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  1. R

    CPS-1 board identification - Final Fight

    Thanks, and thank you for the links
  2. R

    CPS-1 board identification - Final Fight

    Hi, I took a gamble and ordered a Final Fight CPS board stack from AliExpress...I know, I know. However, it was fairly cheap and I'd ordered a SF2CE one before which turned out ok in the end. Anyway, having tried it I've noticed some vertical lines in the video, I've yet to clean the...
  3. R

    CPS1 PAL chips (SF2CE)

    Hi, Does anyone know the purpose of the PAL chip located at position 11D and why I sometimes see it included with the SF2 upgrade rom set? When I upgraded mine I only replaced #21,22,23. Thanks
  4. R

    CPS1 Street Fighter 2 CE Sound Issues **Fixed**

    Hi, I recently purchased a Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (US 920313) board set, but it seems to have some sound issues and i am hoping that someone has seen this before. Most of the sounds are ok but certain samples such as the characters' special moves, Ryu's "Hadouken", Sagat's...
  5. R

    Arthrimus's DB15 Controller Adapters. PSX, SATURN, SNES.

    Finally got my snes to neo adapters programmed using the Arduino IDE and the MiniCore package. I'm using the ATmega328PB variant as there was no stock of the 'P' version at the time of my order. Many thanks @Arthrimus and @Frank_fjs for the code & PCB design! EDIT: Put it all together today...