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It now just says:

Security cassette does not exist
Please insert security cassette
Someone told me to hold the test button while booting. it shows a message about clearing up the roms however still end up at the security cassette screen.
Is there any way to rip my own original disc and patch it so I dont need the security cartridge anymore?
Someone told me to hold the test button while booting. it shows a message about clearing up the roms however still end up at the security cassette screen.
something seems weird regarding your dip switch. when dip 4 is ON it's supposed to skip over the internal ROMs and read from the disc, when it's off it's supposed to disregard the disc and read from the ROMs first. But it sounds like it's reading from the ROMs regardless of position.

Is there any way to rip my own original disc and patch it so I dont need the security cartridge anymore?
only if you know how to do this:
the patches are mainly nop-ing every possible error caused by the absence of cart.
Unsure if this is off-topic, but I finally got around to buying a 573 and created a harness so I could play it on my MVS cabinet (space limitation, wife won't let me have more than one cab :P)

The System 573 came with a DVD-R with no label, and as far as I can tell, it is using DDR Extreme Pro - is this the same thing as the 12-in-1 super disc people talk about, like the Dance Maniax video in the OP?

How do I switch between mixes on this disc? Otherwise, any advice on getting MAME CHDs to run on official hardware? I assume the MAME dumps contain the no-cart patches, but attempting to convert those to a bin+cue and burn them just makes my System 573 boot loop (tried DDR5M)


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I assume the MAME dumps contain the no-cart patches
That's an incorrect assumption. MAME dumps always strive to be 100% original an unmodified. if they are patched versions they will usually be labeled as a bootleg or hack alongside the original modified version.

The Discs have no protection so you can uses a CD-R but you DO need the correct security cart to go with it.

If you want to play games on system 573 Your options are basically:
1. Find original Security Carts for the games you want to play.
2. Convert original security carts for use on other games. I've never tried it but there is info on that here: Konami system 573 Master Calendar
3. Find patched versions of the games (somewhere outside of MAME)
4. Patch the games yourseslf
Sorry for the big time Necro post; I recently got a bishi bashi champ with a 573 inside it. I haven't cracked open the 573 yet, but from what I've read here, I don't expect there to be a regular HDD inside.

I have the Japanese version of this game, and would love to put the English version of this games software on the cab.

Is it possible to write the English files to something the 573 can read? Just looking for where to start.
I’m glad I found this System 573 post here. I’ve got Fisherman’s bait 1 & 2 and dark horse legend in MAME. I have the CHD and rom files for these games. These games boot up fine but they get stuck at the security cart error. I’ve hit tab in MAME to move the dip switch 4 to boot from disk, then rom and vice versa. No luck. It always gets stuck at the security cart error / no security cart / wrong security cart on screen.

Is there any way to get past this in MAME? I heard there may be some patched game versions of these games to get around this? Or another system 573 MAME driver to use maybe? I’m using Batocera front end and the MAME and libetro MAME core for testing. All other games I have, are working it looks like.

Thanks for your help.
Is it possible to write the English files to something the 573 can read? Just looking for where to start.
no, the English version doesn't use a disc and is to my knowledge uncracked, so you'd have to solve both of those problems (something that as far as I know, no one else has ever done) to convert your unit

Is there any way to get past this in MAME?
yes, but the process is unique for each game. Generally you can can't flip the dipswitch "live" you need to reboot. Most games the process is this:
1. set the dip to install mode
2. exit the game
3. restart the game
3. set the dip to run mode
4. exit the game
5. restart the game.

if the game has separate install and run discs then you'll need to make sure you're loading the correct image for each step
no, the English version doesn't use a disc and is to my knowledge uncracked, so you'd have to solve both of those problems (something that as far as I know, no one else has ever done) to convert your unit

yes, but the process is unique for each game. Generally you can can't flip the dipswitch "live" you need to reboot. Most games the process is this:
1. set the dip to install mode
2. exit the game
3. restart the game
3. set the dip to run mode
4. exit the game
5. restart the game.

if the game has separate install and run discs then you'll need to make sure you're loading the correct image for each step
Thanks @twistedsymphony . So what about this security cart error? Does this procedure above get by that, or do I need something patched or an updated Syskey.cpp driver? The other fellow @Dion on this thread referred to some games he patched for the security cart. No idea how to do this. Just want to get this working, it’s bugging me. Ps. Here is a screenshot of the dip switches on fisherman bait - a bass challenge. What one is install and what one is run mode that you reference above. Thanks again. Cheers


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So what about this security cart error?
Which game are you getting that on? like I said the process is game specific... I just ran through Fisherman's bait no problem
This is the process for Fisherman's Bait
1. leave dip switch in "Flash ROM" mode
2. when prompted push your test button
3. wait for the flash process to complete and give you the message telling you to reboot
4. exit mame

next time you play it will start without any messages

it's possible you have bad ROMs or CHDs that don't match and that's why you're getting an error.

