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Mar 25, 2021
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New Zealand
This is one that I cooked up a while back and have been sitting on for ages, not quite finished...

The NeoGeo diagnostic bios is awesome, and even more awesome with the updated version from here
@ack posts on progress over here, thank you for your hard work!

There are quite a few bits to the complete testing set, there is the S1 test bios chip itself, the M1.bin for z80 testing, and there is the z80 test cart itself. I didn't use it often, was always losing either the test bios, or the normal bios when I took it out to fit the test one, forgetting what buttons did what in which test menu and etc

So I designed this to solve all of those problems.

This cart is a remix of this one here
and you'll need some 32 pin and some 40 pin ZIF sockets

And of course since there are many different CHA boards the cutouts on this particular one may not line up for you

This was the first attempt, some minor alignment but overall not bad

Here is the render of V2 with all the little alignment issues fixed
Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 7.16.17 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-07-07 at 7.15.35 PM.png

So couple of issues still to work through
1) Checking that it actually... works
2) The two inactive 40 pin bios chips are living where the old C1 and C2 roms used to go.
The C roms look like they take +5v on pins 22 and 32
22 is already unpopulated because I'm using 40 pin ZIF sockets instead of 42 pin ones
I could either excise 32 off the ZIF socket before installing it, or cut the trace.

I'll print it again to confirm that I've fixed the alignment issues then post the files here