A few weeks ago I made the error of purchasing a Vampire Savior B board and a CPS2 A board from Ebay that was advertised as untested. As someone incredibly new to this hobby, this was a poor decision in hindsight. Upon connecting it to my supergun and TV, I get a solid red screen. The attached image shows blue on the right side and it is likely a weird tint from my Sony Trinitron. I tested it on two other TV's and can confirm it is a solid red color. I have tested the Vampire Savior B board on the A board it came with and on my working A board and both gave me a red screen. So that leads me to believe something wrong with the Vampire Savior B board.
I'm pretty stumped on what I should be checking on this board. I received a red screen prior to removing the battery and did my best to install an infinikey since I believed it was a suicide battery issue. The screen persisted after the installation of the infinikey so my current guess is that it might be an EPROM issue? I really don't know.
I've attached images and any help is appreciated! Thanks!
I'm pretty stumped on what I should be checking on this board. I received a red screen prior to removing the battery and did my best to install an infinikey since I believed it was a suicide battery issue. The screen persisted after the installation of the infinikey so my current guess is that it might be an EPROM issue? I really don't know.
I've attached images and any help is appreciated! Thanks!