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Feb 27, 2019
Reaction score
SF Bay Area
Hey everyone, been thinking about picking up some new games as well as a few miscellaneous parts and was looking to see if anybody has what I'm looking for.
  • A Neo Geo MVS MV-1F or MV-1FS
  • A couple of fun carts to get me started to go with said MVS. Looking at metal slug 3 or X and shock troopers? Others welcome.
  • Pocket Fighter (CPS2) Battery preferred but infinikey is ok too. No battery damaged pcb and no Phoenix please.
  • Pachinko Sexy Reaction... Hopefully this doesn't derail my WTB post too much... It's a dumb game, and I'm even dumber for wanting the actual board instead of just playing it on MAME once a year like I do now, but I want it. PCB only is fine - Not really interested in the panel/controls unless local due to shipping costs, and it plays fine without it.
  • Vewlix FC chrome coin slot in good shape. Mine is in a really sad state and it bugs me more than it reasonably should every time I feed it a coin.
  • Vewlix Marquee Screw and nut. I'm missing just one.
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Found / dealt with the Vewlix parts. Still looking for the rest!
Having a hard time finding any MV-1F for sale. What's a fair price to pay if I do come across one?
And of course still hunting for the others as well. Any leads appreciated.
Does it have to be a 1F? I’ve got a 1FS or 1FZ and some duplicate carts I could probably part with.
Does it have to be a 1F? I’ve got a 1FS or 1FZ and some duplicate carts I could probably part with.
I was looking for the easy stereo sound (off of the header), but It's not a hard requirement, more of a "would be nice" type of thing.
PM me and let me know what you have. I'm definitely open to other options.
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