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Jul 14, 2022
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Maryland, United States
Looking for a Taito Vewlix Jamma Kit.

I've been kicking around the Jammifer -> Scaler idea too but would prefer to keep it as OEM as I can.

Picked up a Taito kit.
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While I respect the decision to try and keep it stock I will tell you you this. I have tried just about every type of setup in the vewlix. While the stock jamma kit was nice for its time, the issue with it was the scaler. The scaler and stock monitor would work with certain systems/boards just fine and did its thing, but a lot of boards/systems wouldn't work properly, many because of sync issues/refresh rate. So you needed to add something like a DVDO VP50Pro to adjust the refresh rate and do some other adjustments. The newer taito monitors also had their issues with the scaler. But realistically the downfall is the stock monitor, fine to play modern HD games, not really great for older stuff with funky refresh rates.

I would honestly get a Jammafier, thats is basically my go to jamma kit for any modern cab. Couple that with your scaler of choice and a replacement freesync monitor and I think you can play just about any jamma game PCB out there without issues.

I am personally waiting to upgrade my monitors in my vewlixs to 4K oleds with gorilla glass and pair that with a retrotink 4k, invzim's jammafier will handle the jamma pcbs, I couple that with RGB's jamma extensions, by far the best I have ever used. So my Jamma chain in the cabs will be: Jamma PCB -> RGBs Reco board -> RGB's Jamma extension -> Invzims's Jammafier -> Retrotink 4K -> 4k Oled Monitor.

Goodluck with whatever you choose.
I really appreciate the writeup. Did you notice a difference in input lag between the Taito kit, Irken's Jammafier, and Invizim's Jammafier?

Initially, I was thinking if going the Jammafier route I have two options:
Jammafier -> Retrotink 5x -> 2K Monitor
Jammafier -> Retrotink 4K -> 4k Monitor

but I think price is close enough now on monitors that there's no real benefit from doing a 1440p monitor over a 4k, and the support for weird refresh boards in the RT4K makes that a no-brainer.

I'm almost thinking that I need to get a second Vewlix and go all in on the aftermarket stuff. Hmm, maybe I can find one with a defective or missing LCD panel.

I need to give this some more thought. Thanks for the input!
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Jammafier -> Retrotink 4K -> 4k Monitor
This is the way im going with 2 of my vewlixs
Did you notice a difference in input lag between the Taito kit, Irken's Jammafier
The Taito kit has its own harness that connects controls to the PCB directly. I would say there is no lag, but if you use their scaler, there might be some.

The Jammafier is virtually lag-free, if you couple it with an ossc or retrotink, I dont think you will notice any lag. I havent and Im sensitive to it, so the Jammafier is the way to go if you want to hook up jamma boards with ease to JVS cabs. @invzim is the creator of the Jammafier and Irken Labs is his company/website.

I even use the jammafier in a cab conversion I did since I installed a Taito JVS io for controls, I had extra harnesses and io so why not


Again, I like to keep things stock looking as much as possible, but I do like for cabs to be multi function.
Good luck and have fun whichever way you go.