This forum is really for original hardware though, not MAME support.
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Which game are you getting that on? like I said the process is game specific... I just ran through Fisherman's bait no problem
This is the process for Fisherman's Bait
1. leave dip switch in "Flash ROM" mode
2. when prompted push your test button
3. wait for the flash process to complete and give you the message telling you to reboot
4. exit mame

next time you play it will start without any messages

it's possible you have bad ROMs or CHDs that don't match and that's why you're getting an error.

This forum is really for original hardware though, not MAME support.
Hi - It’s the fisherman bait games and the dark horse legend games that do the same thing. CHD and rom match I believe for each game. I don’t see it prompting me to push a test button, it goes into some sort of ram check automatically no matter after I load game from Mame. What is the test button on the keyboard? When I make the change on the dipswitch, I’m assuming it’s when I get stuck at the security cart error, is when I switch the dip switch and follow your above instructions?
I just tried Fishermans Bait 2 and that game automatically installs and boot without issue.

I think you have a problem with your MAME setup as there is nothing special needing to be done to run that game but launch it and wait.

I'd suggest you ask your question on a MAME forum where they might be able to better troubleshoot your setup.
I just tried Fishermans Bait 2 and that game automatically installs and boot without issue.

I think you have a problem with your MAME setup as there is nothing special needing to be done to run that game but launch it and wait.

I'd suggest you ask your question on a MAME forum where they might be able to better troubleshoot your setup.
Thanks for your help. I chose 0.139 libetro Mame out of batocera instead of regular Mame and it gives me the test prompt and everything now you refer to above. I guess regular Mame hasn’t incorporated some of the things to make system 573 work like 0.139 libetro Mame. That’s my 2 cents anyway. Thanks for your help and glad I got them working!
I'm using regular MAME.
Your problem is that you're using an ANCIENT version of MAME I'm currently running 0.219 which is old as I think the latest is 0.253 and you're on 0.139, you need to upgrade.

Just looked it up 0.139 came out in July of 2010... dude your MAME is 13 years old, it should be getting ready for high school not running games.

A quick note of thanks to twistedsymphonyfor all their work on sussing out how one can use a Fishman's Bait cart to get light outputs for Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ on a 573!!!

I was able to duplicate it successfully!

I'm not sure the the following question belongs here, so I apologize in advance if it needs to be moved.

Recently I was lucky enough pick up what I belive is an original Japanese three player HBBC with a version of software that has not been dumped yet (at least that I can find).

"GQ876 1998/7/4 VER. JAD"

One of the flash rams throws an error occasionally and I'd really hate to lose this version if there isn't a backup of it already.

For what it's worth I'm a lifelong collector with a background in electronics and have been repairing games pretty much all my life. I've also repaired a number of 573's including replacing the flash ram.

Since there are folks here with far more knowledge than I'll ever have, I figured it best to ask "how" first before screwing something up.

What is the appropriate method to grab this software as a backup and too share with others?

As a side note this version also has a "network" section in the game menu which appears to allow you to link two games (which I hadn't seen on the 2 player version).

Attached are photos of the "security cart" and such for reference.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!!!


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What is the appropriate method to grab this software as a backup and too share with others?

Lend it to someone who can dump the these flash chips.

In theory, it might be possible to create serial terminal to dump the flash via usb connector on the board, with custom program loaded via cd. But that is another story.
Welcome to the forum!
I'm glad you found my cart experimentation useful.

I think it's great that you've identified an undumped game version and are willing to dump it.
My suspicion is that the flash chips would need to be desoldered and dumped that way, but I've put an ask out to the DU to see if anyone has any advice.
My suspicion is that the flash chips would need to be desoldered and dumped that way, but I've put an ask out to the DU to see if anyone has any advice.
You don't need to de-solder them, if you have an ATA CD drive and an ATA hard disk drive.
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