to change the Pal F to Pal G to fix it?
If yes where can found the Pal
IT's a regular PAL16V8 that needs to be programmed with the right content. If you can't do it yourself I'm sure Mitsurugi or myself can help you.
IT's a regular PAL16V8 that needs to be programmed with the right content. If you can't do it yourself I'm sure Mitsurugi or myself can help you.
may I get help from you two experts? I'm a beginner of technical solving
didnt help me. i have three pal g and one pal f here. neither works, all have same result...
intermediate report. not done with testing so please don't respond yet.

did the checking for DIS-continuity. and @Darksoft made a point (thank you!). if you look at the photo ending with 35, you can see that jumpers 10 and 12 are shortened (i.e. connected)!

  • sidenote1: the beeper did not beep when i held the probes on the red inner copper part (surface probably isolated) but only at the silver outer points.
all the other jumpers beeped as they are supposed to. i opened jumpers 10 and 12 with a scalpel (photo ending with 38, should be cheap at a pharmacy i guess).

intermediate result: white screen, no game (tested three roms). on the mini display i can see and select and flash games. maybe i have to disconnect the auto-reboot wire? @l_oliveira: pins are all intact and the board is currently equipped with a pal g.

  • sidenote2: the picture ending on 40 shows different pals. top is a pal f which can also be seen in the picture ending on 39. in the middle is a pal g as provided by the italian vendor. the lower one is a pal g as it was already on a game.

will continue testing after work :)


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yes. 10 and 12 are definitely shorted (short =connected)

I'd try with a pal G. Always gave me better results.
i have no idea why i had a white screen this morning. i just came back from work, turned it on, and it works. it even booted the game i had flashed this morning. i changed nothing, didnt even touch it...

anyhow, the important point is: it works!

the fault was faintly connected jumpers (discussed here). now it loads the correct sounds. i recommend to include the picture ending on 35 in the manual (you have my permission to use it as you please). thanks again to @Darksoft for the hint to check for DIS-continuity, too, and to all others for their help. i gonna play a bit now ;)
glad it works man! I think my board has something else up. I cut those traces good.

@acblunden2 paging you here since you mentioned on another thread that you also had a rev4 with sound issues. Can you check out my video earlier in the thread and let me know if yours sounded like that?

I also have a rev7 shipping to me soon to do some more testing. Would be nice to get the 4 working though.

To do:
-Writing a new pal 1 and 2 (edit: no change)
-Gonna swap all the jumpers backwards just to make sure one isn't hiding somehow (Leo says that should still work)
-giving up and sending to mitsu, for science, while I play on a rev7
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@acblunden2 paging you here since you mentioned on another thread that you also had a rev4 with sound issues. Can you check out my video earlier in the thread and let me know if yours sounded like that?
Your boot logo sound was almost exactly like mine, but I didn't have any distortion. Overall, I did not have any distortion at all. My sound issues were with wrong/different cues playing. For instance, If I would throw a Fierce Punch, I would get a Jab Punch sound. If I pulled off a Sonic boom, I might get a throw sound. All the cues would be correct within the moves for the selected characters. What I mean by that is if I pulled off a Ryu's Hadouken, I would get a Shoruyken audio cue. I wouldn't get Chun-Li's fireball sound. It was a mess. You don't realize how melodic the game sounds are until you see them not mixing correctly. Like pulling off a combo where the beats sound off in short succession is beatiful. But once the cues were mixed incorrectly, it sounded god awful. Also, the wrong background music would play for the each backdrop.

I cut the traces between the jumpers to make sure I didn't have a short where I shouldn't. I checked continuity with a meter. Still nothing. I switched PAL's. Made sure the jumper wire was correct after switching PAL's. Just couldn't get it to work.

The one thing was that I didn't do was checked that the board was functional before I took the dive. The reason for that was that I was working off a dead board that was once working. I swapped the battery with a cheap eBay battery and it suicided after 6 months or so. Lesson learned. It was working before that though.
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thanks for the report, it makes me feel slightly less crazy that I can't solve it. Next week I get my rev7 and give it one more go...
Currently having some sound issues as well. I got my board on Thursday, set it up and was working fine until earlier today.
Using a revision 6 B board

F PAL with pin 7 lifted and connected to J17, when J17 is disconnected I get no sound and when connected I get garbled sound with sporadic beeps. Kinda like in ekorz video but the sound tests do not yield exactly the same results. Some sounds don't happen at all. Most consistent thing I've noticed between games is that the insert coin sounds are missing.

I've reformatted my sd card a few times and am getting the same results each time. I am using a 2 gig sandisk.

Jumpers I have access to are correct. Checked the ones I have access to for continuity/discontinuity. Have not checked the ones under the multi yet, will do this tomorrow.

I have a feeling that some of my pins just aren't making good contact since the problems started after a few days.

Tomorrow I'm going to try a different A board, and if that does not change anything I plan on trying out a rev 4 B board I have. Maybe the sockets are just a bit worn out in the B board I'm currently using.

EDIT: switched to another A board and it's working fine again. Strange thing is that my spare B board(rev4 puzz fighter) works fine on the both A boards.

I think my problem is just old sockets being finicky.
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Just reporting back in. Based on @l_oliveiras input I thought I'd switch literally every jumper pair to see if that worked (hypothesis that one jumper was connected somewhere). It yielded the same audio issues, but it did boot up and play so that was neat.

The rev7 booted right up, same everything. I will donate the rev4 to science if @Mitsurugi-w wants to check it out.
Hi all, thank you for support the sound issue here, today I got the PAL from Darksoft
I try to install to my board and try, I use the Rev 6 b board, after install the new chip the sound little bit better than before but still have issue, what I can try on next step ? Please advise

CPS2 sound issue
Hi all, thank you for support the sound issue here, today I got the PAL from Darksoft
I try to install to my board and try, I use the Rev 6 b board, after install the new chip the sound little bit better than before but still have issue, what I can try on next step ? Please advise

CPS2 sound issue
this looks to me like a jumper issue. Also please post a picture of your setup with the PAL installed. Did you lift the leg number 9?
I haven't lift the leg , is it need to left leg number 9 like Pal G ?
What I sent you works actually the same as a PALG, so yes.
What I sent you works actually the same as a PALG, so yes.
i try to left the leg 9, but even i try to connect witht the J17 or not, it still happen, also i try to reformat and copy the the game still happen.