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Jul 21, 2015
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With the crazy Prices that games like TMNT Turtiles in Time are going for I was wondering if it's possible to do PCB conversions form cheaper boards, similar to how some of the Midway boards have been converted.

There are a few other games that supposedly share this same base board: http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=569

Has anyone done this, or know the feasibility of doing this? I'd love to have a TMNTTIT board but not for $800.
Thanks but, while I'd love to own this game that's still way more than I'm interested in paying for it.
It looks like it should be possible but according to that list only the Quiz game board seems to be a match. I guess we would have to check mame to see if its possible and which boards are a match.
Is not worthed anymore to do conversions on these, also, system16 has many errors and missing games on the lists.
Just put aside money and by time you'll be able to buy it, even cheaper than 400Euros. 3 Weeks ago a friend of mine sold his copy for 250Euro.
Keep searching while keep ur money in the pocket :)
only the Quiz game board seems to be a match.
That is correct, my friend has made a TiT conversion this way... But that quiz game isn't cheap itself.
I think @TheDeath said it best above, it's just not worth doing conversions on these.

I got my TiT from Euro (Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) for 300$, then converted it into two-player Ninja Turtles.

I could potentially be talked into parting ways with my TiT, IF the trade was right... I have zero interest in selling this for cash.

$300 is not a bad price, purchased mine around that pricemark as well. Love that game, not thinking of letting it go :)
I looked into Konami conversations a while ago because I was hoping for a less-expensive way to pick up Xexex. It looks like even within the same board "family", Konami used different custom chips on pretty much every individual game. I'm sure it was partly an anti-piracy measure-make each game unique so that arcade operators couldn't convert their boards.

I think we'll both just have to save up for what we want. :(

Xexex game runs on a dedicated PCB, no other game uses that pcb..... :thumbdown:
Also, from my top of my head, Xexex & xmen share the "evil" sound module 054544, making the board almost "priceless", if you have a Xexex/xmen with a fucked up 054544, you are in deep sh*t, cuz that module cant be sourced, besides a repro. :thumbdown:
This is me : http://www.jammarcade.net/konami-hybrid-sound-modules-undress/

And yes, conversion Sunset Riders<<<-->>> Turtles 2 is possible. :evil:

Have a good night, Dragos.
And yes, conversion Sunset Riders<<<-->>> Turtles 2 is possible.

Not trying to start a fight, but this information is 100% incorrect.
The only game that can be directly converted into TMNT2 is the Quiz game @Derick2k mentioned above...

Quiz Gakumon no Susume
is it just a matter of burning/swapping ROMS or is there other trickery involved?
The board is missing the customs, it's not possible.

If you require further proof consult the MAME source...
Sunset uses the same PCB sure, but the custom ICs are totally different.
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is it just a matter of burning/swapping ROMS or is there other trickery involved?
The board is missing the customs, it's not possible.
If you require further proof consult the MAME source...
Sunset uses the same PCB sure, but the custom ICs are totally different.
Just for fun, I did some Googling, and here's what I turned up.

From the MAME source file "konamiic.txt":

board #|year CPU tiles sprites priority palette other
-----|---- ------- ------------- ------------- ------ ------ ----------------
TMNT 2 GX063*1991 68000 052109 051962 053245 053244 053251 053990 (protection) 051550
Sunset Riders GX064*1991 68000 052109 051962 053245 053244 053251 054358

So the two boards are actually pretty similar, except for the "other" chips they use.

051550 handles coin counters and watchdog reset for the graphics and sound subsystems on Sunset Riders.
053990 handles protection on Turtles
054358 handles protection on Sunset Riders

So it looks like you can do a Sunset Riders to TMNT 2 conversion if you can adapt the protection over between the two protection chips, or if you patched out the protection altogether. And handled TMNT2 coin counters chip.

Presumably someone has already done this if @mr3xtraball has seen conversion boards in the wild, but I personally haven't turned up anything on conversion ROMs.

Whenver Turtles 2 game comes into topic/discussion, things start to heat up quickly, i wonder why?! :saint:
That mentioned Quiz...bla...bla game i believe is a straight conversion to Turtles 2, but i must point out, Quiz is hard to get/pretty rare.
But, i will repeat myself, conversion from Sunset -->>>Turtles 2 is 100% doable/posible. :evil: The required parts are a Sunset board, Eproms , patience, knowdlege and a little magic :thumbsup:
And yes a have seen Turtles 2 conversion out there in the wild.
Back on track, Xexex is a great game, with great graphics /colors, i am the proud owner of a copy of this game :thumbsup:

Have a good morning, Dragos

Yes, Sunset riders is a great game, but turtles 2 is a better game, same for Xexex.
In fact with little exceptions, most Konami titles from '87-'96 are good games. 8)

Presumably someone has already done this if @mr3xtraball has seen conversion boards in the wild, but I personally haven't turned up anything on conversion ROMs.
Same... I have never seen information about protection removal, or conversion ROMs existing for TMNT2.
IF someone actually has these, or a "bootleg" TMNT2/Sunset that's been turned into TMNT2 please dump it/share with the scene ASAP!

I'm more than sceptical about conversion ROMs existing, I'm afraid in this case I've gotta see it to believe it.

"knowdlege and a little magic" @mr3xtraball we all have ranging skill levels here that's true, but to say something requires magic?
Uh... Makes it sound like BS to me! If you mean magic = ROM hacking, then please say ROM hacking.

Zero use for cryptic language or vague statements, just saying.
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Jassin000, believe what you want, after all this is a free world, we all have the right to say our point of view.All i can tell you is that google hasnt come up with anything, it doesnt mean that it dont exist.
Regarding the ROMs used for Turtles 2 conversion, they are "stock" ROMs from mame, no hacking this time.And yes, it requires a bit of magic to get this job done. Needless to say that (some) other conversions are possible on (some) konami boards.

Good luck, Dragos.
Well maybe these conversion methods will be made public one day.

But...doesnt really matter I think...these boards are gonna keep failing and we wont have enough to do any conversions, lol. So...when my boards fail and I cant repair or convert any...mame/emulation it is then.