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Heyo! For the IONA connector, has anyone had any outstanding issues with it? It seems to serve my purposes very well but I'm concerned about two things:

1: the input latency
2: can controllers be hot swapped during gameplay or do I need to reboot the system?

For anyone that responds thank you in advance!
I only did a real quick google but would something like this fit your needs?
interface that with an arduino to read the output of the pad and drive some digipots giving psuedo variable resistor feedback?
Sorry for the bump, but I'd eventually like to make something like that as a side-project this year. Take ANY non-force feedback USB racing controller, interfaced with that USB Host Board + Arduino and plug it directly to the game board by spoofing 3 digipots, or run a multi-channel digital pot for accel, gas, and brake. Could digipots actually work on arcade systems that use 5k pots for analog?? Anybody attempted? It's easy enough to mod a console race wheel or joystick if you know how to solder, but I'm all for opting on a more "plug and play" route.

Sometimes I like to play my Scud Race board outside of the driving cab with my (modded) Dreamcast wheel so that the loud force feedback doesn't wake other people in the house up haha. But the newer USB wheels are a lot nicer and more comfortable to use because they clamp, and offer more buttons.