the reports of atrfates theme running slugish on the stock cpu is true. Switching to the q6600 does help but not a great solution overall. i havent tested other CPUs as i only have the stock and q6600 at hand.
Also some of the sluggish-ness you witnessed Niko could be my fault to i might not have given you the pack that had the Original wmv format videos used on a nesica system. i cant remember which pack i gave you
I have been meaning to get around to making an img for people to test out but i have been getting side tracked with things and also a lot of laziness has been hindering me doing it too.
On another note upgraded gpus again like cpus will not improve performance as everything is frame locked and may introduce more heat and power usage both of which in an embedded design is not a good thing.
The PSU was specifically chosen to handle the load of the original configuration so going above this can have some side effects.
This is also an issue with upgrading the fans of the psu. i get people want a quieter system but remember fan noise is normally contributed to the overall output of the fan. so quieter in most cases means less airflow and less airflow in the TTX psu could severely decrease it's life span.
Sorry to really hound this at people but this is specifically design platform with specific power and heat constraints and upgrading without knowing what your doing is not a good idea.
Just to be clear im not having a go at people for upgrading but rather for upgrading and then telling everyone about without understanding and relaying the risks at the same time.
it's like when someone says hey you need to tune a pot on your monitor chassis to fix your geometry issues to a newbie but leaves out the part of dont touch that big red cable.
Knowing how to change a fan is one thing but knowing if a fan needs to be high static pressure or to know if a small reduction in airflow is going to still fit the profile it needs is another.
I'm going to use the fans suggested in the fan upgrade thread as an example. they are 4 cfm fans while the original fans are closer to 15 cfm. That is a MASSIVE reduction in airflow.
Again sorry for the rant. moral of the story dont upgrade unless you have a need for it and then research the crap out of it.